The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

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The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View
The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: The Battle Of Kadesh And The Defeat Of The Hittite Kingdom - Alternative View
Video: Battle of Kadesh 1274 BC (Egyptian - Hittite War) DOCUMENTARY 2024, September

Temple in honor of the victory in the battle of Kadesh

… Exactly at 6 the first rays of the sun penetrate into the temple. The face of the pharaoh, which is painted in a pale pink color, comes to life before our eyes. Now he, who has stood on his pedestal for more than 3,000 years, will take a step forward towards the crowds of thousands of tourists. And, taking them for a detachment of his brave warriors, he will emit a war cry calling for an attack …

Ramses the Great, or Ramses al-Akbar (as the Arabs call him), is unique among the generals, has not lost a single battle. In history, he is known under the name "Pharaoh the Builder", and his temples are as unusual as his victories. Ramses cut them out in the rocks above the very surface of the Nile. Abu Simbel is a place of pilgrimage for all who are attracted by the magic of Ancient Egypt. Two pairs of colossal pharaoh statues guard the entrance. They are 20 m high. At the feet of a monolithic stone giant you feel like a grain of sand in the endless desert …

There are 4 halls inside the temple. Each subsequent one is less than the previous one. The walls are covered with reliefs praising the victories of the pharaoh. Ceremonial killings of captured enemies, battle scenes. The ceiling represents the sky. In the center there are soaring kites of the goddess of royal power Nehbet, around the star. Only the pharaoh himself could enter the most remote hall during his lifetime.

Here he was met by the triad of gods who patronized the troops - Amon-Ra, Harmakis and Ptah. And, of course, his own image, because the pharaoh is also a god on earth. Otherwise, how is it possible to explain the phenomenon called "solar miracle"? It happens twice a year - February 22 (Pharaoh's birthday) and October 22 (coronation day). The sunbeam, passing 65 meters from the entrance, reaches the far hall. He illuminates the statues of Ramses, Amon-Ra and Harmakis. Moreover, the light never reaches the statue of Ptah, one of the gods of darkness.

24 minutes - and the miracle disappears, leaving confusion and delight in the souls of eyewitnesses. There are always a lot of tourists in Abu Simbel these days. Those whose name days coincide with Ramses' birthday receive gifts. However, the main gift is the opportunity to touch the secret of the great pharaoh and one of his loudest victories, in honor of which the temple was cut down. The famous Egyptologist Kurt Keram will call this victory "the purest falsification of history" or "a masterpiece of propaganda fake" …

Battle of Kadesh

Promotional video:

… 800 km separated Pi-Ramses, the Egyptian capital, and Hatgusa, the capital of the Hittite state (the territory of today's Turkey). The powers have long been at enmity, trying to establish power over Syria, a country where the most important trade routes crossed. Controlling the small Syrian principalities and taking tribute from them was equally tempting to both sides. The Hittite kingdom was ruled by the bloodthirsty Muwattali. Ramses II recently became the Pharaoh of Egypt. He ascended the throne at 24 after the death of his father Side I, and it seems that the idea of gaining fame on the battlefield did not at all seduce the young pharaoh. He enjoyed beauty and love.

While still a teenager, Ramses received a whole harem from his father. "He made sure that my harem was as beautiful as his own." Among the first consorts of Pharaoh, one was special. He will love her throughout his life, and she will remain by his side both during solemn processions across the country, and in the dashing days of state hardships. With his Nefertari, whose thin waist and shrewd mind are legendary, he will celebrate the Silver Wedding. It is she who will give birth to his first son, Amonkhopeshef …

In those years, at the dawn of his reign, intoxicated with love, he most of all wanted to create. The country has turned into a huge construction site. But the Hittites did not have a desire for peace. They made brutal raids, leaving no one alive. This time they launched an attack on the city of Lair of the Lion.

Destroyed storage facilities for grain and water, ruins of houses and temples. The divine statues were smashed with hammers. On the main square, valuable papyri were thrown into the fire.

On the outskirts, where a butcher's shop was under a canopy, lay a heap of bodies - soldiers, old people, women, children. Three generals were hanging from a beam supporting the roof. The ruler of the city found a terrible death - he was impaled.

An inscription was left on a wooden column: “Victory of the army of the powerful ruler of the Hittite empire Muwattali. This is how all his enemies perish."

Ramses did not declare war. Just one fine day, a messenger delivered a letter from a secret agent from Egypt to the king of the Hittites Muwattali: the young Pharaoh Ramses II began to prepare the army for the campaign. It was like a bolt from the blue: after all, Ramses is only 5 years on the throne. Can he build a strong army?

