Megaliths Speak. Part 18 - Alternative View

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Megaliths Speak. Part 18 - Alternative View
Megaliths Speak. Part 18 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 18 - Alternative View

Video: Megaliths Speak. Part 18 - Alternative View
Video: Megalithic 2017 Part 18 2024, September

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 -

It is human nature, probably, to give a wrong assessment of important events. Often, society, as if under the blows of a gusty wind, shudders, discussing for weeks some "sensation" from the series "who married whom", or "how could he say that publicly." And very often truly phenomenal events that drastically change the lives of millions of people go unnoticed. Well, or could have changed, but were deliberately "erased" by the media in order to divert public attention from them. To belittle their significance, artificially transfer them to the category of insignificant ones, and make sure that gradually people completely forget about them.

Why are you shaking, Megalith?

In this regard, an incident that happened to me many years ago is very indicative. Then we, several young families, gathered in one apartment with our friends. The hostess was then on maternity leave, and her husband worked as an engineer at one of the "mailboxes" producing some kind of products for the space industry. The three of us sat at a round table and enjoyed our conversation while playing bingo, while the husband of the landlady was sitting in a chair in the far corner of the room, doing a crossword puzzle. His daughter, who was just starting to speak, was crawling over it, demanding attention, but the tired dad was too immersed in solving the puzzle to give the little fidget proper attention.

Then the baby switched to her mother, who was playing bingo, and climbed onto her lap. Then the Pope's question was heard from the far corner: - “Does anyone know what the name of a resort in Lithuania with the letter“P”is? The baby, fidgeting on her mother's lap, in the silence that hung, clearly said: - "Palanga". All those present at the table, as if on cue, stared at the girl and her mother, who was looking in thoughtfulness at a field of several cards with barrels in the cages.

- What she said? - Asked a surprised comrade, who was sitting to my right.

- Just "mom." - Absent-mindedly answered the young woman, and kissed the top of her daughter's head.

Promotional video:

We all looked at each other, but did not develop a conversation on this topic, and continued the game, returning to the interrupted topic of conversation. I clearly saw that my friends were as shocked as I was. Only the girl's parents did not notice anything. Later, we went out to the balcony, and I asked my friends about what the girl said? All unanimously confirmed that the child, who, in principle, could not know such a word, and who is just learning to pronounce the first words in his life, clearly and articulately said: - "Palanga". A miracle, and more!

My friends and I never discussed what happened again, and soon forgot about it completely. But what is the demand from us, young people engaged in the struggle with everyday difficulties, which were more than enough during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the outbreak of the economic crisis. And it is quite another matter when those who, by virtue of their profession, available scientific degrees and titles, are so cool about events that are truly phenomenal. The kind that can lead to discoveries that can change our world beyond recognition! And one of these events took place at 18:30 on May 20, 2010 in Volgograd.

Dancing bridge

Traffic on the bridge was stopped due to dispatchers reporting a strong swinging of the structure. According to eyewitnesses, the vibration amplitude was about 1 meter.

Dancing Bridge. Volgograd. May 20, 2010
Dancing Bridge. Volgograd. May 20, 2010

Dancing Bridge. Volgograd. May 20, 2010

Here is just one of the quotes that clearly demonstrates what the entire press was writing about in those days:

(Source - Izvestia)

And one of the few official documents that journalists managed to get was this "scribble":


Someone will say that, they say, this is not unusual, because everyone remembers an example from a school physics course about how a column of soldiers in the Russian Empire entered a riveted steel bridge consisting of powerful trusses, and as a result of the resonance that arose, the bridge collapsed. So it is so. Only the case with the Volgograd bridge does not fit into any of the existing theories. The fact is that the "Dancing Bridge" not only did not collapse, but was not even damaged in the least. And this phenomenon, which refutes all the known laws of physics, no one seems to have seen. The vibration amplitude of the bridge structures exceeded one meter (!!!), but at the same time not a single crack appeared not only in steel elements, but also in reinforced concrete ones, which, in principle, in accordance with the knowledge available today, is IMPOSSIBLE !!!

