100 Interesting Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

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100 Interesting Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View
100 Interesting Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

Video: 100 Interesting Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View

Video: 100 Interesting Facts About The Human Body - Alternative View
Video: 100+ Little-Known But True Facts About Your Body 2024, September

The human body is a complex and intricate system that has been studied by the best minds for several millennia. And this is an extremely interesting fact, because, despite this, our body is able to surprise even doctors, not to mention people without deep anatomical knowledge.


The impulses from the receptors to the brain travel at an astonishing speed of 275 kilometers per hour.

Our brain needs energy to work, commensurate with the energy of an ordinary light bulb.

The electronic equivalent of the memory capacity of the human brain can reach thousands of terabytes.

About 20% of the air from the blood stream goes to the brain.

The brain is more active at night when we are sleeping than during the day when we are awake.

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The higher the intelligence, the more dreams you see.

Neurons and brain tissue are capable of regeneration throughout our lives.

Different types of neurons transmit information at different rates.

The brain is not able to feel pain, it lacks pain receptors.

Brain tissue is four-fifths fluid.


Nails and hair

Women's hair is on average twice as thin as men's, and hair thickness and coarseness varies by race.

The beard and mustache grows faster than any other hair.

The average hair can support the weight of a hundred grams of chocolate.

Toenails grow 4 times slower than fingernails.

Every day a person drops from fifty to a hundred hairs.

Blondes have the most hair, but they are thinner.

The nail on the middle finger grows the fastest, probably because this finger is the longest.

There is a lot of hair on the human body, the same as that of our closest primate relatives, just not all of them are so clearly visible.

One hair can stay in place for an average of three to seven years.

Human hair decomposes so slowly that it is virtually indestructible.

Before baldness becomes noticeable to others, a person loses more than 50% of the hairline.

Internal organs

The heartbeat generates enough pressure for the blood to flow over a distance of 9 meters.

The small intestine is the largest internal organ in the human body.

The surface area of one human lung is approximately one-fifth of a football field.

Stomach acid can dissolve fine blades.

The total length of the human circulatory system is 96,500 kilometers. For comparison, the circumference of the Earth is only 40,000 kilometers.

The stomach lining is renewed every three to four days.

The heartbeat of women is faster than that of men.

Scientists have counted about 500 useful functions that the liver performs.

The diameter of the aorta is the same as the diameter of the garden hose.

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right due to the heart on the left side.

A person is able to survive without a huge part of his internal organs, such as the spleen, 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, stomach, kidneys, lungs and all organs of the pelvic region. Of course, it is not easy to live without most of the internal organs, but it is possible.

The adrenal glands change their volume throughout a person's life.


Basic body functions

The flow of air during a sneeze moves at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

During coughing, the air speed is reduced to 95 km / h.

A full bladder is the same size as a large grapefruit.

Almost 75% of the stool is water.

Women blink twice as often as men.

Earwax is produced to keep your ears healthy.

There are about five hundred thousand sweat glands on the feet, which are capable of secreting half a liter of sweat daily.

For a lifetime, a person produces so much saliva that it can fill two Olympic pools.

The average person experiences bouts of flatulence about 14 times a day.



The largest cell in the human body is the ovum, and the smallest is the sperm.

Teeth begin to appear six months before the baby is born.

Fingerprints appear in the embryo at three months.

Pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy have frequent dreams about frogs, house plants and worms.

Almost all babies are born with blue eyes.

With a comparative weight ratio, a newborn baby is stronger than a bull.

One in two thousand babies is born with an already grown tooth.

Each of us spent half an hour of our existence in the form of a single-celled being.

Most men get erections several times a night.


Sense organs

After a hearty meal, your hearing becomes worse.

About one third of humanity has perfect vision.

Unlike men, women have a more developed sense of smell.

If a product is unable to dissolve in saliva, we cannot taste it.

A person is able to remember about 50 thousand different smells.

Even the slightest noise causes the pupils to dilate slightly.

Each person has their own scent, which is completely unique; only twins do not have it. The smell of identical twins is identical.

Old age and death

The ashes of a cremated body weigh an average of 4 kilograms.

Nails and hair do not grow after death; they appear longer due to the fact that the muscles and skin dry out.

By the age of 60, people have lost about half of their taste buds.

The size of the eyes does not change at all, but the nose and ears do not stop growing until death.

By the age of 60, more than half of men and slightly less than half of women start snoring in their sleep.

A person retains consciousness for 20 seconds after decapitation.


Most often, according to statistics, heart attacks happen on Monday.

A person can survive without food longer than without sleep.

A normal, mild sunburn can severely damage blood vessels.

Almost 90% of illnesses can be either caused or complicated by stress.


Muscles and bones

To smile, you need to use 17 muscles, and for a frown, 43.

In the morning we are 1 cm taller than before going to bed, due to the fact that the upright position puts pressure on the spine.

At birth, the number of bones is 300. Over time, some of them grow together, and in an adult there are fewer of them - 206.

The hardest bone is the jaw.

The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.

To take one step, a person must engage 200 different muscles.

A tooth is the only part of the body that cannot heal itself.

It takes twice as long to lose newly acquired muscle as it does to gain muscle mass.

Bone is stronger than some steel alloys.

Of the 206 bones in the human body, 52 are on the feet.



There are about 16 million bacteria living on every square centimeter of skin.

The outer skin of a person is renewed every 27 days.

Every day, the human body produces 300 billion cells.

In our body, about 300 million cells die every minute.

We shed about half a million dead skin particles every hour.

A person's tongue print is as unique as a fingerprint.

There is enough iron in the human body to melt a nail 7 centimeters long.

The most common blood type is the first. About half of the world's population has this type of blood.

The color of the lips is so bright because the capillaries in them are located right under the thin layer of skin.


The size of the baby's head is 25% of its entire body length. An adult's head is only one-eighth of its height.

The colder it is in the bedroom, the more likely you are to have a nightmare.

Tears and mucus contain an enzyme that can break down the membranes of many bacteria, thus protecting us from infection.

In half an hour, the human body produces enough energy to bring 4 liters of water to a boil.

Our ears produce more sulfur when we are scared.

You can't tickle yourself.

The arm span usually matches the height.

Humans are the only representatives of the animal world who can cry over emotions.

According to statistics, right-handers live 9 years longer than left-handers.

Women burn calories more slowly than men.

Koalas and primates also have unique fingerprints.

The depression between the nose and the upper lip is called the nasal groove. For what it is to us, scientists have not determined.


Hope Chikanchi