Aliens. What Do They Want From Us? - Alternative View

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Aliens. What Do They Want From Us? - Alternative View
Aliens. What Do They Want From Us? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens. What Do They Want From Us? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens. What Do They Want From Us? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

For the time being, we do not know anything about some important events, because they are strictly classified. But now the secrecy label is removed, and amazing things become public. And it's hard to believe …

Aliens made contact! This was reported by Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Lieutenant General A. Yu. Savin and former KGB officer D. N. Fonarev, who declares: “We are professional military men. We firmly know what the accuracy of information is, how it is verified, and we are responsible for our words …"

Unusual v / h

In the late 1980s, Soviet intelligence received information that the Americans were preparing to launch a "brain war" against the USSR, having achieved unilateral superiority in the area of covert controlled impact on the psychophysical state of a person.

In connection with the intelligence received by the Chief of the General Staff, Army General M. A. Moiseev, after consulting with the leadership of the KGB, it was decided to create a top-secret military unit under the command of Colonel Savin (eight years later it became the expert-analytical department of the General Staff).

The new military unit was supposed to monitor the progress of work on the American programs of "brain wars". They also studied human superpowers. One of the main tasks was to create methods with which you can make the human brain work in a special mode, turning its owner into a "superman". The Scientific Council was chaired by Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva.

The success of the team led by Savin is evidenced by the following fact. During the Chechen war of 1994-1996. his officers-operators (not psychics, but ordinary people who had developed the ability to clairvoyance) discovered minefields of militants, determined the location of their command posts and the directions of terrorist attacks. And all this was done from the location of the military unit.

Promotional video:

At that time, neither Savin nor his subordinates thought about any contacts with aliens. They worked on an extensive research program in the field of information influences. But man proposes, and God - in the person of the authorities - disposes.

Fantastic delirium or sensation?

In the spring of 1991, psychics-contactees in different cities of the country, independently of each other, received unusual signals. They were informed about the arrival of aliens, indicated the coordinates of the meeting place and explained the conditions for establishing contact. One of the psychics even sent a letter to M. S. Gorbachev, they say, in June aliens will visit us, they ask for a meeting with representatives of the country in the area of the city of Zarafshan in Uzbekistan. At the same time, they demand to turn off the air defense systems in the area of their landing, and since this is impossible without an order from the head of state, the author of the letter asks to facilitate the historic meeting of guests from space.

Mikhail Sergeevich, of course, would not have paid attention to this “fantastic nonsense”. However, let us remember how, during a meeting with US President Ronald Reagan, he persistently suggested that he think about creating a united front "in case of an alien invasion from space"! Therefore, the psychic's letter was sent to Defense Minister D. Yazov. That, in turn, handed it over to the Chief of the General Staff M. Moiseev, and a resolution appeared: “I. Tretyak (commander of the air defense forces. - Ed.), A. Savin - accept!"

The miracle did not happen, but …

“We flew to Tashkent, from there to Zarafshan and then to the desert at the coordinates indicated by the psychic-contactee Mark Melkhiker. He had a whole arsenal of recording equipment, navigation devices, dictionaries and notebooks with him, - says General Savin. - Alas. The miracle that we all in the depths of our hearts were waiting for did not happen. The pilot of our helicopter even lashed out at Melkhiker with reproaches. The latter, being sure of the invisible presence of alien guests, in his defense suddenly declared: “If you don’t believe, I will hypnotize you, and you yourself will talk with aliens. And we will listen to your conversation!"

The pilot agreed. The psychic put him into a trance state and began asking questions prepared for the aliens. And suddenly the pilot, to the general amazement, discovered such deep scientific knowledge and spoke in such a specific language! Everything was recorded on a tape recorder, and subsequently the experts and high authorities were convinced that the group flying to the Zarafshan region encountered an extraordinary phenomenon, the nature of which is not known to science.

Savin also believed that their trip was not in vain: ≪Subsequently, having studied my notes and materials of the psychic, I made some conclusions. And when, together with the KGB officers, we carried out a more thorough analysis, we came to the conclusion that the key for communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations is almost in our hands."

There is a contact, information has gone

In the process of preparing and waiting for contact, Savin's employees formulated a number of interesting hypotheses, which they began to work out immediately after returning to the duty station. In one of the experiments, it was possible to record information that, in terms of its content, was outside the scope of the issues under study.

“At first we thought it was a mistake by the test operator, but when we put another officer in a special chair and created the appropriate conditions, then again unexpected information came out. In it, someone invited us to mental contact, calling some numbers - as we later understood, passwords. Since everything was recorded on video and audio media, we analyzed this information for the next 14-16 hours, forgetting about sleep and rest.