It doesn't work that way! And to understand this, you do not have to be an expert in the field of strength of materials and materials science. Plastic reinforced concrete structures simply do not exist. But that's okay. In fact, few people think about such things seriously, but what about the eternal Russian "problem number 2"? Does anyone in our country believe that the asphalt-concrete pavement of our roads is able to withstand such loads without consequences that the pavement of the Volgograd bridge experienced? Not? That's it! Then why, absolutely fantastic, unreal, in our opinion, the event was perceived as a funny curiosity, and did not lead to serious consequences?

This already does not fit into my mind. People are ready to believe that aliens are sitting in the US government, and did not pay attention to the event that should have brought down the bridge, but instead of the bridge, all the foundations of modern science collapsed … True, only a few suspected something …


First, a quote from discussions of the event, on the Internet:

Second quote:

How can we not remember the Coral Castle of Edward Lidskalnins (an American of Latvian origin), which he built alone on one of the capes in Florida (USA).

Coral castle. Florida. USA
Coral castle. Florida. USA

Coral castle. Florida. USA.

The Coral Castle is a complex of huge statues and megaliths with a total weight of 1,100 tons, built by hand without the use of machines. The complex includes: a two-story square tower weighing 243 tons, various structures, massive walls, an underground pool with a spiral staircase, a stone map of Florida, rough-hewn chairs, a heart-shaped table, an accurate sundial, stone Mars and Saturn, and a 30-ton a month with its horn pointing exactly to the North Star, and much more.


And this whole castle was built alone by a small (152 cm, 45 kg) and weak-looking man - Edward Lidskalninsh, who spent 20 years on the construction of the structure, dragging huge blocks of coral limestone from the coast, and hewed out blocks from it, without using even primitive a jackhammer - all the tools he made from abandoned car remains.

Edward Leedskalninsh
Edward Leedskalninsh

Edward Leedskalninsh.

But how! How could he pull this off?

One of our Russian researchers discovered the following object in the castle:


Hearing the legend that Lidskalninsh moved stones through the air, with the help of sound, "pressed against the megaliths and howled like a madman," which frightened the local boys who were spying on him through the cracks in the fence, he brought the two facts together, and suggested, that it's all about resonance.

This unit is nothing more than an oscillation amplifier with flat magnets arranged radially. And the vibrations themselves were created by Edward Lidskalninsh's voice. He howled from the fact that "by typing" he selected the necessary frequency for the occurrence of resonance. And in general, there is a lot of evidence from the past that indirectly confirms this version.

There are descriptions of the process of building castles and monasteries in the mountains of Tibet, which were built by Buddhist monks, using the beating of drums and the roar of copper pipes to move giant stone blocks, causing them to levitate. There are also legends that the Egyptian pyramids were built in a similar way, when dozens of priests applied their lips to the megaliths at the same time, began to howl, and thereby made the megaliths float in the air. To put them in place, it was enough to push the blocks in the right direction without exerting any physical effort.

Egypt. Bas-relief
Egypt. Bas-relief

Egypt. Bas-relief.

Egypt. Picture
Egypt. Picture

Egypt. Picture.

Are they praying? Are they kissing the ground? Unlikely. Rather, they howl to create resonant vibrations in the stone.

I quote my friend, with whom we discussed this issue:



And not everyone can disagree with my friend. Mastering the technologies that the Dancing Bridge so unequivocally suggested to mankind puts us on the same level with God, without any exaggeration. And we have every reason to believe that in the past, our ancestors owned such technologies. In fact, they nullify all the achievements of technocratic civilization. Having curbed the resonance, many types of equipment, tools, transport, communications, and, most importantly, weapons become absolutely unnecessary for a person. Now nuclear weapons are the main factor in deterring a global war, but if everyone possesses the "technology of the gods," then all sense of fighting will disappear. Everyone will be on an equal footing, and no one in such conditions can become a winner. At least until something more significant than the victory over gravity appears,and the ability to destroy any objects at a distance, which does not require any resources.

But these are already far ahead thoughts. And now we may well add, to the above technologies, such as:

- Instrumental processing, - Casting, - Leaching, - Dehydration

… Another, potentially possible method of processing rocks and materials with similar physical properties. This is Resonant Technology and comes in several flavors. Such, for example, as acoustic, magnetic, electromagnetic, etc.

We will not write off such methods of changing the properties of a stone as chemical, thermal, and their variants, including combined ones. Now I propose to pay attention to the objects located in the Altai Territory, in the Zmeinogorsk District.


