Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View

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Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View
Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View

Video: Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View

Video: Churchill Started The War Between The USSR And Germany? - Alternative View
Video: Operation Unthinkable - Churchill's Plan to Defeat Stalin - COLD WAR 2024, September

The new version of the reasons for the Great Patriotic War follows from obvious inconsistencies in historical facts.

June 22, 1941 is one of the most terrible dates in the life of our people. It is still not clear why the most powerful army in the world - the Red Army - was almost completely defeated at the very beginning of the war by the Germans, if from 1919 to 1935 Germany actually had no armed forces? The question forever remained: how could this have happened in June 1941 in a country where everything was subordinated to defense?

One of the main reasons for this is that for 70 years now, the events of this black day have been submitted to the editorial office of the person who was most interested in the fact that the truth about June 22 would never become known. From memoirs, books, films, it is clear that war was expected by everyone. For some reason, she supposedly turned out to be a complete surprise only for the leader, who had concentrated all the power in his hands. This is precisely what caused the disaster, since he conducted his policy alone, secretly from everyone: from the army, diplomats and intelligence.

All versions of the beginning of the war, explaining the tragedy of June 22, 1941, ultimately boil down to three:

1. The official Soviet version (actually Stalin's version): “Fascist Germany attacked: a) with superior forces; b) having the best military equipment; c) treacherously. " However, the data published in recent years have shown that "a" and "b" do not correspond to reality, and "c" is just stupidity, for what kind of faith could there be in Hitler, who constantly violated all agreements and by that time had seized almost all of Europe.

2. The version voiced by Goebbels and Ribbentrop on June 22, 1941 and presented as a "discovery" in V. Suvorov's book "Icebreaker" in 1992: "Stalin was preparing an attack on Germany, and Hitler, having learned about this, outpaced him and inflicted a preventive hit". The location of Soviet and German units on the border (ours are 30-300 km from the border, and the German ones are 0.5-1 km), the absence of ammunition and fuel in the advanced Soviet units (while the photograph of German tanks from the first day of the war shows that each of them is hung with cans, and even has a trailer of two barrels of gasoline) strongly refute this.

3. New hypothesis of the beginning of the war, proposed by the author of this publication, substantiated by him in the book “The Great Secret of the Great Patriotic War. New hypothesis of the outbreak of war. Soviet troops were drawn to the western borders, because Stalin was preparing them for a great transport operation - a transfer across Poland and Germany to the shores of the English Channel for subsequent landing in England (participation in Operation Sea Lion). He agreed on this with Hitler in November 1940, promising in return to transport German troops through the USSR to Iraq to strike at the British colonies. (This is why Stalin was so calm about the increase in the contingent of German troops near the Soviet border.) At the same time, ammunition and fuel had to be transported separately (therefore, on June 22, most of the advanced units of the Red Army did not have them, sincethe transfer in both directions by rail began on June 20, 1941, about which there is an indirect message in the diary of the OKW chief of staff Halder for July 3). It is quite possible that the decision about where to strike - England or Germany - Stalin was going to make at the last moment.

Upon learning of the preparation for this operation, Churchill ordered to steal Hitler's only deputy in the party, Hess, and through him agreed with Hitler to launch a joint strike against the USSR at dawn on June 22, 1941. Therefore, an imitation of air raids on Soviet naval bases was organized (Sevastopol, Ochakov, Kronstadt, Tallinn). But in the end, Churchill deceived the Fuehrer and made a statement on the same day about his full support for the USSR. Germany found itself in a war on two fronts. Therefore, the documents about Hess's stay in England have not yet been declassified.

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This version, completely incredible at first glance, upon close examination, explains all the strangeness and mysteries of the first day of the war. The reason for these oddities is that the war that began was not the one that Stalin and … Hitler were preparing for. Therefore, both of them did not speak on the radio that day (Molotov did it for Stalin, and Goebbels did it for Hitler).

The only leader who spoke that day was Churchill, for the war he had been trying to achieve for so long began - the USSR with Germany.

22nd of June. At exactly 4 o'clock? Was Kiev bombed?

After reading and studying a large number of materials about the first hours of the Great Patriotic War, I drew attention to the fact that reports on the first bombing of Soviet cities almost always indicate different cities or they are indicated vaguely (for example, like this: “they bombed the cities of the Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus Moldova ). This is understandable, let us say, for the official reports of the first period of the war, when the information from the localities was not yet fully compiled. However, ten, twenty, fifty and seventy years later, the complete list of Soviet cities bombed at dawn on June 22 is absent even in historical research, encyclopedias and multivolume histories of the Great Patriotic War.

Let's start with a speech by Molotov, delivered on the radio on June 22, 1941. In it, he named four cities that were subjected to German bombing: Zhitomir, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas. However, the report of the General Staff No. 01 published in 2008 at 10.00 on June 22, 1941, signed by its chief, General of the Army Zhukov, mentions only one of them - Kaunas. I know for certain that it was not Kaunas itself that was bombed, but the Aleksotas military airfield (I lived with my family at that time in Kaunas in a military town, and my father, mother and older sister told me about this first bombing many times).

I counted the settlements bombed on the morning of June 22 by the German aviation (there were 33 in the summary), it turned out that practically in each of them there was an airfield. That is, the Germans bombed only Soviet airfields. On the first day of the war, 1200 Soviet aircraft were destroyed, according to other sources - 1800. In two days, 2500 Soviet aircraft were destroyed! This was precisely what was hidden, because it was impossible to name the true objects of the first bombings - airfields, because this would confirm the enemy's thesis about Germany's preemptive strike against the Soviet troops allegedly preparing to attack her. Moreover, it was impossible even to mention the very first air raids of this day on the naval bases of "unknown aircraft". The result was confusion.

Who, when and why bombed Sevastopol?

The most mysterious story happened to the first city on which the very first raid on that day was made - Sevastopol. According to the memoirs of Zhukov and the People's Commissar of the Navy Kuznetsov, it is known that it was committed an hour earlier than the first raid of the Germans on airfields along the western border. The planes were both called "unknown", and not a single ship was damaged by them, because they did not drop bombs, but ostensibly mines, and not simple, but bottom and magnetic, and even with an unknown frequency of passage of ships over them, as a result of which they could not be detected by ordinary trawling the next day. It is striking that they were allowed to open fire on these planes from Moscow, while they were categorically banned on the planes that flew into the airfields near the western border, as a result of which the deputy. General Kopets, commander of the ZapOVO air force, even shot himself after the defeat of the border airfields of his district. I was able to establish that on June 22, the Soviet air defense forces had 25–30 RUS-2 radar stations. They could detect approaching enemy aircraft from a distance of 100 km and observe them for up to 20 minutes (in Sevastopol, the Redut-K ship radar was on the Molotov cruiser, two ground-based RUS-2 on the coastal battery of Cape Fiolent, which defended the entrance to the Sevastopol Bay; in addition, there was another RUS-2 in Crimea at Cape Tarkhankut). Only radar stations could detect in the darkness of the night (2.00-3.00) the approach of aircraft, which was immediately reported to the authority. This is exactly what Molotov had in mind when he told F. Chuev that the events of June 22 “unfolded much earlier”: “In Sevastopol, they repulsed the raid. At two or three hours they attacked … ". From German documents it became knownthat on June 22, not a single Luftwaffe aircraft operated against the Soviet Navy, therefore not a single Soviet ship was injured that day.

There can be only one explanation for all these riddles: the raid on Sevastopol was carried out not by German, but by British planes, if Churchill, through Hess, who was in England, agreed with Hitler on a joint attack on the USSR on June 22. At the same time, Churchill took upon himself the bombing of the Soviet naval bases and conducted it on June 22 by laying "mines" with several of their explosions on the shore, which did not bring any harm to the fleet. This was done an hour or two before the German attack on Soviet airfields. Only after receiving information that the British carried out raids on Soviet naval bases, the Germans began hostilities along the entire western border of the USSR.

Thus, Churchill managed to drag Hitler into a war with the USSR that was completely unnecessary for him at that moment.

It's time to tell the truth

Today, a situation has developed when the official Soviet version is, in fact, if not completely refuted, then greatly devalued by the published memoirs of Soviet generals and marshals, as well as ordinary participants of the Second World War, foreign publications and newly opened documents from Russian and foreign archives. It was established that the pre-war military-technical cooperation of the USSR with Germany from the moment of signing the non-aggression pact until June 22, 1941 was very fruitful: it turns out that the Germans not only handed over to the USSR almost all the aircraft requested, but also overtaken most of them in the USSR; military-technical delegations traveled continuously; colossal deliveries to the USSR of German products, documentation, technologies and equipment for aviation, artillery and warships were also carried out,as well as a huge amount of all kinds of military equipment, ammunition and instruments and equipment for their mass production. Such deliveries could only be made for potential allies, never for potential adversaries. The USSR, in exchange for them, supplied Germany with the fuel, raw materials and food that it badly needed.

