A Four-legged Chicken Was Born In Kuban - Alternative View

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A Four-legged Chicken Was Born In Kuban - Alternative View
A Four-legged Chicken Was Born In Kuban - Alternative View

Video: A Four-legged Chicken Was Born In Kuban - Alternative View

Video: A Four-legged Chicken Was Born In Kuban - Alternative View
Video: Rare four-legged chicken discovered in rural India 2024, June

Now home to the Kostin family, which lives in the village of Krylovskaya, local residents go to the zoo

Now home to the Kostin family, which lives in the village of Krylovskaya, local residents go to the zoo. Everyone is curious to gaze at a mutant chicken with extra limbs.

“We bought our miracle Yudo at the local market, along with other yellow mongrels,” says Nina. - Naturally, they were counted over their heads there, no one looked under their tail. And when they released our "guns" into the chicken coop, they saw that something had stuck to the fifth point of one of them. It turned out to be a "spare" pair of legs.

The bird's second set of limbs is not working, but even without them it rushes around the yard so that the rest of the chickens can only cluck enviously on the sidelines. Before taking a picture with an unusual laying hen, the hostess had to run after her around the yard for a long time.

- An additional pair of paws has everything - both fingers and claws, - after catching her breath, says Nina Kostina. - Among fellows, our chicken feels great, the roosters do not offend, the hens do not cackle viciously.

“This is a mutation, that is, a genetic malfunction,” explains Murat Emtyl, associate professor of the biological faculty of KubSU. - It could have happened due to radiation, high temperature or chemical exposure. As a rule, such chicks do not survive in nature, but in "greenhouse" conditions they are no different from healthy birds. Whether it is possible to eat the eggs of this chicken is difficult to say. To do this, you need to find out why such deviations occurred. I would not recommend eating it.