Aliens Behind Climate Change? - Alternative View

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Aliens Behind Climate Change? - Alternative View
Aliens Behind Climate Change? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Behind Climate Change? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Behind Climate Change? - Alternative View
Video: Aliens Are Our Best Chance Of Solving Climate Change | David Saddington | TEDxCityUniversityLondon 2024, September

An unidentified strange object spotted in the skies over Amsterdam has aroused conspiracy theorists. They say that the "invasion of dark angels" has begun on Earth.

An eyewitness video captured a mysterious object flying straight from the center of the tornado.


One user who commented on the video claims that the "spherical lights" are "fallen". In his opinion, "cattle mutilation is the work of these spheres, which are dark angels."

Another user is sure that this and similar lights are the so-called "Chariots of Israel" and "Horsemen of the Apocalypse", foreshadowing sorrow.

It is also believed that such lights are "responsible for crop circles," although skeptics consider them secret weather drones that fly into the center of a tornado to measure its strength.

In other words, the explanation for this event remains unclear.

Promotional video:

Editorial comment

To begin with, we present for our readers the original video of the incident - that is, without the voice of the moron off-screen and the music selected by this copy-paste:

If we do not consider the versions of "Israel's Chariots" and "secret military drones", then the most logical would be to assume the appearance over Amsterdam of the flying vehicle "Martians", which, most likely, caused this tornado.

A similar video (UFO + tornado) is far from the first and a month ago the same was filmed on one of the beaches in Italy:

We will not argue that UFOs are behind every atmospheric vortex, but let us draw the attention of our readers to the fact that large cyclones always cause serious MIMIC anomalies:

Perhaps the UFO is precisely the explanation for these artifacts. Furthermore.

As we all know from the press, space flights of all sorts of devices have led to the destruction of the ozone layer, since each launch makes a small hole there with exhaust. And since there are many launches and the damage is delayed rather slowly, such holes in the atmosphere grow. And now let's imagine that the flights of the “Martians” leave behind!

Their technology is unknown to us, but for sure large ships leave behind this or that turbulence. At the same time, we know that UFO sightings in recent years have become ten times more frequent and at the same time strange climate anomalies are observed, in particular tornadoes in Europe, where they were not born. Therefore, one can think that behind these strange tornadoes are not "climatic changes", but aliens, which recently scattered something.

It is also possible that they are also responsible for earthquakes, since the local magnetic and gravitational fields that move the ships are likely to find some kind of response both in the mantle and in the lithosphere.

Surely all of you feel when a big truck arrives near the building you are in. And if a tank passes by, this will be felt by people throughout the quarter. Probably the same will happen if space trucks, for example, the size of a city, start flying over the heads of earthlings. And if we do not see these trucks, this does not mean that they are not.