The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Hitler's Death: Unique Documents Revealed In The FSB Archives - Alternative View
Video: The death of Adolf Hitler | DW Documentary 2024, September

And they explained the situation with the DNA examination of the remains of the main Nazi

All that was left of the Evil fit in one palm. I hold Hitler's jaw in my hands. The Fuehrer of Germany clearly did not protect his teeth: most of them are artificial, made of gold.

There are many conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but managed to escape. In the West, they say: Russia does not specifically make a DNA examination of the Fuhrer's jaw … I went to the archives of the FSB of Russia to get answers to my questions.

Hitler and Eva Braun
Hitler and Eva Braun

Hitler and Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler's jaw is a major artifact in the archives of the Federal Security Service. It is she who is considered the main proof that the Fuhrer committed suicide, and did not spend somewhere (for example, in Argentina) the rest of his days.

Hitler's jaw
Hitler's jaw

Hitler's jaw

"Russia has not yet made a DNA examination of Hitler's jaw!" - said recently ex-CIA officer Bob Baer. Together with the American military who participated in the elimination of bin Laden, he "threatened" to publish documents confirming that Hitler was taken out of Berlin alive, and the jaw of the Reich Chancellor's double was always in the hands of the MGB-KGB-FSB.

Is there even a grain of truth in this? What other evidence of Hitler's suicide do the Russian special services have?

Promotional video:

The last lifetime snapshot of Hitler. April 30, 1945
The last lifetime snapshot of Hitler. April 30, 1945

The last lifetime snapshot of Hitler. April 30, 1945

Undercover investigation: "Hitler's personal dog is buried in the specified funnel"

Talk that Hitler survived in the spring 1945 meat grinder has not stopped for over 70 years. And it is unlikely that this "alternative" version will ever be finally dispelled. As historians say, no matter how much and no matter what evidence they present, people will always doubt the suicide of one of the bloodiest rulers on the planet during the storming of Berlin by the soldiers of the Red Army.

The case initiated by the search for the Fuhrer
The case initiated by the search for the Fuhrer

The case initiated by the search for the Fuhrer

But now there is a reason to conduct another historical investigation. In January 2017, former British and American intelligence officials said they had studied 14,000 different documents and concluded that Hitler had survived. According to them, the Fuhrer was taken to a secret Nazi camp in Argentina. They threw a stone into the garden of Russia, they say, our country knew this and allegedly therefore did not conduct a DNA examination of Hitler's jaw.

- There really was no DNA examination, but not at all, - says Nikolai Ivanov, deputy head of the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia. - We are ready to show Hitler's jaw and other material evidence confirming his death.

But I decide to start my search for the truth with documents. These are not copies, but originals. These secret papers have been seen by a few.

Ruined bunker of Hitler
Ruined bunker of Hitler

Ruined bunker of Hitler

The FSB archive contains an intelligence-search case against Adolf Hitler, which was started in 1945. Bulky folder with yellowed sheets. On the cover is Hitler's name in strikingly beautiful handwriting. And further: “The USSR Ministry of State Security. Case No. 300919.

It's always good to first imagine the crime scene.

Here are pictures of the bunker where Hitler and Eva Braun hid in the last days of his life. More precisely, the photo shows only the burnt remnants of the shelter. Parts of walls, stairs … To understand how it looked during Hitler's life, it is better to study the layout of the bunker. The drawing was made by someone from the Red Army.

So, in the very corner was Hitler's bedroom. Nearby there is a private bathroom, an office, and a "card room". Closely adjoined by Eva Braun's bedroom-living room, her dressing room. There is also a "dog bunker", or a room for security. All this takes up one half of the shelter, separated from the other by a conference room and a common living room.

Photo from Hitler's bunker
Photo from Hitler's bunker

Photo from Hitler's bunker

And on the other half there are Goebbels' bedrooms (the main ideologist of Nazi propaganda), Stumpfegger's rooms (a surgeon, Hitler's personal doctor), a diesel engine room, a panel room, a security room, etc. The kitchen, closets, servants' quarters, the rooms of Frau Goebbels and her children were located separately.

From the bunker, judging by the scheme, there were several exits, including one into the garden. A cross marks the place where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were burned in this garden …

I read the testimony of Hitler's servants. She assures that the last time she saw him and his wife alive was at 2.30 pm on April 30. "They walked through the bunker, shook hands with all the assistants, then returned to their rooms, where they committed suicide."

Photo from Hitler's bunker
Photo from Hitler's bunker

Photo from Hitler's bunker

Then there are the testimonies of the guards, who tell how, by order of the authorities, the external doors were walled up, how they brought about 180 liters of gasoline. What happened next, they did not know. From the testimony of the secretaries, it becomes clear that Goebbels, Bormann (head of the party office, personal secretary of the Fuhrer), Hitler's adjutant Gunsche, the personal bodyguard of the Fuhrer Linge, carried the bodies of Hitler and Eve into the garden. At the same time, the body of the Fuhrer was wrapped in a blanket, but his wife was not. The bodies were doused with gasoline, and when they caught fire, they saluted and hastily returned to the shelter (it was dangerous, because the fire of the Russian artillery was increasing).

One of the main evidence documents:

“Identifier Harry Mengeshausen stated that from 10 to 30 April 1945, while serving in the SS Mundke Group of Forces, he participated in the defense of the Reich Chancellery and the immediate protection of Hitler. At noon on April 30, he patrolled the Imperial Chancellery building, walking down the corridor past Hitler's workroom to the blue dining room. Patrolling along the indicated corridor, Mengeshausen stopped at the extreme window of the blue dining room, which is the first at the exit door to the garden, and began to observe. At this moment, the bodies of Hitler and his wife were carried out of the emergency exit Günsche and Linge. Gunsche doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The bodies were then carried into the shell crater.

