Traces Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

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Traces Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View
Traces Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of Previous Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Tale of two ancient civilizations 2024, June

And although the new documentary from the series "The most shocking hypotheses" is called "Where did the pharaohs come from", I think a more accurate name for it would be - "Traces of previous civilizations." The fact is that the film is dedicated not only to Egypt and the pharaohs, but also to the most ancient pyramids of Altai, the mummies of Tibet and even the mysteries of Mars, that is, to many other artifacts that are traces of previous civilizations - civilizations that were much more advanced than ours.

It is noteworthy that today it has already been proven that under the Egyptian Sphinx there is a hall of Atlantis annals, which was mentioned in the last century by the great American seer Edgar Cayce. By the way, this secret room was discovered thirty years ago by the American Egyptologist Larry Hunter, who tried to penetrate this treasure, but … did not have time. The Egyptian authorities immediately banned any archaeological excavations in the Giza valley.


But they themselves could not enter the mysterious hall: the fact is that the Atlanteans reliably protected it with an energy field. My colleagues and I, says Larry Hante, used completely different ways of searching and interacting with these ancient buildings. When we faced the energy field, we tried to neutralize it by chanting the most ancient mantras - and we almost succeeded. The fiery wall faded, and the researchers saw a small box on which stood a figurine of the god Osiris, holding an Egyptian ankh cross in his hand. But this only lasted for a few seconds, and then the energy field recovered again. Probably, says Larry Hunte, we could eventually get through this barrier, if the Egyptian authorities were not afraid of this …

The connection of ancient civilizations with the Gods

The pyramids of Giza, according to the American Egyptologist, were not built by the Egyptians and far from being for the burial of the pharaohs. And the pharaohs themselves are strange people, with elongated skulls (which they hid under high headdresses) and superpowers (they could, for example, terrify enemies with one glance). Most likely - these were the descendants of Atlantis, and the pyramids served them as a kind of tool for communicating with the Gods.


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This, for example, is proved by an experiment conducted with his colleagues by the director of MITSUFI at the Russian National Security Academy Valery Uvarov. They turned on the recordings of mantras in the so-called Chamber of the Kings of the Cheops pyramid. After playing the mantra Om, the pyramid seemed to come to life, filled with amazing energy, and when then the mantra Om-Ki sounded, the researchers heard a voice in their heads that conveyed the following: they heard you, but this pyramid is too destroyed and is no longer suitable for full communication. It turns out that in the days of Ancient Egypt, the pharaohs just communicated in this way with their rulers - the Gods, receiving from them, most likely, all the necessary information.


In the film "Where did the pharaohs come from" offered to your attention, there is a lot of other interesting information, which serves as proof of the existence of previous civilizations on Earth. For example, what kind of "stone coins" were used in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids? As it turned out, these inconspicuous rounds were unique connecting elements for the blocks, from which the grandiose Egyptian structures were built. These "coins" are more than a million years old, and modern science does not even suspect about such a construction technology. Or what are the pyramids found on Mars? Does this not mean that there was also a developed civilization there, and perhaps it still exists. And why is information about the most ancient burials and pyramids of Russian Siberia hidden in every possible way?..