Megaliths Speak. Part 21 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 21 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 21 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 21 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 21 - Alternative View
Video: Baalbek without Aliens? Mystery of the Great Megaliths 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 -

Yes, it just so happened that descriptions of a terrible catastrophe are almost completely absent. Only echoes have survived in the form of myths and legends, such as Titanomachia, and others like it, described in the Mahabharata and oral traditions of small peoples. There is a description of the Flood in the Bible, which is considered one of the oldest literary monuments. But all these evidences are not considered reliable sources of history as a science.

Megalith! Do you remember Tartary?

there are only postulates about the unimaginably ancient history of the existence of the planet Earth, with its eras and periods in which there is no place for man. Man allegedly appeared on Earth quite recently, when another half of Eurasia was under the skinny ice left by the great glaciation. And as the glaciers melted, people began to settle in the lands that they liberated. That is why, scientists say, there is no history in Siberia, Kolyma and Chukotka.

It's a conspiracy or a delusion, it's not for me to decide, but logic and common sense paint a completely different picture. And in many ways, this picture was able to form in the process of studying megaliths. Yes, we can say that "talking megaliths" are not at all a metaphor. Stones are silent witnesses to the history of the Earth, which are practically eternal. Hundreds of generations of living beings replace each other, and stones live for themselves and live. And by their very existence, many more armchair writers with the titles of doctors of sciences and academicians are able to tell.

If we abandon the existing scientific paradigms, then the available data will be quite enough to build a new concept that does not contradict common sense. The location and state of megalithic objects, as well as the landscapes that surround them, together with the data of geology and soil science, as well as the areas and composition of flora and fauna, make it possible to build such a concept.

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New concept of the death of Tartary

Fossil animals did not become extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago. More recently, mammoths, rhinos, saber-toothed tigers, and other animals were found in abundance throughout the continent. There was no trace of glaciation. On the contrary, the climate of the Arctic coast was comparable to the current temperate, and in some places, subtropical. The very fact of the habitation of herbivores with a large body mass suggests that there was enough food for everyone. And this is confirmed by the finds of tropical fruits next to frozen mammoth carcasses.

Those traces on the terrain, in the form of elongated ravines, separately lying granite boulders, glacial lakes, etc., are not at all the result of a centuries-old glacier advance, which, like a bulldozer's knife, raked everything in its path from northeast to southwest. This is the result of a giant wave swept to the middle of the continent. And this wave was accompanied by a sharp drop in temperature. The reasons for such a rapid freezing can only be guessed at, but not denied. This is clearly evidenced by the data of paleontology. The bodies of the dead animals were frozen instantly.

"Comet" version

This explains their excellent preservation (the meat of such animals is still suitable for consumption as food), and the presence of unchewed food in the mouth and esophagus. In addition, crustaceans were found in the glaciers on the tops of the Kolyma hills, which are nothing more than a variety of Arctic krill. This fact indicates that the height of the wave rushing from the Arctic Ocean was more than a kilometer. It swept overland, leaving many lakes and swamps, and in the vast territory of northern Siberia and the northeast, everything instantly froze out.

Such a phenomenon could be caused, for example, by the loss of a significant part of the atmosphere over the Arctic, due to a dangerous approach to the comet. When its core, flying very close to the surface of the ocean, raised a gigantic wave, and the comet's tail literally touched the surface of the earth, and "blew out" the air. And it could be that the comet, which is a gigantic piece of frozen gas, generally disintegrated into pieces and crashed into the Arctic Ocean.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Igor Vladimirovich Davidenko adheres to a similar version. The hypothesis about the fall of a large meteorite in the region of the Faroese archipelago, which caused a giant tsunami, he outlined in his work "Faroese astroblema". But personally, I consider the version of the collision of the Earth with cosmic bodies one of the most unlikely.

Pole version

The hypothesis about the displacement of the Earth's axis of rotation seems much more realistic. Or, as they say, about changing the poles. Such a shift can be caused by various reasons, from periodic "somersaults" of the planet, due to the effect of the Janibekov effect, to abrupt periodic deviations of the earth's axis. Scientists tell us that the precession of the earth's axis takes place over twelve and a half thousand years. But who can confirm this, if the history of astronomical observations is only two hundred years old?

