Lao Gong: The Point Of Peace Of Mind - Alternative View

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Lao Gong: The Point Of Peace Of Mind - Alternative View
Lao Gong: The Point Of Peace Of Mind - Alternative View

Video: Lao Gong: The Point Of Peace Of Mind - Alternative View

Video: Lao Gong: The Point Of Peace Of Mind - Alternative View
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Experts in the field of chirology (a science that allows predicting the fate of a person by his hand) call Lao Gong a magical point of peace of mind.


Lao Gong Point is amazing! Impact on it simultaneously gives deep relaxation and helps to recharge with energy, restore strength.

Down with illness and stress

Treatment is especially effective with a series of exercises that affect Lao Gong during illness, during the recovery period, as well as with prolonged stress that threatens to develop into depression, with a breakdown.

All these misfortunes suck energy out of us, drain the body's energy reserves. The result is sad: no strength, no desire to act. And the longer you allow yourself to lie on the couch with your nose buried in the wall, the more you get tired. After all, all sources of energy supply are thus blocked. This is where work with the Lao Gong point comes to the rescue.

It is not difficult to find it: it is located exactly in the center of the palm (Fig. 1). Bend your middle finger, press it against your palm - the tip will lie just on our magic point. It is better for right-handers to act on this point on the right palm, for left-handers - on the left. Sometimes it is necessary to act on a point on both hands.

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Doctors began to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome back in the 20th century. But they have not learned how to successfully cope with this syndrome. Everything is too individual for each person. Someone needs physical activity to recuperate, someone needs a diet and walks before bedtime, someone needs strong motivation, and someone will not recover without a psychotherapist.

The disease itself is mysterious: all analyzes are in perfect order, a complete examination does not reveal any abnormalities, and a person barely has enough strength to get out of bed in the morning and somehow drag himself to work. Neither labor exploits, nor love, nor communication with loved ones have the strength. Yes, and no desires. Mechanically chewing something, just as mechanically performing a minimum of daily duties …

So, the solution suggested by ancient oriental healers: daily massage of the Lao Gong point. Massage it for five to ten minutes. With the thumb of the other hand, clockwise, not pressing too much, but still sensitive. An auxiliary means, contributing to the "recharging of batteries" will be the reception of tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Prevention is better than medication

Japanese masters have developed a system of finger exercises to prevent the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. And this is right: it is much wiser to do simple gymnastics for the fingers every day than to wait for a breakdown and then heroically fight it. In difficult periods (for example, an examination session, preparation for a serious test at work or for an important report), start doing this gymnastics in advance. Be sure: at the right moment you will be on top. It is especially convenient that the exercise does not require any special conditions. They can be done right at the desk, at home in front of the TV, etc.

Magic point

Press the thumb of one hand to the Lao Gong point on the palm of the other. Grasp your palm with your free fingers (Fig. 2).

Squeeze your palm and then release the pressure until you get bored. Then, when the hands are warmed up, rhythmically press the magic point five times. While pressing, exhale, releasing the pressure, take a deep breath. Do not hurry.

Change hands and repeat the same on the other hand.


This exercise is especially effective before the start of any important event: a business meeting, an important date for you, a public speech, a report to your superiors.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, while clenching your fingers into a fist (Fig. 3).

The thumb inside the fist rests on the Lao Gong point. Hold your breath for a count of five, then, exhaling slowly, release the pressure. Repeat five times.

Health balls

Probably everyone has seen sets of two small metal Chinese balls, "singing" when moving.

The essence of ball gymnastics is to roll them in the palm of your hand. The balls gently affect all points located on the hand, including, of course, the Lao Gong point.

No balls? It doesn’t matter: they will be successfully replaced by large walnuts.

Magazine: Horoscopes and Predictions №11