Gate Of The Gods. No Unauthorized Entry Is Allowed - Alternative View

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Gate Of The Gods. No Unauthorized Entry Is Allowed - Alternative View
Gate Of The Gods. No Unauthorized Entry Is Allowed - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods. No Unauthorized Entry Is Allowed - Alternative View

Video: Gate Of The Gods. No Unauthorized Entry Is Allowed - Alternative View
Video: Gate of the Gods 2024, September

Almost 20 years ago, rock climbing instructor Luis Delgado went to the vicinity of the Peruvian town of Puno in search of new routes for mountaineering groups. The Puno region is a real paradise for tourists. Alpine lake Titicaca, ruins of Inca cities, magnificent nature. At 35 kilometers from Puno, Delgado came across a strange man-made structure.

Puerto de Jai Marc, or the Gate of the Gods
Puerto de Jai Marc, or the Gate of the Gods

Puerto de Jai Marc, or the Gate of the Gods

High in the mountains

It is located at an altitude of about 4000 meters between Lake Titicaca and the Bolivian border and is a perfectly smoothly finished rock. The object is about two meters high and a little less than seven meters wide. It clearly shows two vertical slots and a niche between them. From a distance, this man-made miracle most of all resembles an ordinary door, only carved in granite. And the recess in the central niche looks exactly like a giant keyhole.

An impressive scientific landing went to the highlands, which confirmed: this is not just another curiosity, but something completely inexplicable. Unusual rocky relief in this area and various natural anomalies have been noted before, for example, by pilots of sports aircraft. Only these messages were not given due attention.

It turned out that local residents are well aware of the mysterious rock. The Indians call it Puerta de Hayu Marka, which means "the gate of the gods". They are sure that the gods have appeared to people in these places more than once - to share knowledge or to warn of an impending natural disaster.

But there is no doubt that the Aymara and Uru Indians, now living in these parts, have nothing to do with the gate. The former, although they are quite large people, could not create such a design. The peak of development of the Aymara fell on the centuries that they lived under the rule of the Incas. The Uru are quite a primitive tribe.

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By the method of exclusion, only the Incas remain as a candidate for the role of builders. But local elders unanimously argue that the Gate of the Gods has always existed. It is "always", not "before the Incas."

Fire whirlwinds

Literally immediately, the Gate of the Gods fell into the zone of special attention of the Peruvian government. From 1996 to the present, it is possible to enter the area where they are located only with special permission. The composition of the groups of scientists working with the object is also practically unknown. But it is known that the Peruvians, usually zealously guarding their historical heritage, attracted specialists from the United States to research. And not archaeologists with historians at all, but psychics, ufologists, physicists and parapsychologists.

According to fragmentary information that became the property of the public, amazing things were discovered by scientists who investigated the Gate of the Gods. Qatar Mamani, one of the first to be admitted to the mysterious rock, assures that the area is full of objects of clearly otherworldly origin. Moreover, as the venerable scientist assures, these objects were not only felt and seen, but also detected with measuring instruments. According to Mamani, they even managed to be recorded on electronic media. But the scientist has not yet provided the records of mysterious phenomena to anyone, so you have to take his word for it.

Upon arrival at the site, Mamani inspected the rock and even photographed it. But when, after a few hours, he tried to approach the gate with the instrumentation, he unexpectedly encountered an obstacle. The air thickened unnaturally, as if not wanting to let a person through, electric discharges were felt. At the very gate, fireballs and vortices materialized, which began to beat against the granite. From these blows stains of soot appeared on the stone, and later drops of a bluish liquid appeared.

Having touched the gate, Mamani felt weak electrical discharges, as well as an extraordinary elation. Later, strange blue crystal structures began to appear before the scientist's eyes. In the dark, what was happening at the gate looked like a fiery extravaganza. Flashes of flame, fiery whirlwinds, electrical discharges, lumps of energy of various forms, in conclusion, a huge image of a human face appeared on the gate. Meanwhile, in the camp of researchers, all the devices, including the simplest electric flashlight, were out of order.

Despite the impressive man-made effects, Mamani is convinced that he was not faced with artificial objects or a natural phenomenon, but with other forms of life. He is confident that the mysterious objects during visual contact with scientists not only showed signs of the ability to think, but also showed emotions.