I believe that there is a reason to reflect on the fact that in the extraction of minerals, the resonance method could also be used, production wastes with this method are quite suitable for geologists to assert that these are natural remnants. So, the first point I propose to consider the outliers in the village of Savvushka. Geographic coordinates: - 51 ° 20 '41.55 "N 82 ° 11' 10.28" E

Megaliths of Lake Kolyvan

Kolyvanskoe (Savvushkino) lake
Kolyvanskoe (Savvushkino) lake

Kolyvanskoe (Savvushkino) lake.

The general nature of the landscape simply cannot but suggest the artificial origin of rocks on the lake itself and in its vicinity. When remnants are found in mountainous terrain, where rock predominates, it looks normal. But when in the middle of the steppe, in the tundra, or between the hills, there are local concentrations of mountain formations of a strange kind, then this already leads to thought.

Glacier in the vicinity of the village of Savvushkino
Glacier in the vicinity of the village of Savvushkino

Glacier in the vicinity of the village of Savvushkino.

This find was recorded in a photo in mid-July 2017 by a friend of mine. Despite the prolonged hot weather (up to + 30 ° С), the glacier for some reason does not melt.

And here we see a familiar picture of petrified "paste". Although, it is quite possible that the properties of the rock were changed in a different way.


These stones are very similar to those found in South America, Peru and Bolivia. The difference between them is one, but essential. In Machu Picchu, Cusco, or Ollantaytambo, traces of intelligent activity are clearly visible. The meaning of manipulating the stone is not available to us, but at least it is obvious. In this case, there is a feeling that someone dumped in a heap the defective building material in the form of softened stones, which subsequently hardened, and remained a disorderly bulk.


And this wall suggests that the lake is most likely a mined-out quarry, on the edge of which the mined precious metals were enriched, with a dump of processed "paste", which solidified layer by layer.


Although, such a wall could well have some purpose. Or it was immediately conceived as "combining business with pleasure." And the mining of metals is going on, and the waste does not go to waste. The wall is quite suitable for use as a hydraulic engineering, fire-fighting, or other protective structure. Its current state only indicates that it is extremely ancient, and has experienced not only the effects of erosion, but also several powerful natural (and maybe not only natural) disasters.


Such cavities are quite common in many regions. Regarding their origin, I see no point in arguing with geologists. Most likely, yes, this is the result of the weathering of softer rocks. But, often, their configuration is such that it makes one think about their technogenic origin. The explanation, according to which igneous rock in molten form was squeezed out through cracks in the soil and solidified on the surface, forming bizarre formations, cannot fully convince me of its loyalty. Magma at the exit from the earth has a temperature of 600 to 1300 ° C. It is highly doubtful that in a fluid state, at such a temperature, the mass of the lava would be inhomogeneous. But if we assume that this is not lava, but a cold, coarsely dispersed mass based on a liquid, and it solidified, pouring some metal object, for example, it is quite easy to imagine. Where did the item itself go? And how many generations of Altaians wandered here in search of iron for knives and axes? Here is the answer to the question.


Above, I have already said that minerals, be they precious metals, be it building or facing stone, are developed and mined by different civilizations independently of each other, in different eras in the same places. And this is completely logical and does not raise questions. It is somewhat incomprehensible that cities arise, according to some mystical laws, in the same places. But that's another topic. And we are interested in the fact that the Zmeinogorsk region of the Altai Territory is popularly called the Land of abandoned mines. And for good reason. After all, we have already well learned that megalithic formations and structures always accompany the places of occurrence of precious metals. So in the vicinity of Lake Kolyvan there are a lot of traces left by prospectors of our time.

Mount Sinyukha
Mount Sinyukha

Mount Sinyukha.

To the northwest of the village there is Mount Sinyukha, where gold was mined until recently. Some of the stones on this mountain no longer look like industrial dumps. It is rather a structure: - blocks and slabs, of varying degrees of processing and damage levels:


And next to the mountain lies the tiny lake Mokhovoe. Here, too, there is something to see, and something to think about:


Well, now, it's time to go to the vicinity of Zmeinogorsk.

Mountain Kolyvan. The land of abandoned mines

The geographical coordinates of the city are 51 ° 10'00 ″ north latitude. 82 ° 10'00 ″ E It was founded in 1736 as a settlement after the discovery of rich silver-lead ores in 1735. In 1757 a fortress was founded - to protect the extracted wealth. Zmeinogorsk fortress became part of the fortifications of the Kolyvano-Kuznetsk defensive line, which was formed by 1757. Remains of the bastion, two cannons, which gave the name to the Karaulka hill, have survived.

The name of the Serpent Mountain is associated with the abundance of snakes found on it. There are fragments of mines from the 18th-19th centuries: Zmeinogorsky, Petrovsky and Cherepanovsky, as well as a mountain pond and a dam - outstanding technical structures of the 18th century. The city developed as a center of mining and ore production and for over 100 years was the main supplier of gold and silver to Russia. It mined up to 5-8 million pounds and melted up to 3 million pounds of silver ore and produced 1000 pounds of golden silver.

Quarry on the site of the Snake Mountain, which gave the name to the city
Quarry on the site of the Snake Mountain, which gave the name to the city

Quarry on the site of the Snake Mountain, which gave the name to the city.

Once Zmeinogorsk was called the Silver Capital of the Russian Empire, but today a little more than ten thousand people live here, and there is no railway connection. Meanwhile, two hundred years ago there was the world's first cast-iron railroad. And in general, by today's standards, it was something like Silicon Valley, Altai at that time was the world center of the most advanced technologies. And this is confirmed by the fact that not only precious metals were mined here. Several mines gave out nothing more than barite to the mountain.

Barite mine
Barite mine

Barite mine.

And barite is a unique mineral. Transparent crystals of barite are used in optical devices. They are used for protection against X-rays, for coatings and insulation in chemical industries (due to chemical resistance, in particular against sulfuric acid). The question arises as to why the Russian Empire needed this mineral? Is it only for use in the manufacture of dyes, as barium salts?

I cannot help dwelling on two points that evoke a feeling akin to déjà vu. The first thing that aroused suspicion was the name of the mine named after Cherepanov. Under other circumstances, I would not pay attention to this fact, well, you never know in the world of the Cherepanovs. That's just the fact that the founders of the domestic railway transport, the Cherepanovs, also used cast iron rails for their steamships (this is how steam locomotives were originally called). True, according to the official version, this happened in Nizhny Tagil. And here you are! What a coincidence. Thousands of miles from the Urals, another cast-iron road is discovered, and a mine called Cherepanovsky.

Cherepanovsky mine
Cherepanovsky mine

Cherepanovsky mine.

The second point, which caused me vague doubts, is the very name of the place that we are considering now. Why Kolyvan? The first of the toponyms known to historians, Kolyvan, refers to the period when modern Estonia was still a Russian land, Tartu was called Yuriev, Pärnu was named Perunov Grad, and on the site of Tallinn there was the Russian city of Kolyvan. How did this name get to Altai? I can assume that the point is that we have lost understanding of the meaning of this word. With "kolo" everything is clear, but "wan" raises questions for which there is no answer, only assumptions.

But this is a separate topic for reflection. Now, I propose to get acquainted with the outlier rocks located in the vicinity of Zmeinogorsk, mainly on the Kolyvan ridge.

Kolyvan bowl
Kolyvan bowl

Kolyvan bowl.


The geologist will say that these are abrasive outliers. Those. prepared rocks, composed of rocks resistant to destruction, rising in the form of various shapes of walls, towers, cones, etc. But we are not geologists, and we are not obliged to sacredly believe what is written in the "bible" of geologists. The absence of erosion products - debris and sand, at the foot of the remnants, science explains by the fact that the process of preparation of rocks lasts for millions of years, and the smallest particles of rocks are carried away by the wind hundreds of kilometers from their previous location.

But we, thanks to the great Russian chemist and photographer Prokudin-Gorsky, already know that the processes of erosion of rock massifs do not last as long as it is said in the textbooks of geology. For some hundred years, many granite rocks have changed beyond recognition. And consequently, the Kolyvan ridge even five hundred years ago could have looked the same as the Egyptian pyramids and Mesoamerican monuments of "alien" architecture look now. And now we will talk about another of the methods of "softening" the stone, which also cannot be rejected in advance.

Continued: Part 19

Author: kadykchanskiy