"Earth-expansion" version

Undoubtedly, one cannot discount the hypothesis of the expansion of the Earth. The fact is that science does not deny the fact that our planet is "growing" in diameter by 2.8 cm per year. And such an expansion in general does not threaten anything.


However, there is a version that the Earth is periodically expanding in "jerks", by several tens of kilometers, over several days or weeks. It is not hard to imagine what such a leap is fraught with for all life on the planet.

"Tectonic" version

The version about the geotectonic catastrophe, which was caused by the displacement of lithospheric plates and platforms within a very short period of time, looks more plausible. This is when a huge section of the continent moved from the southeast to the northwest, and all shaken by colossal earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, it seemed to dive under the Arctic Ocean.


And unlike real traces of celestial bodies falling to earth, traces of lithospheric disasters on Earth are present in sufficient quantities:


But, as you know, the truth is always somewhere in the middle. You can now guess and argue about what was the consequence and what was the cause of the catastrophe, but it is impossible to deny the very fact of its recent event. This is evidenced not only by the discrepancy between real landscapes and the maps shown, but also, in fact, the complete absence in Siberia of trees older than two hundred years. Thus, it is quite clear that quite recently, at the time when the "development of Siberia" is attributed, there was especially nothing to master there. Who needs the endless expanses of the lifeless desert from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean? Actually, a hundred years ago, there was no vegetation around Krasnoyarsk except for grass, and that which the settlers planted in their gardens.


Own version. "Refrigerating"

I myself am leaning towards the version of the combined disaster. How it was provoked is not so important in this context. The main thing is its consequences:

- There was a shift of lithospheric plates to the northwest from the previous location;

- The terrain has changed;

- The outlines of the coastline of the northeastern part of the continent have changed dramatically. A new sea (Okhotsk), a new peninsula (Kamchatka), new islands appeared, while Japan, on the contrary, turned from one large island into an archipelago;

- The climate has changed dramatically.

But about the causes of the global cooling, I propose to reflect separately. We are convinced that the currently existing permafrost belt is the result of the impact of polar ice that has crawled right up to the territory of present-day Kazakhstan. I am convinced that a sharp cooling of the climate, as well as the appearance of permafrost, are two interrelated elements that appeared precisely as a result of a geotectonic catastrophe. Above, I showed what happened to the layers of horizontally lying sedimentary rocks. During the movements of the earth's crust, they were reared almost vertically, forming folds, similar to the corrugation that appears on the flat surface of the car body at the time of the collision.

But it must be understood that such deformations from the impact of shifts in the earth's crust occurred not only on the surface, but also at great depths. And in the depths we have what? Minerals. Therefore, they were "thrown" partially to the surface. That is why this region is now so famous for its gold and silver veins. However, there the entire periodic table of Mendeleev is present in great abundance. Probably, the Gods in this way paid people reparations, forfeit, for the trouble they caused.

What else is there in the depths besides gold and gems? Huge underground storage facilities for oil and gas. And this is where the main highlight lies. Every housewife has come across the fact that the spray can noticeably cools when you press your finger on the spray head. So? There are many more examples. For example, when you install a can of compressed carbon dioxide into the auto-siphon, it also sharply cools when the pressure inside drops. Moreover, such a strong cooling occurs that with careless handling, you can even get frostbite. Even if you touch the spool of a car tire, during the release of excess pressure, you can feel how much its temperature has dropped in relation to the ambient air.

This process has long been decomposed on the shelves in the science called thermodynamics. Any technician engineer will tell you and show you on your fingers about the interdependence of gas pressure, gas flow rate, and temperature. And every student should know about the Laval nozzle and its properties, however, the processes taking place in it are called adiabatic, since heat exchange with the surrounding space is practically absent.

