Ball Killer - Alternative View

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Ball Killer - Alternative View
Ball Killer - Alternative View

In the photo: Ball lightning, filmed by an unknown eyewitness in the winter (!!!) forest….

According to statistics, only in 9% of cases a meeting with ball lightning ends tragically for a person, however, this figure calms few people. What horrors about ball lightning are not told by eyewitnesses. Either she destroys entire houses, then breaks through tunnels in the mountains, or in a matter of seconds evaporates a two-hundred-liter barrel of water

1983 year. Climbing camp in the Elbrus region. Five are sleeping in a tent after a difficult climb. Silence and tranquility of the mountains … But what will happen on this night will haunt climbers in nightmares for a long time.

According to eyewitness Oleg Mysharin, he woke up with a strange feeling that someone else had entered the tent: a bright yellow ball the size of a tennis ball was slowly floating at a height of about one meter from the ground. The balloon hovered over the sleeping bag of a neighbor and suddenly rushed at him. There was a cry. The "ball" immediately attacked a neighbor from the other side.

One of the victims later said: “The ball burned through my sleeping bag, I felt a hell of a pain, as if several welding machines were burning me, and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I saw the same picture: the ball methodically, observing only the sequence known to him, attacked my friends, causing inhuman cries. People lay paralyzed by pain and fear. I myself could not move, my whole body was on fire. Where the ball disappeared, no one noticed. One of our comrades died."

The victims were taken to the hospital, the doctors saw a terrible picture: on the body of each of the climbers, there were from five to seven wounds. These weren't burns, but pieces of muscle torn to the bone. This is how ball lightning "worked".

What is ball lightning? This is how the scientists answer sounds: this is a plasma compound, which occurs, as a rule, due to the discharge of linear (ordinary) lightning. Sometimes ball lightning was observed in clear weather. The ball (in rare cases, it is oval and pear-shaped) is most often yellow, but there were also red, green, and even blue objects, ranging in size from a centimeter to one meter.

Interestingly, lightning can penetrate into a room not only through an open window. Even inconspicuous gaps are suitable for it. The movements of the ball, although unpredictable, produce an impression of internal logic on the involuntary viewer. Lightning disappears in different ways. It can leave, as they say, in English, without saying goodbye - just go out, or maybe explode with a noise, scattering in all directions with thousands of sparks.

Meeting with ball lightning, as a rule, does not bode well for a person. But there are also exceptions. There is a known case when the ball appeared among the people sitting in the open air at the table, and "prudently" kept at a distance, without causing harm to anyone. An almost curious incident happened to a shepherd boy. Having heard from adults that the lightning can be driven off with a branch, he successfully attacked the ball that had flown into the yard with a stick for about 10 minutes, until the "guest" retired. However, it seems that fireball cannot stand being frivolous about itself. One eyewitness fired a gun at her, and another threw a knife at her, and both paid the price: their consciousness went out for a couple of minutes. The barrel of the gun turned out to be torn apart, and the knife was melted …

And here is an amazing case when ball lightning in a strange way influenced the fate of one resident of the Altai Territory. “The first time I saw lightning on a clear day was fifty meters away from me,” says the woman. - It was about a meter in diameter. It happened on June 10, 1951. June 10, 1956 was my wedding day. On June 10, 1958, my still child was born, and my husband and I separated on June 10, 1972. The second time I saw ball lightning was June 10, 1976, in a very heavy rain. A large ball fell directly from the sky and split into several pieces."

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The typical state of people when observing the phenomenon is stiffness and confusion. However, it is by no means always accompanied by fear: sometimes people could hardly overcome the strange desire … to stroke the ball.

Describing their feelings when they met ball lightning, eyewitnesses almost always noted that it was perceived as an animated object. Many found a similarity in the "behavior" of a ball in an enclosed space with the behavior of a dog in an unfamiliar environment. Here is what the geophysicist G. U. Likhosherstnykh, who has devoted more than one year to the study of this phenomenon: “When it gets into a room, ball lightning does not just move, but as if looks around and thinks: what else to chip off, what else to surprise and scare. If it did not go beyond common sense and science, then they would probably try to apply the laws of psychology to it”.

Here the scientist comes very close to the hypothesis of "live" ball lightning. And in his assumptions, he is not alone. Researchers who oppose the official point of view put forward, at first glance, rather fantastic versions. Ball lightning is a creature with an incomprehensible mind and logic, consciously coming into contact with the surrounding reality. Perhaps - an analogue of a UFO, an extraterrestrial intelligence or an entity from a parallel world. Ball lightning cannot be caught and studied in detail in laboratory conditions. Therefore, the question: “What is ball lightning?”Remains open to this day.

