Getting Information In Lucid Dreams Is Valuable - Alternative View

Getting Information In Lucid Dreams Is Valuable - Alternative View
Getting Information In Lucid Dreams Is Valuable - Alternative View

Video: Getting Information In Lucid Dreams Is Valuable - Alternative View

Video: Getting Information In Lucid Dreams Is Valuable - Alternative View
Video: What Lucid Dreaming Looks Like 2024, October

Some experienced dreamers advise using the time of lucidity in dreaming as efficiently as possible, for example, for healing diseases or obtaining information. It is on the latter that we will dwell in more detail today. So, is it possible to obtain truthful information using the techniques of lucid dreaming?.. Those who regularly practice these practices answer this question in the affirmative. Here. for example, what the Russian researcher of out-of-body practices and lucid dreams O. Kuyava writes on this subject in his book “Phase. Reality Improvement Tool :

And for me - whatever you call the information fields - a kind of "universal Internet", and we get information from there. And if we learn how to use the local "search engine" correctly, then we can learn a lot of interesting things. True, as in the regular Internet, not all information is available to us. Access to the "secret" segment, obviously, depends on the level of development of our consciousness. But even without this access, we can get a huge amount of information in the OS if we develop the appropriate skills.

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