Anomalous Zone, Unclean Place Popov Bridge - Alternative View

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Anomalous Zone, Unclean Place Popov Bridge - Alternative View
Anomalous Zone, Unclean Place Popov Bridge - Alternative View

This unclean place is located near the villages of Uleml and Korenevo in the Kaluga region. According to the legends, a drunken priest walked across the bridge a hundred years ago, he stumbled, fell and drowned. All the villagers say that this place is cursed. And they also say that everything that happens is connected with the curse that the witch put on this place.

“Anything has happened with us: now a ghost grandma sits in the cab of a truck, then three horses fly after the group of guys, and we have no team left. And getting lost in the vicinity of the bridge is like drinking a glass of water. Although not every day, of course! For example, cars' engines stall on Popov Most - infrequently, but systematically, but always at night. Television workers came here twenty years ago to shoot a story, so the video camera immediately went out of order,”- local residents say.

In 1996, during the expeditions of Valentin Chernobrov and Anton Perepelitsyn from "Cosmopoisk" to search for a meteorite in these places, a mass survey of the population was conducted, which revealed that about fifty people saw various strange visions or heard sounds on the bridge.

So, a local woman said that she had met a dog with a huge bow on the Popov Bridge, and this dog ran completely inaudibly.

And here is the story of one of the tourists who visited these places:

“We moved a little away from the bridge, when suddenly everyone heard a melody, it was the alarm clock on my watch. Raising my wrist to my eyes, I suddenly remember that I lost my watch in the morning. Five completely sober adult men have heard this sound hallucination!"

The most interesting thing about these places is that several people see or hear anomalies at once, that is, the perception of mysticism here is of a collective nature. Needless to say, there are no plausible explanations for what is happening on the bridge. However, the bridge itself looks quite ordinary: it is a concrete pipe under a rural road through which a small river Pesochnya flows. The place is quiet and calm. Children swim here in summer.

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Is this the witch's fault?

According to legend, a witch lived in this area more than a hundred years ago. However, the witch was not evil, on the contrary, she treated the sick and helped with the harvest. However, after her death, they did not want to bury her in the cemetery according to Christian customs. The body of the witch was burned in the forest. Many locals say that the witch wants to remind of herself with such harmless mischief.