The next day, we scrupulously repeated our experiments and again made an unknown contact.

As a result, we were given codes of communication with various "space subscribers". After that, I created a group of researchers, and we proactively began "negotiations" with aliens. Moreover, it was not one civilization. It was some kind of community of representatives of different worlds, understanding each other well and having some kind of coordinated plans.

Having made contact, we learned about the landing sites of alien ships in Moscow and the region. In these areas, our researchers then constantly visited and performed the appropriate work there.

Our employees did not enter special states of consciousness, in the classical sense. We had codes and a certain experience in the subconscious activation mode. All this was done with complete self-control. In addition, the work of our group began with a very real physical contact, albeit of a special kind, that is, on an invisible screen, when a group of strangers appeared in front of us, very similar in their forms to earthlings, but having obvious signs of an alien origin.

We managed to talk for several hours. They spoke more, initiating us into the rules of communication. We mainly asked questions and tried to comment on their messages. In general, the communication procedure was correct and delicate on their part. We did not feel any particular interest in us. This is probably true, since they knew even more about us than we expected. For communication in the physical plane, at my suggestion, they identified four people. And the rest were charged with active telepathic communication.

They invited two women from our crew to the ship. The others, including me, were decided to be left in the dark. True, they allowed tactile sensations in our bodies during telepathic contacts in the parking areas of their ships, and we often organized such almost virtual walks."

What do they care about all of us …

The content of conversations with representatives of an alien civilization is described by D. N. Fonarev.

“First of all, our researchers tried to find out where, from which star system, their interlocutors arrive. From everywhere - was the answer. Distances are practically irrelevant to them. This time they came from the Sirius star system, where there are about 14 civilizations: from plasma formations to silicon grids. By the way, they treat us well. Moreover, since our planetary systems are somehow interconnected, a catastrophe on Earth will cause a destructive process on Sirius."

Recently, they appear on Earth more and more often. And this is due to our interest in them, and not vice versa. Different civilizations treat earthlings differently. Someone is benevolent, someone is indifferent, and someone is irritated by the spiritual and energetic degradation on Earth. They do not divide us into races, do not make discounts on age and gender, they are not interested in our religious differences. They react to humanity as a whole.

Naturally, our contactees could not help but ask: why do aliens come to Earth? What do they want from us? The answer was laconic: "For observation and carrying out the widest range of experiments, studying samples of air, soil and water."

But they talked about space "vehicles" in more detail. It makes no sense to describe the appearance of the ships - the materials from which the flying devices are made allow them to take any shape. The notorious "plates" are simple ships. The variety of forms is determined by the variety of goals, opportunities and, of course, the intelligence of each civilization.

The answer to the question of what fuel their aircraft operate on, in the statement of Fonarev, sounds like this: “They have no concept of“fuel”, but there is the concept of“energy”. They can simply manipulate the energies in the direction they want. This is not yet available to us, and precisely because of ignorance of the structure of the Universe and cosmic laws. Scientists on our planet are limited by the fundamental sciences, which prevents them from advancing in research."

The contactees could not help but ask how the alien organism differs from the human. And they received the answer: “Everyone. Although the chemical elements are almost the same. Body parts are also about the same when it comes to the so-called humanoids. Outwardly, we are similar to you, but we do not have hair and eyebrows, our eyes are big, our nose is very small, our mouth is larger than yours, our lips are bulging. Skin color is pink-lilac, with a tinge of red or copper. Hands and feet like yours. Height is about one and a half meters in women, a little less in men. But proportionality is preserved. The head is small, the shoulders are slightly higher than yours, there is almost no neck. Some aliens can change their physical forms. But at the same time, the energy component remains unchanged."

Information about who created man is very interesting. People appeared on Earth through the interaction of energies. The physical form (body) was required for the evolution of the substance that we call the soul. Alien aliens could not create us, since they themselves were created by the Highest mind - what we call God. Change the term "God" to "Higher intelligence", and you will get a unified understanding of the universal energy-informational hierarchy.

In addition, apparently, there is a general space government, acting in accordance with the laws of space and in constant interaction with the higher forces of the universe. But government "officials" control not life itself, but the evolutionary order. Everything that is in harmony with the general laws of the cosmos does not need to be coordinated.

But regarding whether contacts with them will be maintained in the future, Fonarev writes: “The space interlocutors told us everything they considered necessary. This contact brought us invaluable knowledge and experience, to some extent helped us understand the structure of the Universe. We also received interesting practical advice, though difficult to implement at the present time. Reasons and conditions are needed to resume communication. Today we have neither the first nor the second”.

Sergey Dyomkin
