Sleep Paralysis And Gray Aliens - Alternative View

Sleep Paralysis And Gray Aliens - Alternative View
Sleep Paralysis And Gray Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Sleep Paralysis And Gray Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Sleep Paralysis And Gray Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Sleep Paralysis | National Geographic 2024, September

Tells an unspecified US resident who sent his story to the site of the researcher of unusual creatures Lon Strickler.

It happened in July 2008, and the author is sure that this incident was much larger, that it was just sleep paralysis.

“As far back as I can remember, I had sleep paralysis. It started in childhood, when I was 8 years old, and then it happened with a frequency of about every 2-3 months, and in general 6-7 times a year. It was only in adolescence that I began to realize that this is possibly something more than just a physiological phenomenon.

It happened on a summer night in 2008. I woke up at about 5 o'clock and saw the edge of the rising sun through the window. And at the same moment, next to my bed, I saw something that scared the hell out of me.

Around my bed stood four short humanoid creatures with pale skin, large black eyes, large heads, and no ears. Instead of wearing, they had two tiny holes in their face, and instead of lips, just a narrow slit.

I tried to scream and jump out of bed, but I was completely paralyzed, like sleep paralysis. I could just lie there and feel my heart pounding in my chest with fear.

Two humanoids stood on the right side of the bed, one at the feet and one on the left. And the one on the left was doing something to my ribcage. Looking down, I saw that the blanket was pulled down to my waist, and my chest was bare. At the same time, I did not see any instruments in his hands, did not feel pain, but did not understand what he was doing to me.

The others just stood and looked at each other and their faces didn’t express anything, but I somehow felt that they were surprised that I woke up, because the left humanoid began to dig into my body faster and faster.

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I was so scared, and my heart was beating so hard that at some point it seemed that I was about to die and I thought that this is how people die in their sleep. At this rate, everything lasted 3-4 minutes, after which I realized that I had to do something and, first of all, subjugate my body.

I focused on my hands and concentrated strongly on the task and after 20 seconds I was able to move my hands. This was enough to push the left humanoid away from my body. At the same time, I felt that his skin was dry and very rough.

I didn’t push him hard, but he seemed very surprised or even frightened, because he suddenly let out a strange squeal, a similar cry from a cat when you accidentally step on its tail. At the same time, I heard the sound not with my ears, but it sounded in my head.

What happened next is much more difficult to say, because the next thing I remember is when I jumped up in my bed, and it was almost ten in the morning by the clock. The room was empty.

It happened 11 years ago, when I was 34 years old and until that moment, night paralysis happened to me, as I wrote above, regularly, but after this incident, then there was only one paralysis and this never happened again!

I still don't realize what it was, reality or just a very vivid dream."
