Roly "Cain" - Alternative View

Roly "Cain" - Alternative View
Roly "Cain" - Alternative View

Video: Roly "Cain" - Alternative View

Video: Roly
Video: Harmonica Reedwork Masterclass 2024, June

Moscow of the 18th century - a thieves' capital, in which the day began with the identification of dozens of corpses collected during the night, which were piled up by police at central intersections. At this time, in a peasant family near the village of Ivanovo, a boy is born with an incredible name for this place and time - Ivan.

He begins his thieves' career at the age of thirteen. Having become older, he keeps the whole of Moscow in fear and becomes the uncrowned head of its underworld, later works as an informer for policemen, manages to jail at least three hundred of his former accomplices during this time, after which he changes into a "werewolf" in uniform, bribes or blackmails employees of the detective orders, officials, thieves and “cover” the entire Moscow criminal world.

It was possible to close Cain and disperse his "raspberries" only with the help of the regular troops of Major General Ushakov. In 1755, Ivan Osipov was sentenced to death. However, by order of the Senate, the sentence was commuted. They ripped out their nostrils, burned a thief on their cheeks and forehead and sentenced them to hard labor in Rogervik. Later he was exiled to Siberia, where he died.