But the refrigeration specialists use the principle “the more the gas stream is inhibited, the more it cools” in all refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. And exactly the same processes can occur without human participation, naturally in the bowels of the Earth. Somewhere there is a reservoir of gas at a depth. Once it was strongly deformed by the movements of the earth's crust. There is a strong pressure in the reservoir. Gas began to look for somewhere to escape. I found it, but the channel section is too small for adiabatic outflow, and here's a natural refrigerator that freezes the bowels from the inside.


But, this is just a version, and it is not in my power to verify its consistency. Unfortunately, science is unlikely to start doing this, because in accordance with its dogmas and postulates, there is no point in wasting time and money to check what cannot be. Geologists, after all, firmly believe that the hypothesis they know about the structure of the Earth is the only correct one and is beyond doubt.


But let's return to the sources that could confirm our guesses that a few hundred years ago, most of the Asian part of our continent was completely destroyed by the elements. I believe that they do exist. And some are literally under the nose. I'm talking about Russian. After all, the language that we inherited from our ancestors is in itself a bearer of a bottomless volume of information. About everything, not only about what happened and how the world works, but also about what lies ahead. Russian is the key to all locks. With its help, you can find answers to any questions. And the words that can reveal the mystery of the catastrophe can be "pestilence" and "breg".

Due to the fact that we have already begun to forget what mass death of people is, the word "pestilence" has almost disappeared from our vocabulary. But if you think about its meaning, and look for one-root words in order to identify connections, then we inevitably remember the words "haze", "frost", "sailor" and "sea". Is it a coincidence that the sea was called the sea, with the same root with the word "pestilence"? Almost convinced no, it's not a coincidence. The sea is what brings pestilence, mass death and death. In the word itself, the attitude of a person to the water element is already encrypted - a large reservoir that can kill a large number of living beings instantly. The sea brings pestilence, i.e. death. And the Russian word "mor", with a distorted pronunciation, but without loss of meaning, was reflected in other languages. Here is a small selection: - death:

morte - Italian.

La mort - fr.

mortem - lat.

Mirtis - lit.

Muerte - isp.

Morte - Portuguese.

Smrt - Maked.

And here is how the word "sea" is spelled in different languages:

El mar - Spanish.

Il mare - Italian.

La mer - fr.

Marea - room.

Meri - Est.

Morze - Polish

O mar - Portuguese.

I believe that there are no such coincidences. In many languages, the sea and death stand in the conceptual apparatus next to each other. This is no coincidence. This is the memory of the tragedy caused by the water element. A similar situation is observed with the word "shore". For a Russian person, this word is filled with positive emotions. The coast, he is also the brig, is the savior. He protects and preserves. Preserves, protects. Those. he is the opposite of the word "mor (e)".

And in European languages this word also has a protective meaning. Berg is not just a fortress. Initially, probably, the word was used only in relation to the coast, which is by the sea. The surname Bergman means coastal man, and is a substitute for the Russian nickname Brezhnev. Probably over time the word "berg" began to be applied only to fortresses, which perform the same function as the coast. The fortress shelters, protects and preserves.

Now let's try to get into the meaning of words containing the root "tai". Of course, this is “taiga”, and “china”, and “thailand”, and even “taimyr”. What do all these words have in common? At first glance, nothing. But this is only until the moment when you realize that "tay" is one of the variants of the Turkic word "tau". Tau means mountain. Alatau - red mountain, Beshtau - five mountains (Pyatigorsk), Temirtau - Iron Mountain, etc. And here the meaning of the word "Katay" becomes clear. Not "China", namely "Katay". This was the name of one of the central provinces of Great Tartary, which was located on the site of the present central Siberia, and where the city of Kataysk is located to this day.


Various spellings of this province are encountered on different maps. Along with Cataio, there are catai, katai, and even kithai. As we can see, Katai and Hina are not the same thing at all. But our scientists have appointed Hina to be China. So with one light stroke of the pen, most of Katay's history now belongs to Hina.

So what do we get. "Tai" is a mountain, what does "ka" mean? It couldn't be easier. “Ka” is the same as today in all Turkic languages “kara”, which is translated into Russian as “black”. So Katay is just Montenegro. And the truth! In many sources this place is called "Karakitai". And one of the capitals of Tartary was named Karakurum. Kurum is translated into Russian - stones, and "karakurum", respectively, means "Black stones".