… Pi-Ramses, turned into a military camp, was all in motion, like a bee hive. From dawn to dusk - exercises and training. Having entrusted the management of the country's affairs to Nefertari, Ramses disappears for days on end in weapons workshops and on the parade ground. He vigilantly makes sure that the horses are kept in order - after all, the outcome of the battle, as he believed, will largely depend on them. History will show how right he was. While the floor of each stable is sprinkled with small pebbles, the tanks with special drains are constantly replenished with water. Ramses daily bypasses the stables and strictly punishes the grooms for any offense.

And now the army is ready to march. June heat 1285 BC e. seemed even more agonizing than usual. But the Egyptian army set out on a campaign. Ramses divided his army into four units, which were under the protection of the gods Ra, Amon, Set and Ptah. The 20,000 infantrymen were joined by reserve soldiers and cavalry. To facilitate the management of the army, the pharaoh broke the army into detachments of 200 people, led by standard bearers.

Ramses moved easily, despite the fact that the enemy tried in every possible way to disorient the young commander-in-chief and impose "local battles" on him. Realizing that a general battle could not be avoided, the Hittite army led by Muwattali took the direction of Kadesh, an impregnable border fortress in northern Syria. It will certainly become a cemetery for the Egyptian army, the Hittites believed. From a military point of view, Kadesh was incredibly comfortable: perched on a hill, overlooking the river valley. All movements of the enemy - at a glance. In addition, trade and strategic routes crossed here, leading to northern Syria and the shores of the Mediterranean Sea …

The core of the Hittite army was formidable war chariots. They were more perfect than the chariots of Ramses and seemed invincible. The crew consisted of a driver, an archer and a shield bearer. The Egyptian archer was forced to defend himself. In addition, Hittite chariots were lighter and more mobile.

But the fearless Ramses was advancing towards his enemy. However, the Hittites were not visible. Before reaching a few kilometers to the Cadet, the pharaoh stopped his army. The place seemed suitable for an ambush - here the enemy's chariots would not be able to pass! The headquarters was set up at the edge of the Labvy forest on the east bank of the Orontes River. On the left is the ford, which allowed crossing the river without being noticed by the Hittite archers on duty at the towers. The second ford was located much closer to the Cadet. Ramses planned to bypass the fortress and capture it from the rear.

The next day, a man in Bedouin clothing was caught at the crossing. He said that the Hittite king had long ago left the fortress and led his army to the north. Ramses, anticipating a quick victory, did not wait for the approach of the detachments walking behind. He began to ferry Amun's detachment across the river. Pharaoh was in a hurry. Not all the soldiers had yet overcome the ford, as he set up camp at the walls of the Cadet. The Pharaoh's luxurious tent was placed in the center, and a circular barrier was erected from the chariots. But suddenly the sentry noticed Hittite scouts. Under torture, they confessed that the enemy's army was very close, on the other side of the fortress. As it turned out, every time the Egyptian army moved, the king moved his troops all the time - this is how children play, hiding behind a thick tree …

Confused Ramses looked up to the sky. And then, in the middle of the endless heavenly width, real thunder struck! Still not believing his eyes, Ramses could not immediately understand where this terrible noise was coming from … A cloud of enemy chariots had just crossed the river and crashed into the flank of the Ra formation! Another armada swiftly attacked the Ptah warriors. Thousands of infantry rushed behind the chariots, covering everything around like deadly locusts!

The number of enemies was staggering. But when Emperor Muwattali appeared on the battlefield, the pharaoh understood everything. The rulers of Syria, Mitanni, Alep, Ugarit and other small regions stood next to the emperor of the Hittite state in their chariots. Muwattali persuaded them to join the Hittites in order to defeat the Egyptians for sure. There was a gigantic advantage on the side of the enemy!

Hundreds of Ramses' foot soldiers were killed by enemy arrows. The order of the chariots is confused. The situation seemed disastrous. The Hittites crushed the Egyptians, the points of their weapons pierced their sides and crushed bones. The allies have already congratulated Muwattali … Of course - the mighty army of Ramses was exterminated without even joining the battle! The survivors ran away like hares. It remained to deliver the decisive blow. With the death of Ramses, Egypt will finally become a slave to the Hittite Empire. The young pharaoh is trapped and will pay dearly for the mistake!

