Radston Monolith - The Tallest Menhir In England - Alternative View

Radston Monolith - The Tallest Menhir In England - Alternative View
Radston Monolith - The Tallest Menhir In England - Alternative View

Video: Radston Monolith - The Tallest Menhir In England - Alternative View

Video: Radston Monolith - The Tallest Menhir In England - Alternative View
Video: Rudston Monolith: Britain's Tallest Standing Stone & the 'Gypsey Race' | Megalithomania 2024, September

In the village of Radston, which is located in the English county of Yorkshire, there is an attraction - the Radston Monolith. This is a huge menhir, processed by people, which is about 8 meters high, 1.75 meters wide and about 1 meter thick.

It is in the churchyard, in the cemetery. However, the church appeared much later than the stone on this place - it is believed that it stood here 5 thousand years ago. And the church was built on a place that was iconic for many centuries - there was an ancient pagan sanctuary here.

In the 19th century, excavations were carried out here, and many ancient skulls were found, which are most likely the results of human sacrifices.


During the excavations, it was also discovered that the stone goes deep into the depths - according to various assumptions, there is another 1.5 to 8 meters underground of the Radston Monolith.


Interestingly, local legends say that once upon a time there was another monolith of the same kind, which was dropped and buried during the construction of the church.

By the way, it is interesting that you can still see the footprint of a dinosaur on this stone.

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Another curious fact is that the Radston Monolith was carved from rock, which is at a distance of at least 40 miles from Radston. The weight of the monolith is about 40 tons. And the question arises - how was it brought here thousands of years ago?

Let me remind you that I also talked about a mysterious ancient stele in France.


Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya