A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View

A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View
A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View

Video: A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View

Video: A Scientific Report Has Been Declassified, From Which It May Follow That The Turin Shroud Is Still Real - Alternative View
Video: NEW! Science Proves Shroud Is Jesus FAST VERSION 2024, June

Analytical results proving that the legendary painting cannot be authentic are most likely mistaken.

Italian and French scientists questioned the reliability of the studies, the authors of which established the age of the Turin Shroud in 1988. They presented their arguments in the journal Archeometry at Oxford University. It is briefly introduced by the Phys Org portal.

Let me remind you that the Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth 437 centimeters long and 111 centimeters wide, which is kept in the Italian city of Turin in the Cathedral of John the Baptist. There are two negative misprints of the human body on the canvas - front and back.

The Gospels testify: the Savior taken down from the cross was wrapped in linen. Wrapped exactly in this, according to enthusiasts, in the Turin Shroud, on the fabric of which a body imprint mysteriously appeared. His body.

Skeptics doubt it. And they suspect that the shroud is still fake. That is, the image on it, if not drawn, is somehow obtained artificially. Both sides have been arguing for years. With varied success.

The main argument of skeptics is the studies of 1988, during which independent laboratories carried out radiocarbon dating of the fabric of the Turin Shroud.

Seven laboratories were asked to be the executors. But the Vatican admitted three teams of scientists to the canvas: Americans from the University of Arizona, Swiss from the Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland, and British from Oxford University in the UK. Each group was given a tiny piece of cloth.

Result of dating: the fabric was made in the Middle Ages - in the period from 1260 to 1390 AD. And therefore, the real funerary canvas of Jesus Christ could not be in any way, since the Savior was crucified in 33 AD.

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Enthusiasts believe that the Savior taken from the cross was wrapped in the cloth, which is now called the Turin Shroud
Enthusiasts believe that the Savior taken from the cross was wrapped in the cloth, which is now called the Turin Shroud

Enthusiasts believe that the Savior taken from the cross was wrapped in the cloth, which is now called the Turin Shroud.

The conclusions, according to which the Turin Shroud turned out to be a medieval fake, are now disputed by scientists led by Tristan Casabianca (Tristan Casabianca). He and his colleagues, having learned that the details of the analysis were classified, filed a lawsuit against the University of Oxford, demanding that the scientific report be declassified. And he won the case - he got the desired access.

It turned out that an area of several square centimeters was subjected to radiocarbon analysis - from the very edge of the canvas. The plaintiffs quite reasonably believe that it is unreasonable to recognize it as convincing. The edges could be frayed, they could be repaired - several times over hundreds of years. Hence, they say, distorted data and scatter of dates.

The dating of the central part of the shroud, for which Casabianca and his colleagues would like to get permission to analyze, would give the correct result. But the Vatican resists.

The Vatican does not allow a new dating of the Turin Shroud. Apparently he is satisfied with the current ambiguity
The Vatican does not allow a new dating of the Turin Shroud. Apparently he is satisfied with the current ambiguity

The Vatican does not allow a new dating of the Turin Shroud. Apparently he is satisfied with the current ambiguity.

Read about recent studies of the canvas. Proving that the Turin Shroud is genuine, scientists crucified several people.

There were always enthusiasts who were ready to fulfill the role of Jesus
There were always enthusiasts who were ready to fulfill the role of Jesus

There were always enthusiasts who were ready to fulfill the role of Jesus.