If we superimpose this map on a modern one, it turns out that the capital of the Great Ham was located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Kotuikan River. And "Kotuikan" may well be a transformed word "Katay - Khan", which in our context does not require translation into Russian. Incredibly, it's better to see it once:


And a completely sensational find was made not so long ago in this place:


This artifact cannot be attributed to the quirks of nature. This is material evidence of the existence of a developed civilization on Taimyr in the recent past. And I am convinced that we have before us a fragment of a tile with an inscription in the now-lost Moghull language, which was spoken by Genghis Khan. Take a look at a fragment of the map of 1740, which indicates which languages the peoples of Great Tartary spoke:


Does it look like it? But that's not all. Take a look at a piece of text written by Emelyan Pugachev's hand:


It is very likely that the so-called "Pugachev" was a descendant of an ancient khan family, and knew the language spoken in Tartary. But back to the version about the meaning of the words "tay" and "mor". Is it an accident that Kotuykan is located in a place now called Taimyr? Maybe it was originally called Tai-Mor? Then its meaning becomes simple and clear. Taimyr is "Sea Mountains", which is completely true. As well as the fact that Thailand is a "mountainous country". There is no doubt that the word "wang" is also of Mogull origin, and knowing this language, we would easily understand the meaning of such geographical names as Taiwan, Taipei, Sevan, etc.

There is another version of the meaning of the word "tai". It is very likely that it meant not only a mountain, but also was used in the meaning of "wall". Then it becomes clear the origin of the name of the fortress, which was once in Moscow - Kitay-Gorod. He had nothing to do with Hina (China). Rather the opposite. China is a "country of walls". And this is equally true both in relation to present-day China, because there are actually many man-made walls (not one, the Great Chinese, as many think, in fact, there are many such walls), and for the central province of Tartary - Kataya, on the territory of which we now observe numerous remains of stone walls of a gigantic size.

These are all, of course, my own thoughts, and I do not pretend to be true, but there are not many versions. The more there are, the more confidently the chances of establishing the truth grow. And I will finish “linguistic” with the presumptive meaning of the word “taiga”.

You noticed that despite the official explanation that this word means "coniferous forest", it is used mainly in relation to Siberia. Coniferous forests are found even in Africa, but it never occurs to anyone to call them taiga. So why is only Siberian forests called taiga?

I think this way: If the assumption is true that "tay" is a mountain or a stone wall, then understanding the meaning of the word "ga" will be able to lift the veil of mystery, not only of the etymological plan. Many philologists are convinced that "ga" means action in the form of movement. So the “leg” is a part of the body designed to move in space. "Tramp" - one who is constantly going somewhere, "Varangian" - a traveling salt merchant, otherwise - a chumak, etc.

Combining "tai" and "ga", we get … "walking mountain", or "moving wall". But do the walls go? The answer is … They walk, just like they walk during earthquakes, and hypothetical cataclysms like the one we are discussing in this chapter. In addition, we can talk about a running wall of water! It turns out that "taiga" may well be synonymous with the word "tsunami". And this is already serious. Let it be far-fetched in some places, but certainly not as far from the truth as it seems at first glance.


For such speeches, linguists and philologists will certainly demand that I betray the sacred fire, but oh well. Let's go further. It seems to me that after all, some of the indirect evidence of the recent global catastrophe was able to leak out and survive to this day. You just need to know where to look.

While working with many medieval maps and portolans, I noticed an oddity that can not help but catch the eye. This is a very accurate depiction of the outlines of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, and the complete absence of realistic images of Chukotka, Kamchatka, the Japanese islands and Southeast Asia.

It's not just megaliths that speak. Documentary evidence.

"What kind of weirdness is there!" - You will say - After all, everyone knows from school that civilization originated on the territory of modern Iran, Syria and Iraq. And then there was "the great migration of peoples", and then according to the textbook. From the standpoint of official science, no questions should arise here, because everything is logical, without a hitch, without a hitch. Everything is so, only it does not turn out cheerfully at all.

I thought as follows: - If everything is so, and in Europe there was a level of development of knowledge an order of magnitude higher than in Siberia, or in the Far East, then for a diligent student, it seems completely logical that the place where civilized Europeans lived, drawn on medieval maps with such accuracy, as if the cartographers had aerial photography data, and the places where the wild Scythians, Gilyaks, Tungus, Yakuts and Tartars with Yukagirs lived are mapped in accordance with their underdeveloped ideas about geography.

But I don’t want to take explanations for granted. Such reasoning seems illogical to me, and here's why. If only … Europeans possessing high technologies drew their cards well, and the backward Yakuts and tartars were bad, then everything would be clear … But the trouble is, no one has found tartar cards in libraries, which means that all known old cards were drawn the same cartographers with the necessary skills to create more or less reliable maps. Question: - Why did they draw their Europe correctly, and draw foreign lands, in which the reliability of maps is just a vital necessity, anyhow? Moreover, in addition to the sea shores, rivers, mountains and valleys are carefully drawn on the maps!

Disorder. A trifle, of course, but this trifle puts under a big and fat question the correctness of the statement that the wrong geography of the Far East and Chukotka is the result of insufficient study of desert, sparsely populated and rugged territories. Mountains and riverbeds in the "wild" uninhabited territories were drawn with such precision that even now use them for travel, and at the same time, the banks most accessible for cartography were drawn anyhow!

The second question lies in the very statement about the "impassability" of these places. Let me remind you that cars with tractors have appeared quite recently. Yesterday by historical standards. Consequently, before the advent of technical devices for the transportation of passengers, a fundamentally different method of transporting people and goods was used. Which one? It is known which one. Rivers!

Yes, it was the rivers that were used by our ancestors as autobahns and high-speed rail lines. And then the eyes begin to open up to the real state of affairs … After all, with the complete absence of roads, both in Europe and in Asia, the accessibility of the development of territories is completely equalized! Therefore, there could be no obstacles to the development of Siberia and the Far East due to their inaccessibility, in principle! On the contrary! The dense network of deep rivers makes Asia an ideal place for development, due to its transport accessibility. And we are told that there has always been completely deserted taiga, and even now little has changed.

We discard the notorious "climatic factor" at once. It is now in Siberia, terrible frosts. But as we have already seen, this was not always the case. The latest data, which is ignored by official science, but which, nevertheless, cannot be disregarded, literally scream that there was no permafrost belt quite recently. How recently, the question is controversial, but it is already quite obvious to most that we are not talking about millions, and not about thousands of years. Literally hundreds.

So, most likely, on the old maps, the geography of Asia is quite real, and differs from the modern one not because of the ignorance of cartographers, but because of the colossal changes in geography itself. This time.

The climate of these territories was radically different from the present ones. These are two.

Climate change took place several hundred years ago. This can be calculated from the rate of retreat to the north of the permafrost belt. According to scientists' calculations, by 2050, only 15-18% of the current area occupied by permafrost will remain on the territory of Russia. Global warming? What are you! Warming, like a catastrophe, is the greatest scam of the last century, a hoax. It has already become clear to most of the official scientists that this is not an impending catastrophe, but on the contrary the return of the Earth to its normal state after the cataclysm that happened, which caused the glaciation. These are three.

After the Vatican Library opened access to some of its repositories, such unique artifacts as the Fra Mauro Map of the Monk, from which it is clear that Europe was once the backyard of civilization, with the only major cities Prague and Lutetia (now Paris), appeared in the public domain. And the most densely populated places are just Taimyr, Yakutia, Kolyma, Chukotka, and now the deserted north of Africa. Those. we can safely say that modern "knowledge" about the great migration of peoples is high time to be written into false, erroneous theories, along with the origin of man from ape. It's four.

Is there anything to support these conclusions? I think you can. It is enough to consider the dynamics of the map of Asia from the oldest, to those closer to us, on the time scale.

For example, this:


As we can be sure, there is no Kamchatka, and no Sea of Okhotsk. But what is happening to this region on the maps already by 1640 …


An entire archipelago broke away from Chukotka, which is not present today, but Kamchatka appeared, separated from the mainland, I draw your attention, by the BAY. It was the bay (sinus from Latin means bay), which appeared, apparently as a result of the breakthrough of the Pacific waters inland. Some part of the land was sinking, and some, on the contrary, was rising. Moreover, the fading remnants of this process have not ended to this day. The mountains in Kolyma continue to "walk" in height up to two meters per year.

But now let's look at an even later map …


And now, by the beginning of the eighteenth century, we already see the modern outlines of the eastern part of Asia, and no longer a bay, but quite a sea. Not yet Okhotsk, by the name of the former Kamchatskoe Bay, but already the sea. So … Have the cartographers gained experience, or did catastrophic events affect the outline of this part of the continent?

And now it becomes clear why we have such a rich history of geographical discoveries made by Vitus (or Witsen?) Bering, Semyon Dezhnev, Ataman Markov, and many others. They did not go to open, but to make reconnaissance of the terrain that had changed after the disaster. And to be absolutely precise, these were ordinary gangs of marauders who were looking for something to profit from in places wiped out from the face of the Earth, Tartary. And at the same time, along the way, they drew maps of the new, post-disaster area. Should the heiress of Great Tartary, the Russian Empire, know her own borders? And Bering's "discovery" of the strait between Chukotka and Alaska named after himself is pure fiction. As can be seen from the maps, the existence of this strait was known long before the birth of not only Bering himself, but also his grandfathers and grandmothers.

Now is the time to pay attention to some details …


Until now, disputes about whether the Great Tartary existed, or all information about it was falsified in the Vatican and the US State Department, does not subside. Enthusiasts are ready to tear each other apart in disputes about the origin of the word Tartary. Meanwhile, everything is very simple. The Kolyma River was formerly called Tartarus, and the capital city at the confluence of one of its tributaries was also called Tartarus. This place is marked with 1 on the map.

But the myths about Tartarus, as about the deepest abyss located under the kingdom of the dead, directly indicate that this area, a real country of cities, actually literally fell into the ground! Now we see here not only a different coastline, but also a completely different geology! The place where the glorious city of Tartarus flourished is now, at best, covered with terrifying folds of basalt and granite strata, twisted by incredible pressure, as if squeezed to the surface from the bowels of the earth. And in the worst and most likely case, the ruins of Tartarus rest at the bottom of the Kolyma Bay in the East Siberian Sea.

Numbers 2 and 3 indicate the places of permanent residence of the legendary Gog and Magog.


You should pay attention to the image of a bird on Magog's shield. This is not an eagle. It is a fossil winged lizard similar to a pterodactyl. By the way, the top of the back of the throne of Genghis Khan was decorated with a wooden sculpture of the same bird - a lizard. This may be evidence that these reptiles either existed during the heyday of the Great Tartary, or the folk memory of them was preserved. But such a detailed, accurate depiction of a pterodactyl leaves no doubt that the "fossil lizards" died out not long before the appearance of man.


With the number 4, I indicated the Belgium desert. This is a "memory knot". Further, it will be useful to us. Most likely "belgium" here makes sense as "white". Although, on the territory of Tartary there were a number of toponyms - duplicates. For example, "New Holland" in part of today's Western Siberia.

But the fifth figure, in my opinion, is very important, because about the city of Senduk, there is quite reliable information that exists in many sources. One of the brightest is Marco Polo's Book on the Diversity of the World.



Notes: - 1. The largest deposits of this mineral are located in the Irkut river basin in the Baikal region. In Afghanistan, he also exists, but here's the thing … In China there are no lapis lazuli. Therefore, Marco Polo wrote specifically about Siberia, and not about China.

2. The word "Khan", which we now use to designate the monarchs of Great Tartary, and the princes of its various provinces, is distorted, Russified, just like the word "Tatar" comes from "Tartarin". All ancient sources use the word "Cham", i.e. "Ham".

Tartars in Mogul! Here is the source of the myth about the "Mongol-ta (r) Tarskoe yoke".