Zippers can be stored in jars like cucumbers

Scientists cannot explain how such a small ball (lightning weighs only 5-7 grams) can hide so much energy. Experts only assume that its power can be comparable to that of a nuclear bomb. This means that ball lightning can be used to create a 21st century superweapon. During the experiments, the St. Petersburg scientists discovered that the fiery "ball" is capable of sliding along the laser beam. It turns out that ball lightning is a completely manageable phenomenon. In addition, when creating super-powerful weapons on its basis, the principle of laser guidance can be used.

On the question of how to technically solve this problem, scientists answer evasively, although in fact there are only two options. You can roll ready-made ball lightning into jars, like cucumbers, and send them to the military in this form. And at the right moment they will release deadly balls from the cans and direct them to the enemy. Or you can equip the army with special installations that will allow you to make fireballs right at the positions, and then shoot them at the enemy.

Penetrates the house through a crack in the glass

The installation on which the employees of the Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics Anton Egorov, Sergei Stepanov and Gennady Shabanov receive artificial lightning impresses with its simplicity. It is assembled, as usual in our country, from scrap materials. The main unit is a bowl of water. A metal tube is immersed in it, from which a luminous ball breaks down.

“Our installation simulates the conditions under which ball lightning is born in nature,” says Anton Yegorov, a leading specialist at the Institute of Nuclear Physics. - As a rule, it appears during a thunderstorm not far from the place where ordinary linear lightning strikes. And first, a plasma jet hits the air, from which a luminous ball is separated. Want to see how it works in the lab?

Of course, I agreed. The first thing the scientists talked about was safety. They told me to cover the lower part of the installation with a piece of cardboard so that a bright flash of light would not interfere with seeing the lightning itself. When everything was ready, Anton Yegorov read a prayer (as he explained, otherwise nothing will work) and an electric discharge was applied to the installation … A luminous stream hit the top, which in the next instant took the form of a ball. The color of the lightning was most of all similar to an ordinary light bulb, but in size it resembled a small grapefruit. After a second, the yellow-white cloud disappeared. While the capacitor banks were being charged for the next launch, scientists willingly talked about their "ward":

- Our laboratory lightning has existed for half a second, but it can already be seen with the naked eye. Now we want to find conditions under which we can get more "long-lived" balls.

Perhaps specialists will be able to explain the properties of ball lightning. The most insidious of them is the ability of the "heavenly villain" to change shape. She knows how to flatten into an ellipse, take the shape of a pear or stretch into a "sausage" just to get into a person's home.

“Ball lightning can fit into holes that are much smaller than its own size,” says experimental physicist Gennady Shabanov. - There are cases when it easily entered houses through stove pipes, electrical outlets and even tiny cracks in window panes. The latter is especially impressive. From the outside, it seems that a 30-centimeter ball passes through the glass without any problems, without losing its shape. After being in the room, the lightning becomes round again.

These are the humanoids seeking contact with us

Ball lightning has long been of interest not only to physicists, but also to ufologists. The latter are sure that they are dealing with "shutters" from parallel worlds, because sometimes ball lightning behaves not like a soulless plasmoid, but like a capricious living creature endowed with an obvious mind. On this score, there is a huge amount of evidence, but perhaps the most terrible incident occurred on August 17, 1978. In the mountains of the Caucasus, ball lightning attacked a group of climbers. A yellow ball the size of a tennis ball flew right into the tent and hovered at a meter height, as if looking around. And then he began to attack all members of the group, while showing sophisticated cruelty. The plasmoid in turn flew right into the sleeping bags of the climbers and pulled out pieces of flesh from each. At the same time, healthy men did not even try to protect themselves from the bloodthirsty "zaslanets" They lay quietlybleeding, as if their will were paralyzed by an unknown force. The victims were able to move only after the lightning left the tent. As a result, one of the climbers died, while the rest were taken by helicopter to the nearest hospital. The lightning inflicted at least seven wounds on everyone.

“Perhaps, in this way, the aliens took DNA samples or carried out some other experiments,” says ufologist Yevgeny Kalinin. - One thing is for sure: ball lightning is much more interested in living things than inanimate objects. It is no coincidence that when lightning penetrates a room, the first thing to do is to freeze in place, as if looking around and choosing a suitable object for "contact". Moreover, lightning does not always behave bloodthirsty in relation to people. There are cases when luminous balls simply left complex geometric patterns and even letters on the human body. I think that with the help of cryptic messages, the aliens are simply trying to make contact with us. It is a pity that we do not yet understand what they want to tell us. and according to the materials of the network.