Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Five Facts Of Alternative History That Mainstream Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Things Science Still Can't Explain 2024, September

The idea of history in modern society is very different from that which was 50 years ago. Today we know for certain about the existence of numerous mysteries that the world's leading scientists cannot understand and explain.

Most people are firmly convinced that in the distant past, the history of which has not been preserved in written sources, our planet was inhabited by advanced ancient civilizations. A lot of discoveries point to the fact that the history of mankind began much earlier than officially considered. All of them confirm only the sad thesis that the human race suffers from amnesia, as a result of which it is extremely difficult, practically impossible to understand its own origins and outline the specific time frames of the distant past.

All the data - from huge megalithic structures to incredible ancient maps that challenge the mainstream in evolutionary and historical theory - are countless, but put together, they point to a time in the history of our planet when highly developed civilizations ruled on Earth. The evidence each of us seeks is found in ancient manuscripts around the world. In this article, we will look at some of the historical findings to which the majority of scientists simply turn a blind eye:

1. It became obvious that ancient mankind already in the distant past knew the correct shape and size of our planet, although official science is trying in every possible way to refute this. The cartographic skills of our ancestors were as perfect as ours are today - and all of these advances, thousands of years old, were preceded by the development of spherical trigonometry and mathematics. They made the most amazing maps possible. This means that prehistoric man possessed knowledge using extremely advanced design methods that allowed him to obtain ultra-precise coordinates of our planet.


2. Of course, the researchers knew that ancient mankind was developed, but did not even guess to what extent. For example, the ancient Mayans, who inhabited the territory of modern Guatemala, divided the "spherical" world into five large continents, including Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Australia. In addition to this culture, there were many others who, thousands of years before modern written history, carried out topographic research, based on the concept of the Earth as a sphere.

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3. A lot of conflicting information has been found in Asia. The Fourth Book of the King of Shanghai, dating from 2250 BC, consists of four sections describing the mountainous regions beyond the Eastern Sea on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. From a geographical point of view, this suggests that the book provides topographic information about western and central America. It even describes Nevada black opals and gold nuggets, as well as San Francisco seals. It is believed that the ninth and fourteenth books tell about the Grand Canyon in detail.


4. Discovery of Gunung Padang [the sacred "Mountain of Enlightenment", which is located in the Bandung region, West Java - approx. transl.] challenges everything we know about ancient civilizations. The research results convincingly indicate that the complex is the oldest pyramid of our planet, which, according to the most conservative estimates, is at least 23 thousand years old. It is believed that Gunung Padang was a sacred site built by an unknown civilization in the pre-glacial period.


5. Also, the official science is of the opinion that there is no relationship between such ancient cultures as the Maya, Incas and the ancient Egyptians. It is believed that these civilizations arose and developed independently of each other, that they were familiar only with the cultures of neighboring countries. But this opinion has become fundamentally wrong since the time when many other, more truthful proofs were found.

For example, to the great amazement of archaeologists, in 1992 a German researcher found traces of hashish, tobacco and cocaine in the hair, skin, and bones of Egyptian mummies. At that time, tobacco and cocaine were plants that only grew in the New World. How did these exotic drugs end up in ancient Egypt in the pre-Columbian period? This irrefutable evidence proves that in the distant past, ancient civilizations were not only linked - thousands of years ago, trade routes were established between them.

Therefore, it is not difficult to believe that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were found in Australia, and the population of ancient India knew about the existence of England, calling it the "Island of the White Hills". To everyone's amazement, Vishnu Purana describes parts of Europe, both Americas and even the polar zones of our planet. In fact, the Irish have legends about people from distant lands (South Asia) who visited them in the past and called themselves Dravidians.