Now look at the area that is located just south of Senduk on the map. This is the province and the city of Kambalu. This is also not a mythical place. It is also described in detail by Marco. It was the fiefdom of the Great Ham Khubilai. The city was huge by Venetian standards, all made of wood. Khubilai had two palaces in it. Summer and winter. The summer was built from bamboo. Probably this evidence became decisive for historians, when determining the correspondence of the cities known today, with those described by Marco Polo. Everyone unanimously decided that Flounder was the former name of Beijing, and put an end to this matter.

However, Kambalu, or Khanbalyk, as it is also called, is absolutely precisely indicated on a great variety of ancient maps, and its location is determined without the slightest difficulty. Now on the site of Kambalu is the village of Arka, Khabarovsk Territory.

In general, there is no doubt that Siberia and the extreme northeast of modern Russia were densely populated in the thirteenth century. And the complete desolation of these territories in the eighteenth century, gives rise to the assumption about the approximate period of time in which a global catastrophe could occur.

I suppose this may have been at the end of the fifteenth century. More precisely, in 1492. It was in this year that many unusual phenomena were observed throughout the northern hemisphere. Many of them are depicted in engravings and paintings by various artists. Culturologists claim that it was such a fashion, the artists competed in writing apocalyptic stories from the Bible. Maybe so, but what if the artists painted what they saw? After all, the "fashion" for the apocalypse existed for a very long time, until the beginning of the eighteenth century!


And by a strange coincidence, the fashion for apocalyptic plots was replaced in the nineteenth century by the fashion for post-apocalyptic paintings by Robert, Canaletti, Piranesi, etc.


Everything falls into place if we assume that the artists did not fantasize, but depicted the surrounding reality - first they depicted a catastrophe, which they witnessed, and then depicted what was left of the Old World.



In addition, it was 1492 that was declared the year of the opening of the New World. Allegedly, it was then that Columbus discovered America. And by a strange accident the calendar was changed in Russia. The celebration of the New Year was postponed from March 1 to September 1. But this year was not easy. According to the chronology that existed at that time, 7000 years passed from the creation of the world.

There are practically no facts directly testifying to the intentional concealment of the recent disaster. We are forced to operate only indirectly. And this is the main trump card in the hands of skeptics who argue that it was impossible to hide an event of this magnitude. Actually, why is it impossible? A striking example of the fact that a sufficient set of tools for the global substitution of a true story for a fictional one is a breakthrough of information about the existence of Great Tartary.

This became possible only thanks to the widespread dissemination of digital technologies, when hundreds of thousands of documents that were previously inaccessible to the average reader were digitized and posted for free access on the Internet. If it were not for the online auctions, which began to sell massively maps, prints and other antique publications from private collections and closed university libraries, we would have continued to believe the official history to this day.

In addition, we cannot fail to recall how many times total cleansing of all written sources took place on the territory of the Russian Empire. Peter the Great was actively engaged in this, when old books and musical instruments were brought in by whole carts from all over the country to be subjected to mass burning. His business was continued by Catherine II. Then the archives were destroyed at the stake by the first Bolsheviks. It's good that they needed huge amounts of money for the revolution, and they simply sold all the most valuable for a pittance.

So in the Western collections there were millions of artifacts and written monuments, thanks to which they have survived to this day. Now we can see albums of color photographs, for the first time in the world taken by the Russian chemist Prokudin-Gorsky, only in the Library of the US Congress.

Those who assert that there is no point in the concealment itself, and therefore there was no concealment, are very much mistaken. Those who rule the world always skillfully use various shocks, which they themselves organize. Wars and revolutions allow you to reformat the true history in absolutely any form. In the form that is beneficial to the rulers. And of course they could not help but use their chance to redistribute the world and capture new colonies by rewriting true history.

The silence of the fact of a global catastrophe gives managers a lot of privileges. There is no need to fight, but the effect is the same. Come and take the cleared territories. And so that the surviving aborigines do not begin to claim their rights to their property, a "fake" story is written for the aborigines, in which their ancestors have no place. Therefore, denying conspiracy theory is very short-sighted, erroneous, and careless.

Continued: Part 22

Author: kadykchanskiy