And now the wall of shields that protected the pharaoh's camp was overturned. Brave warriors fall one after another, pierced through. Intoxicated by the victory, the Hittites have already rushed to plunder the Egyptian camp. It seemed that the Egyptians had no chance of salvation. However, something happened here that forever added the word "Great" to the title of Ramses and that the Pharaoh himself later explained by the intervention of his god.

“The crime of my soldiers and warriors in chariots who abandoned me is so great that it cannot even be expressed in words. But you see: Amon gave me victory … not a single driver was at my fingertips … I rushed at them! I … in the blink of an eye made them feel the strength of my hand. I knocked them down and killed them, wherever they were, and one shouted to the other: "That is not a man among us, then the invincible Set … What he does is beyond human strength!"

Ramses climbed onto his gilded chariot. Tied the reins around the waist to keep my hands free. Faithful horses themselves will carry him where necessary! Nearby is an almost tame lion named Fighter. He is also loyal to his master and will fight to the last drop of his blood!

Divine rage descended on Ramses. His hand shot arrow after arrow, and they smashed the enemies without missing. The charioteers of the famous Hittite chariots fell dead, the horses were carried blindly, creating chaos. The bloody feast was led by a Nubian lion. Three hundred kilograms, razor-sharp claws, 10-centimeter fangs … The blows of his paws beat stronger than the spears.

The very appearance of the pharaoh, formidable and fearless, gave courage to his soldiers. How Egyptian chariots appeared from under the ground and rushed into the gap made by Ramses. Despite the huge numerical and positional superiority, the Hittite soldiers fled in panic … The enemy locked himself in the fortress. Ramses never took Kadesh, but the Hittites were also unable to defeat his troops.

The battle showed that the forces of both powers are equal. But Ramses returned home … the winner of the Hittites! None of the battles before that time had been so glorified by the Egyptians. Several detailed descriptions, drawings and even a poem composed by a court poet named Pentaura have survived to this day. It is to this victory that one of the temples of Abu Simbel is dedicated. Ramses ordered to knock out bas-reliefs on the walls that told about the course of the battle.

Its artists did not spare dark colors when painting the actions of the Hittites. Pharaoh himself was declared "fearless, great, held in high esteem in all countries … who put an end to the praise of the Hittite country", "the son of the god Ra, who trampled the Hittite country." But meanwhile, the war with the trampled down country lasted for another 15 years. Bloody battles were fought on the plains of Syria and Palestine. When King Muwattali died, his brother, Hattusili III, sat on the throne. At this time, the Hittite state had a hard time: mountain tribes attacked from the north, Assyria began a war from the east. And the mighty sovereign thought about the world …

The first peace treaty in history - Egypt and the Hittites

… 1905 - a historian at the University of Berlin received a small parcel by mail. It contained a cuneiform tablet in an unknown language. The letter said that she was found near the village of Bogazkoy, not far from Ankara. Without a moment's hesitation, Professor Winkler departed for the upcoming excavation site. When he first saw the ruins of an ancient city, he was amazed by the size of the fortress walls: the flat section stretched for a whole kilometer in length!

The researcher asked local peasants to show the place where the tablet was found. They were very surprised: these shards were everywhere here, just dig! The professor began to dig, but already on the third day heavy rains started …

Excavations continued the following summer. And then one day, Winkler was brought a tablet in a well-known language: “The agreement of Ramses, beloved by Amun, the great king of the Egyptian country, a hero, with Hattusili, the great king, ruler of the Hittite country, his brother … An excellent agreement of peace and brotherhood, giving peace … to eternity.

It was the finest hour! The scientist had a document of state importance in his hands - an agreement between two great rulers. A silver plate dated 1272 was engraved with 18 paragraphs of a peace treaty - the first in human history. Here are its main points: the kings swear allegiance to each other, promise to help in wars against other states, hand over defectors and never start wars between themselves.

This event is truly epoch-making: after all, the treaty between the Hittites and the Egyptians laid the foundation for international relations in our current understanding. Well, in addition to the agreement, Khattusili offered Ramses to marry his two daughters at once - to consolidate the diplomatic alliance … Of course, he did not refuse - and the world was secured for 70 years.

Well, what about the horses that Ramses fostered so lovingly before the battle and which carried him alive from the terrible massacre at Kadesh? Ramses loved and protected them all his life. A special field was even sown for them. Such respect for the horse that saved the hero in the battle is well known to us from the story of Prophetic Oleg. However, for the first time he was shown by the fearless and legendary Ramses II.

V. Pimenova
