The Most Ridiculous Deaths - Alternative View

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The Most Ridiculous Deaths - Alternative View
The Most Ridiculous Deaths - Alternative View

Video: The Most Ridiculous Deaths - Alternative View

Video: The Most Ridiculous Deaths - Alternative View
Video: The Most Ridiculous Deaths in History 2024, September

The stupidest deaths in the world

"Prove that you are a man" - these words began countless sad stories. What people did not do on a dispute and on a weak basis!

• The absolute champion here is perhaps the 30-year-old peasant Krzysztof Azninsky (Poland), winner of the 1996 Darwin Prize. He threw a bachelor party, everyone, of course, drank hard, and one of those gathered suggested "have a last rage." At first, the guys simply ran after each other and fought with frozen turnips. Then a friend, the future best man of Krzysztof, grabbing a chainsaw and announced that he would now show what a real man is capable of. He turned on the saw and cut off his foot. Not bad already. However, Krzysztof wanted to surpass his friend: “What a leg there! Is it so weak? " - he cut off his head. It is not clear what his fiance thinks about this, but friends admire Krzysztof's heroic deed.

Russian roulette is the most common way to show your courage. One deadly chance in six - in principle, people have the right to take risks if they realize what the rates are. But when a "real man" has no brains in a figurative sense, his chances of being left without a brain in a literal sense increase significantly.

• If, for example, you take not a revolver with one cartridge in the drum, but a semi-automatic pistol, then the player has a 100% chance to go to another world. 2000, February 28 - this is how 19-year-old Rashada from Houston ended his life. The Mexican who played Russian roulette in a beer bar in New Mexico had the same chance of survival: his revolver had six rounds. And 28-year-old Derrick Richardson was arrested for the unintentional murder of his cousin - he offered him a semi-automatic pistol for Russian roulette. Mani, who worked as a security guard at the Coin Warehouse Corporation, wanted to play Russian roulette with himself. For the first time he was lucky; ignoring the requests of colleagues to stop, he continued to play. A second shot rang out. Who won?

• 2002, January 1 - Antonio from Brazil, met the New Year with his comrades with copious libations of alcohol. And someone from the audience offered to play Russian roulette. Nobody had a revolver, and therefore it was decided to change the rules somewhat. The winner should have been the one who can hold the lit firecracker in his mouth longer. The winner was Antonio - the petard tore in his mouth. During the funeral, his friends … that's right, admired the bravery of the deceased.

• 1999, March 22 - an even more original version of Russian roulette came to minds of three Cambodians. After drinking a fair amount of alcohol in a cafe, friends quarreled, because they forgot whose turn it was to put the drink out. One of the friends suggested using an unexploded anti-tank mine, which he found in the backyard of his house, to solve the conflict situation. No sooner said than done, and he brought it to the cafe, threw it under the table with a proposal to step on the mine with his foot in turn. If it is not torn, you buy a drink for the rest. The crowd from the cafe fled in panic. The mine was very old, it survived after the armed conflict 25 years ago, so it did not react immediately. However, after a couple of minutes, she still remembered her mortal destiny. As you can see, we can assume that all three won the dispute.

• 2000, July 27 - a taxi driver "took a weak" neighbor - offering to stand under a hornet's nest, into which stones will be thrown. Like, prove that you are a man! The neighbor accepted the challenge. Hornets too. The 53-year-old "man" died from multiple bites - the hornets probably won.

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• October 2004 - Two Taiwanese students quarreled over a classmate at the Chiai Traditional Fall Festival. The guys wanted to find out, once and for all, in a duel, who will own the hand and heart of the beauty (who, by the way, was not interested in any of the applicants). The duelists used their scooters as weapons, deciding to drive at full speed towards each other: the first one to turn is a coward and not worthy of a beauty. Both turned out to be "worthy" of the girl, the duelists collided at a speed of 80 km / h and both died.

• 2005, May 31 - Two tipsy buddies compete in strength and endurance on a 12-meter pedestrian crossing over a busy freeway in downtown Seattle: who can hang on the railing longer? The loser survived - but the winner was so tired that he could not climb back, despite the help of a friend. The winner fell on the truck, after which he was thrown onto the asphalt - in general, there was no one to rejoice in the victory.

