Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Just Games Of Your Own Brain - Alternative View

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Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Just Games Of Your Own Brain - Alternative View
Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Just Games Of Your Own Brain - Alternative View

Video: Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Just Games Of Your Own Brain - Alternative View

Video: Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Just Games Of Your Own Brain - Alternative View
Video: Hearing Voices and Paranoid Delusions: Inside a Schizophrenic Brain | Big Think 2024, September

What would you think of yourself if, being in an empty room, you heard very real voices belonging to strangers? Probably would have thought that they were crazy? However, one should not rush to conclusions.

There are many known cases when some voices warned a person about danger. Once the English poet George Gordon Byron was traveling through Greece with a local guide. Suddenly the Greek began to convulse. As they passed, the Greek announced that he had heard the voice of his father, warning that something terrible was happening nearby.

“Two years ago, I also heard my father’s voice, heeded his warning, and it saved my life,” he said. - The Turks carved out the village where I was going.

Byron shrugged skeptically, but decided to take a break. After a while, the poet and his guide set off again and soon saw eight dead bodies on the road. Apparently, a battle recently took place here, and if the travelers did not hesitate, they might have found themselves in the thick of the battle.

The staircase that didn't exist

And here is another episode from our time. A 13-year-old boy's mother died. When he returned home after the funeral, his father asked him to go for the groceries that were stored on the back stairs. And then the orphaned child suddenly heard the voice of the deceased mother, calling him from the room. He looked there, but found no one. However, as soon as the boy took a few steps to the door, the mother's voice called him again …

Then a neighbor came into the room and reminded the widower that the back staircase had recently been removed, as it had become very shaky. If the boy went there, he could fall from a great height and get injured or even die.

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Last Kiss

Sometimes mysterious voices simply warn us about upcoming events. A schoolgirl from Moscow Lena Grineva once heard the voice of her older brother calling her by name. At that time, my brother served in the navy, and there were no letters from him for a long time. For some reason, the girl immediately decided that her brother would soon return home. And so it happened.

But more often, auditory hallucinations portend tragedy

So, Irina K. from Moscow in January 1990, leaving home, kissed her father goodbye and suddenly heard a voice from somewhere above: "Next time you kiss the dead man." Two days later, she was talking to her father on the phone, and suddenly it was heard from above again: "You won't hear his voice again." And five days later, my father fell seriously ill and soon died.

Cryptic message

Sometimes people think they hear the news on the radio or TV. For example, on the morning of October 2, 1968, parapsychologist William Cox overheard a radio report of a car accident that killed a Baptist minister. His car collided with a postal car. During the day this news was repeated twice more, but for some reason they did not mention at what time the accident occurred.

The next day, Cox returned from work by taxi. On the way, the driver said that yesterday he saw a collision of a mail van with a clergyman's car. But he assured that it happened somewhere around eleven in the evening. Cox was perplexed, because he heard the news in the morning! They began to argue, each insisted on his own.

At home, the parapsychologist decided to call the radio station and find out when the message about the post van crash was first broadcast. To his surprise, he learned that the first time information about this hit the air the day before at midnight, and it was repeated only in the morning news release the next day.

Own subconscious

Here's another case. A young Englishwoman watched the news on June 1, 1974. The announcer talked about the violent explosion that took place that day at a chemical plant in Flick-Sabo, which took the lives of dozens of people. When her friends visited the girl, she told them about the terrible message.

In the evening, a television report was shown from the scene of the tragedy, but for some reason it was reported that the explosion took place at 16 hours 53 minutes. And the girl found out about him at noon! It turned out that no news bulletins were broadcast on the program at the time.

If you heard “otherworldly” voices or even saw a “picture” that turned out to be a hallucination, then it is not at all a fact that we are talking about contact with representatives of another reality (although this possibility is also not excluded), parapsychologists say. Most likely, in this way our own subconscious is trying to reach us and convey some important information …