The main thing is that the secret transfer to the western borders of the USSR in May-June 1941 of a colossal number of Soviet military units and formations, including armies, was clearly recorded. Until recently, it was this largest pre-war event of the Red Army that was presented as the main confirmation of the correctness of Suvorov's version of the beginning of the war - the preparation of Soviet troops in 1941 not for defense, but for an attack on Germany. Only a new hypothesis about the impending transportation of some parts of the Red Army to the English Channel explains the true reason for this transfer and convincingly shows that it was most likely agreed with Hitler, which means that it could in no way be the reason for the German attack on the USSR. Most likely, it was provoked by British intelligence and aviation at the direction of Churchill. And, most importantly, it becomes clearthat the cause of the catastrophe of the first days of the war was not the weakness of our intelligence, industry and army, but Stalin's personal loss in pre-war secret diplomacy.

The history of the Great Patriotic War was created not by historians, but by propagandists, but that was how it should have been done then, during the war years. Now it is necessary not to write another "history", but to publish original documents explaining all the riddles and eliminating the blank spots on June 22. It is necessary to documentfully tell about the true events of those days, and most importantly - about their reasons. It's time to make a strategic turn in order to remove the blame for this catastrophe and tragedy from our military leaders, commanders and rank-and-file Red Army soldiers. There is another reason for this. I was told how, quite recently, at one of the Turkish resorts frequently visited by Russians, on May 9, such an incident occurred. A large group of Russians at shifted tables were celebrating Victory Day when a group of Germans passed by. The German said something in an undertone to his companion. One of ours,a young man of strong build, noticed this and asked loudly: "What, don't you like our Victory Day?" The German approached the festive table and said in a low voice: "We remember May 9, and you do not forget that it was June 22". And suddenly I realized that, despite the lost war, the Germans are proud of its first day, when they were victors, just as the French are proud of Napoleon's initial victories in Russia - it's not for nothing that a whole list of Russian cities captured by his army was knocked out on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in 1812. But these Germans do not know that there is nothing to be proud of, because their ancestors "defeated" virtually unarmed people, most of whom were even forbidden to open fire.which was also on June 22 ". And suddenly I realized that, despite the lost war, the Germans are proud of its first day, when they were victors, just as the French are proud of Napoleon's initial victories in Russia - it's not for nothing that a whole list of Russian cities captured by his army was knocked out on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in 1812. But these Germans do not know that there is nothing to be proud of, because their ancestors "defeated" virtually unarmed people, most of whom were even forbidden to open fire.which was also on June 22 ". And suddenly I realized that, despite the lost war, the Germans are proud of its first day, when they were victors, just as the French are proud of Napoleon's initial victories in Russia - it's not for nothing that a whole list of Russian cities captured by his army was knocked out on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris in 1812. But these Germans do not know that there is nothing to be proud of, because their ancestors "defeated" virtually unarmed people, most of whom were even forbidden to open fire.because their ancestors "defeated" virtually unarmed people, most of whom were even forbidden to open fire.because their ancestors "defeated" virtually unarmed people, most of whom were even forbidden to open fire.

The hidden truth is always a time bomb, which sooner or later will surely explode. Let's not forget that after the defeat of Germany, some of the documents shedding light on the circumstances of pre-war cooperation between Germany and the USSR and its attack on the USSR on June 22, 1941, ended up in the hands of our allies in the anti-Hitler coalition - the United States and England. And this for the leadership of the USSR and Stalin personally was no less dangerous than the atomic bomb, because it was also used for blackmail. It was about the constant "Soviet threat", a frenzied arms race began.

It is a shame for 70 years not to explain to my people the true cause of the catastrophe that befell them on June 22, 1941. Working on my books about the secret on June 22, 1941, I worked through a huge amount of material - books by historians and publicists, testimonies of numerous participants in the Second World War, as well as archival documents. This has already allowed to eliminate several white spots in the history of this day.

Let's tell the truth! Even if it does not coincide with the hypothesis I proposed, I will be happy, because at last we will be shown documents explaining the main mysteries of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Alexander Osokin.

Author of the trilogy "The Great Secret of the Great Patriotic War."
