Children Who Returned From The Afterlife - Alternative View

Children Who Returned From The Afterlife - Alternative View
Children Who Returned From The Afterlife - Alternative View

The press contains a lot of information about the so-called "posthumous" experience. We are talking about people who have experienced clinical death and came into contact with something irrational in this state. But it turns out that children also talk about similar experiences! The study was conducted by Penny Sartori, Ph. D. (USA).

Dr. Sartori, 17 years old in the intensive care unit, cites the story of a six-month-old baby in one of her articles published in the journal Critical Care Medicine. He almost died of a serious illness, but recovered. Three years later, the boy told his parents that his grandmother would soon die. "When she goes to meet God, will she go through the same tunnel?" he asked. The child was referring to his own experience of "passing through the tunnel" in a state of clinical death, which he experienced.

Another example. 4-year-old Tom, the son of a British soldier named Harry, was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. For several days he was between life and death, but survived. A few months after he was discharged from the hospital, the boy, while walking with his father, suddenly asked to take him "to that park." When asked by Harry, he replied that he saw this park when he was in the hospital. First he "went through the tunnel", then he found himself outside the fence of the park, where many children played and swayed on a swing. Tom wanted to climb over the fence to join the other children, but a man stopped him, explaining that his "time has not come yet." Then the stranger again directed the boy into the tunnel, and he woke up already in a hospital bed …

According to Penny Sartori, children's stories about clinical death are practically no different from those of adults. They see a bright light at the end of the tunnel and often meet their deceased loved ones. Then someone gives them the order to return. But at the same time, children feel so happy in the “next world” that they have a desire to find themselves there again. Thus, Dr. Phyllis Marie Atwater, who communicated with such children, claims that many of them agree to return to the physical world only because they do not want to upset their loved ones. There were even several cases when children, who once visited "the other side", later tried to commit suicide, because they liked "there" more than "here".

What happens in the future with the surviving children? Dr. Sartori found that at an older age, they are characterized by low blood pressure and increased sensitivity to light and sound. In addition, they have an increased interest in spiritual development. But at the same time, it is not always associated with the religious faith in which they were raised. For example, priests sometimes complain that children who have experienced clinical death at an early age ask them difficult questions, the content of which is contrary to Christianity.

In the 1980s, Dr. Melvin Morse, who worked in the pediatric intensive care unit, decided to trace the fate of 30 of his former patients who experienced clinical death in childhood. It turned out that they all grew up mentally balanced people, showed altruistic qualities and successfully studied. At the same time, none of them had any alcohol or drug addiction.

Parapsychologists also have a theory that children remember their previous incarnations and retain memories of being in the womb and the first time after birth. But then this information is erased from their memory … Employees of Emory University recently researchers such a phenomenon as "childhood amnesia". As you know, we begin to clearly remember ourselves from two or three, and sometimes from five or six years, and about what happened to us before, we either remember very vaguely, or we do not remember at all …

The researchers regularly interviewed a group of 83 children about events in their lives. The first polls took place at the age of three. The kids were then asked to remember the same things at the age of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. As it turned out, at the age of five to seven, the child was able to recall only 63-72 percent of the events that happened to him at the age of three, and at eight or nine years - and only 35 percent.

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Scientists believe that at an early age, memories are required by children in order to more successfully master the world around them. But they have not yet formed complex neural structures in order to keep memories in their heads for a long time. Therefore, gradually the events of the early period are erased from memory. Or nature itself has provided mechanisms for "erasing" unnecessary information. If not for this, then perhaps we would have remembered both our “life” before birth, and in those dimensions where the soul dwells between death and the next birth …

Margarita Troitsyna