Ominous Orbs Over The Adyghe Dolmens - Alternative View

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Ominous Orbs Over The Adyghe Dolmens - Alternative View
Ominous Orbs Over The Adyghe Dolmens - Alternative View

Video: Ominous Orbs Over The Adyghe Dolmens - Alternative View

Video: Ominous Orbs Over The Adyghe Dolmens - Alternative View
Video: Unpacking the Term ‘Dolmen’ Around the Black Sea Coast 2024, June

Thousands of ancient monuments can be found in the Republic of Adygea, and the most famous of them are dolmens - religious structures resembling stone tables on supports with round holes. Previously, there were more than two hundred documented megaliths of this type in the Caucasus, but during the revolution most of them were destroyed. Moreover, many dolmens have survived to this day, which is good news.

Scientists have determined that these mysterious structures, laid out over five thousand years ago, served for the burial of people and the performance of various mystical rituals by our ancestors. This is probably why many believe that dolmens are charged with powerful energy and still provoke supernatural phenomena around them. This can be easily verified by spending the night in the forest near such a megalith. After that, they say, even the most hardened skeptic cannot deny that something inexplicable and supernatural is happening here.


The authoritative Russian researcher Sergei Gerasimov repeatedly visited the Adyghe dolmens with special equipment and discovered a lot of interesting things there. While photographing ancient monuments, the expert subsequently noticed amazing artifacts - orbs - in the images obtained. They are luminous balls and spots that cannot be caught with the naked eye, but which are easily captured in the photo. Many experts in the field of the supernatural believe that these are certain entities from the subtle world - fortunately, kind, even, one might say, caring.


Scientist believes that orbs are not ghosts

The motion sensors near the dolmens begin to literally “go crazy”, as if someone invisible is constantly there and moving. Equipment for measuring electromagnetic fields invariably captures powerful radiation that can only be found in power plants or in the epicenter of a thunderstorm. Eyewitnesses, including Sergei Gerasimov himself, have repeatedly seen strange red flashes here and even some kind of humanoid dark figures. One might think that we are talking about ghosts, but an experienced dolmen researcher does not think so: in his opinion, it is unscientific.

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Our compatriot got his unusual hobby about five years ago. An acquaintance of Sergei, who visited the dolmens in Adygea, showed him her photographs with exactly the same mysterious balls. Since then, Gerasimov annually arranges an expedition to the Caucasus in order to obtain new evidence of the local paranormalism and, possibly, to determine what caused it.


By the way, Caucasian dolmens even surprise us with their construction, since they are made of huge stone blocks that fit each other so precisely, and without visible mechanical processing, as if they were molded from plasticine, and only then turned into stones. This is another amazing mystery of the fantastic megaliths of Adygea …