• 2007 - two residents of the city of Valparais, Illinois, argued which of them will stand on the rails longer in front of an oncoming train. It happened at night, the driver could not even see the debaters. Victory and death went to Patrick Stiff, his loser got life.

I'll get up early in the morning, drink a bottle of mercury

And I'll go and die at our institute.

From student folklore

I don't know whether to be upset or proud, but on the topic of sports-suicide, our country is ahead of the rest.

• 2007 - an 18-year-old student from Yekaterinburg argued with his classmates that he could drink potassium cyanide and stay alive. This student constantly took in small doses poisonous mushrooms, arsenic, cyanides in order to strengthen his body and gain immortality. “Let's bet I won’t die from cyanide? - he suggested to his comrades. "There is nothing to take my body." The guys brushed aside the stupid proposal and immediately forgot about this argument. The next day, at the lecture, the guy called out to his comrades and licked the white powder from his hand with a smile. His scientific hypothesis turned out to be wrong - he fell into a coma and died without regaining consciousness.

• 2005 - an ambulance brought a 50-year-old man to the hospital with a diagnosis of a foreign body in the stomach. The X-ray showed the fork clearly. As it turned out, the man swallowed a fork for a bet. He categorically refused the operation (probably, he did not want to part with the trophy) and death came from severe damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

• 2009, February - Sergei Tuganov, a 28-year-old Moscow mechanic, argued with two friends that he could have sex with them for 12 hours non-stop. At stake was $ 4,000. Doping was allowed under the terms of the bet, and the guy swallowed a handful of Viagra pills for reliability. The mechanic won the argument, but immediately after the victory he had a heart attack from fatigue and overexertion. The girls called an ambulance, but by the time the doctors arrived, Casanova had already died.

• 2010, April - friends from the Kirov region, 18-year-old Konstantin and 27-year-old Sergei, argued whether one of them could shoot at close range the other. And Sergei could. As a result, his friend lost his life, and Sergei himself lost his freedom.

• A heavily drunk man was smoking on the landing, sitting on the railing. On the ninth floor. Coordination among drunks is not so hot, so it is not surprising that a man fell into a flight of stairs. And the drunk is lucky - so again we will not be surprised that he collapsed only on the landing of the sixth floor, and escaped with minor bruises. But luck is not forever and his luck ended there. When the smoker wanted to repeat his feat on an argument, he crashed, “safely” reaching the first floor.

• 2007, February - workers of the hydrolysis enterprise stole several liters of technical alcohol from their home plant and immediately consumed it. One of them suddenly got sick (but why would that be?), The workers called an ambulance, the patient was taken to the intensive care unit, where he died. The next day, the same ambulance team at the same address at the same table found the same company, which had commemorated a deceased comrade with the same technical alcohol. With the same result.

• One of the residents of a small village in the Lviv region. kept a 4-ton tank of moonshine in his yard. This moonshine haunted the villagers, and, in the end, in May 2010, one of the neighbors could not resist. Amoeba bequeathed to share, he rightly decided and visited the cistern with a bucket, and fell into it for joy. He drowned, but he probably died happy.

• The wife of an army ensign was tried for causing death by negligence. And she just tried to make her stop drinking too much of her husband. He drank everything that burns, he was often brought home insane or found peacefully snoring somewhere in a ditch. One morning the wife of the warrant officer said to her husband, who was suffering from a hangover: they say, if you get drunk again, I will kill you. By evening, the drunken body, as always, was delivered by colleagues and unloaded on the bed. The warrant officer came to himself tied to the bed, his wife with an ax said: "I warned you!" She threw a blanket over his face and … hit him on the head with a felt boot. And take that one and die. Death came from fright. The wife was acquitted for lack of corpus delicti, but, they say, the statistics of hard drinking in the garrison has since dropped significantly.

All of the above about alcohol can be said about drugs - multiplying it by 10.

• 2009, October - In Minnesota, a 32-year-old American, a drug addict and a thief, wanted to get hold of painkillers in a hospital. The plan was simple, like everything ingenious: to jump out of the car on the move, get a minor injury - and with it the longed-for recipe. But the drug addict after the jump had no need for painkillers: he hit his head on the asphalt and was fatally injured.