American psychic Anthony Silva also found it possible to share some of the information about the gate. As he approached them, he felt unusually strong, orderly streams of energy. Having tuned in with them on the same wavelength, Silva with his “inner vision” was able to see the pillars of fire that beat from the ground and reached the starry sky. The vision was accompanied by a rhythmic drum beat.

You can, of course, not take the word of the professors of dubious sciences, but the fact is that the Indians describe contacts with the gods coming from behind the gate, very similar. Moreover, both modern Peruvians and aborigines from the time of the Spanish conquest of Peru.

Glitter of gold

The European colonialists had a completely different opinion about the gate. Many documents left by Jesuit missionaries from the 16th to 17th centuries contain stories describing the Gate of the Gods. They were considered the entrance either to the mysterious land of Paiiti, or to the fabulously rich secret city of the Incas, where they kept their treasures.

Capture of Atahualpa
Capture of Atahualpa

Capture of Atahualpa

No wonder - Europeans (both simple conquistadors and more educated missionaries) were at that time preoccupied exclusively with the search for jewelry. They were literally blinded by gold and did not listen to the stories of local priests.

Meanwhile, even the Maya Indians were aware of the Gate of the Gods, located in the mountains far to the south. They believed that it was through them that the gods would return to earth in fiery chariots to save the world.

The Incas held a slightly different version. They said that the Gate of the Gods is a door to a parallel world in which somewhat different laws of the universe operate. The best of the representatives of this people (warriors, priests, rulers) went to the gates in order to withstand some kind of test. Some of them came back with knowledge inaccessible to either their fellow tribesmen or the Europeans of that time. Where the rest had gone, the Incas did not tell.

Now many historians are puzzled over why the Inca empire collapsed so quickly and ingloriously. Recall: in 1532, Francisco Pizarro invaded the country, whose population was about 6 million people, with a total of 120 horsemen and 50 infantry. But after two years, the Incas were driven into the mountainous regions of southern Peru, and even there they did not last long.

According to the traditional version, the reasons for such a rapid collapse are called the firearms of the conquistadors, which the Indians feared, the consequences of a long civil war between the Incas, an epidemic of unprecedented diseases brought in by Europeans, and similar factors.

Where did the Incas go

But even Pizarro himself recalled that his greatest success - the capture of the Great Inca Atahualpa - was a matter of chance. A handful of Spaniards were opposed by an army of 40,000. Let Atahualpa be tricked into camp and captured. Let a hundred Spaniards kill 10,000 frightened Indians. But when a huge ransom was paid for Atahualpa (it is believed that it was the largest war booty in history, and the Great Inca was killed anyway, one and a half hundred conquistadors would have simply been trampled by tens of thousands of armed (albeit badly) Indians.

This did not happen. The powerful empire seemed to dissolve, although the dynasty of the Great Incas did not stop: the remains of the state existed for about 40 years in the mountainous region of Vilcabamba.

But everything that the Spaniards so admired at the beginning of the conquest suddenly turned out to be ephemeral. Roads and irrigation facilities quietly found themselves in such a state as if they had not been monitored for decades. Cities and fortresses that seemed impregnable were empty and lay in ruins. And, of course, nowhere was it possible to find even a hint of countless treasures, as if there was no fabulous “redemption of Atahualpa”. Meanwhile, the Incas did not value gold at all and would hardly have taken care of its safety, much less hide it.

But since then, in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, among the Indians there has been a legend about the priest of the cult of the Gate of the Gods named Arami. After the treacherous murder of Atahualpa and the massacre perpetrated by the Spaniards, Arami went to the gate for advice, as he was the keeper of the key that opened the door. After a while, he returned and said that the gods did not see the point in bloodshed and offered the Inca people to move to other lands that were beyond the reach of the Spaniards. The gates opened, the Incas left, and the key - a huge metal disk - was allegedly drowned in the waves of Lake Titicaca.

But part of the people remained to deceive the colonialists. The Incas spread a rumor that most of them moved to the richest country of Paiiti. The conquistadors were eager to find out where it was located, and when they finally finished off the remnants of the empire, they tried to capture the last Great Inca Tupac Amara alive.

The same, together with the remnants of his court and relatives, after the fall of Vilcabamba, broke through to the east, into the Amazonian jungle. And there he unexpectedly surrendered to the Spaniards, although he could dissolve in the jungle without a trace. But the deception was successful. For nearly 500 years, adventurers of all stripes, archaeologists and simply curious people have been looking for Payiti in the jungle. And the Gates of the Gods were safely forgotten for hundreds of years, until a simple climber found them.