Classified &Rdquo;: The Story Of A Rescued Humanoid Shed Light On The Future Fate Of Humanity - Alternative View

Classified &Rdquo;: The Story Of A Rescued Humanoid Shed Light On The Future Fate Of Humanity - Alternative View
Classified &Rdquo;: The Story Of A Rescued Humanoid Shed Light On The Future Fate Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Classified &Rdquo;: The Story Of A Rescued Humanoid Shed Light On The Future Fate Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Classified &Rdquo;: The Story Of A Rescued Humanoid Shed Light On The Future Fate Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: Classified - I Love It ft. Just Chase (Official Video) Produced by Classified 2024, September

Many cases of UFO crashes on our planet were deliberately concealed by the heads of different countries, and all information about the events was in the archives under the heading "secret". But now there is reliable information about the rescued humanoid during the Roswell incident, which in its story shed light on the future fate of humanity.

I would like to run a little ahead to mention a large-scale conference in Nevada, where scientists during their reports demonstrated the collected materials related to extraterrestrial falls of objects. Only in the period from 1897 to the end of the 90s, 86 fragments of extraterrestrial ships were found, along with the remains of the crew, but the most striking event was the American sensation of 1947. The official version reported on the debris of terrestrial equipment, but then another UFO crash has already attracted the attention of the military. This happened near the Aztec, after which the bodies of the humanoids along with their ship were urgently taken to the base. Air defense systems in Iran have received clear orders to track and shoot down this transport trying to keep nuclear installations under control. During an interview with Colonel Salman Mahini in front of the media, it was noted thatthat the glowing balls were seen near Bushehr and Isfahan, after which they simply exploded in the sky. Local residents of Mohajeran were frightened by the sudden appearance of a UFO resembling an airplane, and also noted that it changed its colors and raced at great speed, performing incredible maneuvers in the air.


The list of disasters associated with flying saucers continued the list of different countries of the world, which also included the USSR, where there are a number of documents confirming such facts. While experts prefer not to advertise information, and also do not want to investigate the UFO phenomenon, but why is the extraterrestrial topic so carefully disguised as natural phenomena? An answer to this question was tried by Robert Wood, who noted that in wartime the technical competition of the belligerent powers made it impossible to reveal the truth to people, and then they decided to hide it because of the panic of the population and religion. According to Jim Murrs, the military immediately hid the traces of the aliens, and then the press reported that nothing had happened.


Despite the fact that the events of Roswell have long been a historical rarity, new details of classified information, told by witnesses of the event, appear. Now many experts are trying to convince people that the UFO crash was just another experiment and an illusion, and therefore it is worth opening the veil of secrecy and proving the truth based on real facts. Ufologists 60 years ago did not even suspect that the Indians on the reservation could not only tell their legends, but also be useful during the investigation of a mysterious incident. People also did not try to get in touch with journalists and the authorities, because they knew very well about the consequences of such revelations, when the authorities did not stand on ceremony with eyewitnesses of cosmic topics. Only in the late 90s, during a meeting of the German scientist Michael Hesemann with local residents, many of the nuances of distant years became known, which were later published in his book on aliens.


Then there were three UFO crashes, so that the first device crashed in Socorro, after which it was the turn of Roswell and the state of Arizona. Information about the two events was not found in newspapers and libraries, but living Indians, then teenagers, were able to remember the day when the sky suddenly began to glow with bright reflections, and a huge ball-shaped object flew over their heads. The children even received minor burns to their bodies, but did not pay attention to this, as they quickly passed. A few days later, they saw an unusual girl with gray skin and similar hair color. She did not want to communicate with adults, although she willingly joined the kids' games, but only after such contact, many of them suddenly began to get sick. Then the mysterious person disappeared, but her appearance was recorded after the accident of an extraterrestrial ship, so it is possible thatthe alien wanted to find help among new species.

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Indian Robert Morningsky simply stunned the researcher with the message that near the reservation 16 UFOs crashed after the fall, but the creatures sometimes remained alive, then dying at the hands of the military. Then it becomes clear why the authorities chose to hide such facts from society, since the murder of extraterrestrial representatives and the capture of their equipment for their own purposes is fraught with serious cosmic consequences. His grandfather met the newcomer in person in 1947, when he was still a young man. Together with his friends, the man had noticed the fallen ball earlier, and then decided to come closer to this place.


There was found a wounded humanoid, whom the Indians took with them, calling them the "Star Elder", and then he himself suggested to them methods of treatment and, with the help of a mysterious green crystal, told about his civilization. People learned about intergalactic wars, which were not inventions of science fiction writers, and the gods, along with the devils, turned out to be aliens from different galaxies. But the most amazing revelation of the extraterrestrial guest was the history of mankind, created by artificial means, which is now repeatedly confirmed by the hypotheses of scientists. It turned out that we had to be the slaves of the aliens, but we just decided to become smart and escape from the captivity of the experiment. It remains a mystery what the distant masters are going to do with the evolution of the rebels, but there is no religion on the planet of our hero, and the age of several thousand years is considered infancy.


After that, one can believe that people were created with a program of aging and death, since advanced long-lived slaves were not part of the plans of humanoids, and it is also understandable why they continue to abduct various representatives of biological species for their experiments. At the end of the true story, it is impossible to miss a video taken by intelligence agents in Roswell, when the gray alien managed to survive and become the experimental exhibit of scientists. The materials themselves were devoted to the secret study of UFOs from the 40s to the late 60s, but only a small part of the archive was able to become public due to information leaks. The extraterrestrial visitor from Zeta Retica has spoken to high-ranking individuals and the real appearance of this creature can be seen.

Reshetnikova Irina
