Egyptian Execution: The Most Terrible Insect Invasions In History - Alternative View

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Egyptian Execution: The Most Terrible Insect Invasions In History - Alternative View
Egyptian Execution: The Most Terrible Insect Invasions In History - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Execution: The Most Terrible Insect Invasions In History - Alternative View

Video: Egyptian Execution: The Most Terrible Insect Invasions In History - Alternative View
Video: The most massive insect invasions 2024, September

The smallest creatures of nature are capable of causing irreparable harm to humanity in a very short time. It is impossible to predict insect invasions: they do not even attack, they just migrate, destroying everything that comes their way. Do you remember the story of the pharaoh, who was sent to the locusts? So these are trifles compared to much more serious invasions. Read about the bugs that attacked the biggest music festival, the termites that ravaged a bank, and the killer hornets that terrorized the city for a month.


Sometimes insects appear just like that, out of nowhere. Guests of the famous Burning Man encountered this strange phenomenon: in 2015, a cloud of unidentified beetles covered the entire festival site. The insects bite painfully, spraying an incomprehensible fetid liquid along the way.



The whole state of Rhode Island was hit by an unprecedented invasion of silkworms in 2016. In just a month, hordes of caterpillars destroyed tens of thousands of trees, putting the entire logging business at risk.

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Workers at the construction site of LaGuardia airport were forced to fight with a million mosquitoes that appeared literally out of nowhere. The danger was so great that the overhaul was almost canceled.



And the inhabitants of Memphis fought with spiders throughout the fall of 2015. The arachnaphobes left the city altogether: millions of spiders weaved such a thick web that it even covered the sidewalks.



Global climate change is far from a myth. The inhabitants of Albuquerque were convinced of this in their own skin. The summer of 2014 was marked by locusts: insects that moved to Albuquerque due to climate change literally occupied the city.



In China, there are the so-called killer hornets - huge and very dangerous insects, the bites of which often lead to death. In the suburbs of Shanghai alone, more than four dozen deaths were recorded in 2013.



The Mumbai-based bank was forced to file for bankruptcy after hordes of termites infiltrated its vault in 2011. Malicious insects have destroyed about ten million dollars.