True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

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True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: True Or Fiction? - Alternative View

Video: True Or Fiction? - Alternative View
Video: Fake News: Fact and Fiction - what do you know about information? 2024, September

Dinosaurs, mammoths, saber-toothed tigers are animals that people know only from pictures. They all died out thousands of years ago. But there are mysterious creatures on earth that refute such claims of scientists. Some supposedly extinct or mythological animals live in the ocean depths, others on the surface of the earth - in forests, mountains and deserts.

Extinct or legendary creatures, or about which there is very scant and contradictory information, is the science of cryptozoology.

Sea Serpent Cady

Whether a marine animal actually exists has not been scientifically proven, but since the beginning of the 19th century, many people have seen it. The snake is found mainly off the coast of British Columbia, in Canada, in the San Francisco Bay in the USA. This is the cadborosaurus, or Cadi (Cady).

Eyewitnesses describe him as a creature with a long, up to 20 m, bottle-colored serpentine body, with three humps and a head resembling the head of a horse. The caudal and front and fins are clearly visible. Moves at a speed of at least 40 km per hour.

Renowned cryptozoologist McGuire was lucky enough to see Caddy himself. The researcher later said that the creature was seven meters long, judging by its size - a young individual.

It is known about the animal that it is predatory - it hunts fish, seals and birds. For a person, the creature is not dangerous, there has never been any information about an attack. They say they see small cadborosaurs too, so the population does not disappear.

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Mythological squid

Modern technology makes it possible to study only the narrow continental shelf near the continents - this is a tiny fraction of the underwater areas. What other forms of life exist there, we can only explore with the development of technology.

One of the legends is associated with a giant squid. The first description came from ancient times; Herodotus wrote about it in the 8th century BC. In his Odyssey, the mythical character Scylla is most likely a giant squid.

Jules Verne then described the giant octopus in his adventure novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. After the publication of the novel, the theory of a giant animal called the Kraken became very popular.

The squid is an active predator, it has ten tentacles with suckers. If earlier it was believed what an animal attacking ships was, only a fiction of the authors. But when whaling developed, whales began to come across, on whose bodies there were traces of huge suckers from the tentacles of mollusks. They also find dead squids, the length of which reaches 20 meters, and the eyes are up to 30 cm in diameter. Therefore, it is believed that giant squids are a scientifically proven fact.

Terrestrial inhabitants of the Jurassic period

Most often, prehistoric lizards are observed in the Congo and the Central African Republic. Here, in the Likual swamps, dinosaurs, which should have died out 65 million years ago, live among poisonous snakes, hordes of angry mosquitoes and crocodiles. The natives called them mokele-mbembe (“blocking the river”). Presumably it is a diplodocus. The description of the appearance reminds everyone of the famous inhabitant of Loch Ness Lake.

American cryptozoologists organized several scientific expeditions to these terrible places and collected evidence from local residents, but they themselves did not meet the animal.

Lucky for the expedition members led by Jace Pauls, he conducted research on the Locorro River, where, according to the Aborigines, a prehistoric creature is most often found. They saw on the surface of the water a head on a long neck and part of the creature's back. Incredible! A living dinosaur from the Cretaceous period. The expedition members took photographs and videos.

Story? But they discovered a living coelacanth, a fish that was considered extinct thousands of years ago, and it could only be seen as a print on a stone. So why the dinosaur could not safely survive to this day in these semi-wild places.

Pterodactyls overhead

Even more sensational information about the sighting of flying pterodactyls was first mentioned from the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, America and Europe. For example, in 1976 several people in America witnessed strange creatures at once. They are described in the same way - huge, with black-brown skin, a beak with teeth, red eyes and a wingspan of up to 4 m.

A very strong animal, some attacked people, trying to lift them into the air. One person, while driving a car, heard a violent bang on the roof of a car. Going out to see what the matter was, I saw a disgusting animal with wings without feathers, making terrible sounds. Then it rose into the air and flew away.

Fossilized bones of a pterodactyl were found in the American National Park Big Bend. Scientists, having learned about the appearance of living animals, suggested that they could theoretically survive in the high-mountain, sparsely populated areas north of the Rio Grande Valley.

When the images of dinosaurs were compared, it turned out that this is a pterodont that lived more than 150 million years ago. Another riddle!

Lake in Tver

Lake Brosno in the Tver region also kept a secret for a long time. At the beginning of the last century, the inhabitants of the surrounding villages talked about some terrible monster, which from time to time floated to the surface of the water. Terrible lingering sounds were heard, terrifying, while a disgusting smell, and sometimes fire, appeared.

In 2002, a Kosmopoisk expedition was sent to the Tver region to investigate the mythical creature, in which 23 people participated. This time it was possible to prove the origin of the anomaly. It turns out that people were frightened not by a large animal, but by methane, which accumulates at the bottom of the lake and sometimes rises to the top, creating the appearance of a large animal. One mystery has ceased to exist.

The Gobi Desert Mystery

In the endless Gobi Desert, the climate is harsh, there is little vegetation. A creature lives here that has always terrified nomads - it is olgoy-khorhoy, which means "a gut-like worm", they describe the creature in all regions of the country in the same way.

What is this - a character of legends or in fact there is a small population of creatures that is carefully hidden from people. They are gray-yellow in color, similar to the guts of a cow or horse. Kills with a stream of poison, according to another version - with an electric discharge.

For a long time, they did not find a single real evidence of the existence of the animal, but then the members of the expedition from the former Czechoslovakia discovered the remains of a strange object that looked like a snake without scales.

Most scientists are inclined to believe that such a creature can exist in the poorly studied desert places of the Gobi. But it is not yet known whether it is a snake or a worm that has adapted to live in harsh conditions.

There are many mysterious animals in the world, or is it an invention of people, it is not yet known for sure. Some believe, others, skeptics, believe that this is unlikely. Time will tell!