The Mysteries Of History Stored In Coal - Alternative View

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The Mysteries Of History Stored In Coal - Alternative View
The Mysteries Of History Stored In Coal - Alternative View

Video: The Mysteries Of History Stored In Coal - Alternative View

Video: The Mysteries Of History Stored In Coal - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Confirm the Oak Island Mystery Is Solved (2020) 2024, September

As you know, coal was formed on our planet hundreds of millions of years ago, and therefore things that are occasionally found in coal seams, often at a depth of hundreds or more meters, have lain there for at least 300 million years. At the same time, it is amazing what exactly is found in this ancient coal …

For example, in the last century, a certain Mrs. S. W. Culp accidentally found in a coal she bought a chain weighing 192 grams, made of 8-carat gold. Having smashed a large piece of coal so that it would be more convenient to put it in the furnace of the stove, the woman discovered this decoration, which miraculously fell into the stone layer. Such a find is not just an event, it is a real sensation, because 300 million years ago, when this lump of coal was formed, on Earth, according to official science, there was no trace of man. Then who made this decoration and why?


And a lot of such mysterious finds have accumulated over the past two centuries. For example, co-authors of the book "Forbidden Archeology" Richard Thomson and Michelle Cremo cite many such examples that do not fit into the generally accepted history of mankind, forcing serious thought …

Gifts from coal

… In 1928, in the state of Oklahoma, USA, in a coal mine at a depth of about a hundred meters, workers, when disassembling coal after an explosion in a tunnel, suddenly discovered hexagonal concrete blocks, each face of which was exactly 30 centimeters long and was perfectly polished. Subsequent blasting operations uncovered an entire wall made of such hexagonal blocks. Experts have determined that the age of coal is at least 280 million years. Who built these structures at that time? Yes, even made of concrete, which is not afraid of time? And this is not an isolated case when in the mines deep underground there are mysterious buildings of the deepest antiquity. Fantastic gifts that coal gives us are sometimes found at great depths, where layers have formed 600 million years and even earlier.


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No less interesting can be called a find in coal in 1912 in Oklahoma, USA. Here's what Frank Kenwood wrote about it:

We mined coal in Thomas that year and I came across a very large piece that I decided to break. Under the blow of a sledgehammer, he split into two halves, and inside it was a metal mug. My partner Jill Stull was a witness to this. As far as I know, the coal was formed about three hundred million years ago. How did the mug get there? Unfortunately, scientists took it away from us - and with both ends, so I cannot say something about the mug itself, the composition of its metal, and so on …

Many similar finds have been made in the Wilburton mines, whose coal is more than 300 million years old. Here, once in a lump of coal, a silver ingot was found, and it was of the correct shape with imprints of rivets on it.


Iron nails, gears, bolts were also stuck in the coal … And the copper bell with an artistically made handle, which was discovered in a piece of coal by the American Newton Anderson in 1944?..

A lot can be said about such riddles, and these are only "gifts" of coal. Everything else that researchers of antiquities find and that quite fits the definition of "forbidden archeology" is incomparably greater (see the video about this).

Are there traces of former civilizations in coal?

Who left all this on Earth at that distant time when dinosaurs did not roam on it? After all, science claims that lizards appeared on Earth about 225 million years ago. A concrete wall found in a coal mine is 600 million years old, and all kinds of household items and decorations are 300 million years old or more. Who owned all this? Aliens? With a stretch, one can assume that it was they who built the wall, but a gold chain, an ingot of silver, a copper bell, an iron nail, a bolt and a metal mug - something poor for the aliens, and why do they need all this?..


It turns out that there were civilizations on Earth long before the appearance of mankind, and we know absolutely nothing about it. And we don’t want to know, because, on the one hand, “unsinkable” Darwinism, and on the other, all kinds of political adventures, expressed in the desire of the mighty of this world to correct or even radically change history, turned people into savages who, figuratively speaking, were imprisoned into an artificial cage and taught them (through false textbooks and corrupt media) that this particular cell is our one and only habitat.

Think even about this already common definition that Richard Thomson and Michel Cremo took for the title of their book - forbidden archeology. Why is it forbidden and, most importantly, by whom and on what basis is it forbidden?..