• 2000 January - Los Angeles police contacted Ohio State Police in an attempt to locate the missing driver of a refrigerated truck transporting broccoli. After 4 days, the truck was found abandoned on one of the state highways. The car was towed to a local workshop, mechanics examined it, not finding any breakdowns, except for an empty gas tank. The driver's personal belongings and 7 packages of marijuana were in the cab. Finally, one policeman found the driver in the refrigerator: legs peeked out between the boxes of cabbage. The broccoli was quickly unloaded and the poor fellow was found frozen with his head to the floor. As it turned out, the driver used the car to smuggle drugs. The cocaine cache was behind the broccoli trays. The driver decided to get to him in order to take some goods for personal use, but fell down, lost consciousness and died from hypothermia.

• 2008 - death overtook a drug addict named Darren. He made several creative attempts at that. Once, for example, he tried to inject himself with bird food (and why not, it says - "Poppy 100%"). They managed to bring him to the hospital and was diagnosed with miliary tuberculosis. Two weeks of treatment. In the end, Darren was released - and immediately returned to experiments with different substances. Death came from pesticide poisoning.

I have made it a rule to never smoke more than one cigar at a time.

Mark Twain

• After reading “Smoking is addictive” on a cigarette pack, do not laugh. It really is. 2003 June - A 43-year-old woman boarded a bus from Glasgow to London. She could hardly endure until the stop in Carlisle, where she could get out and smoke, on the next haul the young lady showed her fellow travelers such signs of withdrawal symptoms as nervous tremors, overexcitation in anticipation of the next dose (in this case, nicotine) and hysterical behavior. The driver, for his part, could not respond to her categorical demand to stop the bus immediately, because the bus was moving along the high-speed section of the highway, where you can stop only in critical cases. The lady created a critical case by knocking out the door and exiting through it at a speed of about 95 km / h.

• A nudge from a person who is more authoritative or vested with power can be perceived completely uncritically, and the possibility of an unpleasant outcome in this case is much higher.

1956 - At the training camp of the American Marine Corps on Perris Island, a group of recruits performed a march with full gear (that is, with heavy duffel bags and weapons). The sergeant sent the personnel to cross the river, accompanying the order with parting words: "Whoever cannot swim, let him drown." Apparently, it never entered his head that any of the future Marines might not actually be able to swim. Six recruits carried out the order literally and honestly went to the bottom.

• 2000, March 13 - Andrew from Dover, New Jersey accused his 10-year-old son of taking a container of chocolate ice cream cake without asking. The boy began to deny his guilt, and when the quarrel turned into a highly emotional phase, Andrew gave the angry son a 12-centimeter kitchen knife with the requirement to stab his father. The boy threw the knife, but the father picked it up and put it back in his son's hand. Finally the child yielded to his father's demand and stabbed him with a knife. Andrew died in hospital, his son was accused of murder and illegal possession of a weapon, but the court took into account the provocative behavior of the deceased.

The initiation rite is a deadly exercise when it gets out of hand. The initiate has a lowered threshold of criticality, because he wants to join the team, while initiates have a lower threshold of criticality by the desire to outdo each other in originality. Add to this the accompanying abundant libation - and everything can end sadly.

• 1978 - A newly minted student at Northwestern College was locked in the trunk with two liters of whiskey as a dedication ceremony and was warned not to open it until he had drunk everything. Death came on the same night - from alcohol poisoning.

• 1997 - At Clarkson University, two first-year students were given a bucket of spirits to drink. Both "initiates" drowned in their vomit.

• 1999 - at Monmouth College in New Jersey, as a dedication to five students, it was necessary to dig 2 meter deep graves on the beach. One fell down when the sand walls crumbled.

• 2001 - A Manhattan College student was taken out onto a country road on the coldest night of the year and thrown there without clothes. Death came from hypothermia.

• 2001 - a brass band was dispersed in Florida after the kidneys were beaten off in the process of initiation, which looked like a flogging with wooden planks.

• 2004, March - at the ceremony of Masonic initiation, during which the neophyte must demonstrate the complete transfer of his life into the hands of the leadership of the lodge, a 47-year-old man was kneeling near the altar, and the 76-year-old head of the lodge was to fire a blank from a revolver patron over his head in a pile of cans on the altar. The old man had two pistols - a ritual one, which was loaded with blanks, and a personal one, with live ammunition. The old man managed not only to confuse the pistols, but also to miss, hitting a bullet exactly in the forehead of the initiate.

V. Shraga