In Poland, Found A Giant 7000-year-old Ancient Solar Observatory - Alternative View

In Poland, Found A Giant 7000-year-old Ancient Solar Observatory - Alternative View
In Poland, Found A Giant 7000-year-old Ancient Solar Observatory - Alternative View

Video: In Poland, Found A Giant 7000-year-old Ancient Solar Observatory - Alternative View

Video: In Poland, Found A Giant 7000-year-old Ancient Solar Observatory - Alternative View
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At first glance, these large circles found in a field near Oława, a town in southwestern Poland, resemble the famous crop circles. However, what we see is in fact the outline of a gigantic monumental structure. Archaeologists believe that it was created between 4900-4600 BC.

What's even more intriguing is that researchers say this mysterious structure could be part of a giant 7,000-year astronomical calendar, or perhaps an ancient solar observatory.


The outline is so clear that archaeologists have been able to restore the site without any excavation. The structure consists of a double ditch system. Inside the circular structure, there are the remains of a building that had four entrances.

According to Dr. Miroslav Furmanek of the Institute of Archeology, University of Wroclaw, who is researching this mysterious structure, this is the work of an unknown Stone Age community. The structure is made of wood and built using simple tools.

This is a unique ancient structure, and scientists have discovered three similar structures in Poland. One is in Biskupin, and the other was found in Bodzów near Glogow and Chojna in the vicinity of Szczecin.

The purpose of the giant circular timber structure at Oława is not exactly known. It could be used as a ceremonial center, temple, or astronomical observatory.


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Dr. Furmanek considers it an important, sacred meeting place where rituals and ceremonies took place. But there is also a possibility that the entrances to this complex simultaneously performed functions related to astronomical observations. This would mean that the entire complex was a giant ancient astronomical calendar used by Stone Age people to study celestial objects.

Our ancestors were fascinated by the night sky. They observed the movements of celestial bodies, observed solar and lunar eclipses, and created calendars based on their astronomical observations. All over the world we come across footprints that show people who lived thousands of years ago, who were actually very experienced ancient astronomers.


No mounds have been found in the vicinity of the Olawa structure, but now Polish scientists will use non-invasive techniques, including ground penetrating radar (GPR), to gain more information on the mysterious 7,000-year-old structure.