Massage Of The "third Eye" In Indian Style - Alternative View

Massage Of The "third Eye" In Indian Style - Alternative View
Massage Of The "third Eye" In Indian Style - Alternative View

Video: Massage Of The "third Eye" In Indian Style - Alternative View

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Third eye massage - or Shirodhara - is one of the most unusual and pleasant Ayurvedic treatments. It consists in pouring oil warmed to a comfortable temperature from the top of the bowl onto the area of the middle of the forehead (third eye). This massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body, from the nervous system to smoothing out wrinkles on the face.

The sacred meaning of the Shirodhara procedure lies in the fact that due to the effect of a special mixture of oils on the chakras and the opening of the "third eye", the human energy field is restored, and the negative impact of the external world is leveled. The cult of the third eye has ancient roots. In many oriental beliefs, this unusual organ is a must-have for the gods. He allowed the gods to see the entire prehistory of the Universe, the future, and freely look into any corners of the universe. The image of the third eye on the forehead of deities can often be found in murals and on sculptures of Buddhist temples.

Shirodhara combines Indian massage techniques with the effects of falling drops of special aromatic oil. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Stimulating the third eye area has a strong effect on the brain centers, which secrete a substance such as serotonin, a chemical that induces feelings of pleasure and relaxation. It also releases subtle energies in channels along the spine, helping to calm and clear the mind.

The main ingredients of Shirodhara oil are sesame seed (sesame oil), sweet almond, sunflower and canola oil. The components for preparing the oil mixture are selected individually depending on the psychophysiological type of a person. While the oil is poured onto the forehead, the nervous system deeply relaxes. The brain waves calm down and become orderly. As soon as the brain becomes silent, the srotas (channels) of the pranavaha (energy body) and monk (emotional body) begin to transport prana, oxygen and other essential nutrients to the brain. When the brain is under stress, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is difficult. In this state of stress, the brain's ability to activate the mood-stabilizing receptors through the appropriate nerve conductors is extremely limited. When the brain calms down and the meals (channels) are activated, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is significantly improved and the permeability to these mood-stabilizing receptors is greatly increased.
