Underground Tunnels Under Canada, More Than 5,000 Kilometers Long - Alternative View

Underground Tunnels Under Canada, More Than 5,000 Kilometers Long - Alternative View
Underground Tunnels Under Canada, More Than 5,000 Kilometers Long - Alternative View

Video: Underground Tunnels Under Canada, More Than 5,000 Kilometers Long - Alternative View

Video: Underground Tunnels Under Canada, More Than 5,000 Kilometers Long - Alternative View
Video: The $5,200,000,000,000 Trick Killing More Than Covid, w Stephen Fry. 2024, September

Once I already wrote an article about underground passages and cities, but as a rule, many people have strong doubts about the existence of the so-called "underworld", if you can call it that.


In this case, the tunnels are real, they are located under Montreal and go beyond one of the largest cities in Canada, and the approximate length, as the diggers say, is more than 5,000 kilometers.

As far as I understood, there are more modern underground passages near Montreal, but their length is several tens of kilometers. Other tunnels are more ancient and partly made by nature, partly by civilizations of the past.


Also, some of these passages are flooded, which, in principle, can be found all over the world. For example, tunnels under Murmansk or other underground passages, which are difficult to get into due to the increased water level.

What is interesting specifically about these moves? Firstly, as far as we know, some lovers of such places have studied them in detail, by the way, there is even a map with the entrances to underground tunnels. If anything, it can be found on the Internet.


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Secondly, the smooth surface of some of the walls and walkways that can be seen in existing photographs. Interestingly, there is not much water in these places, although even she could hardly make smooth and even walls.

And by the way, I may be wrong, but the total area of underground passages near Montreal is the largest in the world, at least of those that have been found and are more or less known.


It is believed that these tunnels were created in ancient times, but over time, nature also "helped" to expand the passages. But even so, if you think about it, who and most importantly how did the tunnels of such a huge length?

Moreover, some of the tracks look like some kind of machine processing, as if the tunnels were created by something automatic, no matter how hard it was to believe.


In general, it should be understood that scientists, in principle, do not need underground tunnels, and they are investigated only by diggers and other lovers of the like. That is why there is very little information about most of the "underworld".

Although much confirms that in the past, the underground part was of great value for civilizations. It is possible that it was possible to hide under the ground, and some generally believe that another civilization existed under the ground, and may still exist now. But this is only a version.


In any case, a lot is simply unknown to people and, most likely, will not be known soon. For example, the tunnels near Murmansk, of which it is known, or the underground city of Grustina, under modern Tomsk and beyond. The existence of this legendary city was confirmed by the locals, but getting there is very difficult, as far as is known.

And so you can go on for a long time, there are a lot of underground cities around the world, including moves, but some are simply unknown. Although even what is known at the moment makes one wonder why underground life was so actively developed by ancient civilizations?


But you can look for an answer to this question for a long time and there will still be nothing but a multitude of versions. Maybe the underground passages and cities were for protection from something, or maybe these objects generally belong to another civilization, you can guess endlessly.