Mengeshausen observed the entire procedure of taking out, burning and burying the corpses of Adolf Hitler and his wife at a distance of 60 meters. Further Mengeshausen stated that Hitler's personal dog was buried in the indicated funnel on April 29. Her signs: a tall shepherd dog with long ears, black back … Mengeshausen knows that she was poisoned with poison. Inspection of the places indicated by Mengeshausen established the veracity of the testimony: from the window of the blue dining room he could perfectly observe what was happening."

In general, Hitler gave the order to burn them while he was still alive. He was afraid that his dead would be carried around Moscow and shown like a monkey. Neither alive nor dead, he did not want to get the Russians.

It is impossible to understand from the documents exactly how long the bodies burned, how often they were poured with gasoline. In the general turmoil, few of those close to them were interested in this fact. And by the way, this offended one of the employees: in his testimony he complains about the general indifference to the fate of the corpses … But Hitler's body was not destined to burn to the ground. Fact.

Then comes the testimony related to the suicide of Goebbels, his wife.

Probably, then the burnt bodies of both Hitler and Goebbels were simply sprinkled with earth and forgotten about. At that time, everyone was busy thinking about how to save their lives, and no one cared at all to the dead Hitler. The soldiers of the Red Army have already shown interest in him.

I am holding a unique document. Spelling and punctuation are preserved.

"Sov. secret. Berlin. Act. 1945, May of the month "5" day

Me guards. Senior Lieutenant Alexei Alexandrovich Panasov and privates Churakov, Oleinik and Seroukh in Berlin in the area of Hitler's Reich Chancellery near the place where the troupes were found (for some reason, "corpses" are everywhere written with two "p" - EM) Goebbels and his wife, about Hitler's personal bomb shelter was found and two burned-out troupe, one female, the second male, were seized. The troupes were badly burned, it is impossible to identify them without any additional data. The troupes were in a bomb crater, three meters from the entrance to the bomb shelter and covered with a layer of earth. The troupes are kept at the SMERSH counterintelligence department.

Photo of the charred remains of Hitler (it can be seen that the fire almost did not affect the legs)
Photo of the charred remains of Hitler (it can be seen that the fire almost did not affect the legs)

Photo of the charred remains of Hitler (it can be seen that the fire almost did not affect the legs)

Another diagram, apparently drawn by Panasov, is attached to the act. It shows in more detail the place where the corpses were found.

The numbers indicate the old and new imperial chancellery, Hitler's dugout, his work room, the blue dining room, the outer window of this dining room, water basins, an observation tower, a funnel, Hitler's burning place.

Eva Braun's body was in a black dress, there were several pink flowers on her chest

So, the bodies have been found. Everything that happened next is documented, but it entered into another matter. The case of identification. Officially it is under the long title "Acts of identification, forensic examination of corpses, protocols of interrogation of witnesses."

In general, even before the end of the Great Patriotic War, several bodies of Hitler's doubles were found. So Stalin needed irrefutable proof that the body buried in a crater near the bunker of the Reich Chancellery belonged to him.

I am reading the original protocol of the identification of Hitler's body. It follows from the document that the external review was held in the morgue of the city of Berlin on May 8, 1945. The remains were brought here in a wooden box. Photo of the box and its "owner" is here. I can clearly see the contours of the body. The feet were completely preserved, the fire did not touch them. But everything else … You shouldn't look at the photo for a long time - you can feel an attack of nausea.

The forensic expert - the chief pathologist of the Red Army, Kraevsky - points to a strong smell of charred meat. Notices that even the remains of a yellow shirt have survived. Lists the parameters of the deceased: height 165 cm, anatomical features of the teeth, etc. He especially notes that he found pieces of glass in his mouth - part of an ampoule with poison.

Kraevsky takes blood and tissue for examination.

- In general, all the same manipulations were done with the corpse that modern pathologists do, - says the deputy. head of the archive Ivanov. - Moreover, the remains of Eva Braun, Goebbels and his wife and even all the dogs of Hitler and Eve underwent exactly the same procedure.

All autopsy reports are saved. A few hours of studying them do little. However, what finds can be expected from a completely standard procedure?

The procedure for identifying Hitler's body was painstaking.

Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive) / photo: Eva Merkacheva /
Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive) / photo: Eva Merkacheva /

Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive) / photo: Eva Merkacheva /

For this, all employees of the Reich Chancellery were interviewed. And again Mengeshausen was interrogated (the first interrogation took place on May 13, the second on May 18).

“I knew Hitler by his face and uniform. He was dressed in black trousers and a gray-green jacket. None of the leaders of the fascist party, except him, wore such a uniform. When Hitler was taken out, I personally saw the profile of his face - nose, hair, mustache. Therefore, I affirm that it was him. Hitler's wife - Eva Braun - when she was taken out of the bomb shelter, was dressed in a black dress, on her chest there were several pink flowers made of material. I saw her in this dress several times in the bunker … Knowing Hitler's wife well, I claim that it was she who was taken out of the bomb shelter."

Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive)
Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive)

Original photos by which Hitler was identified (from the FSB archive)

FROM THE MGB DOSSIER: “Mengeshausen Harry, born in 1915, German. By decree of a special meeting at the USSR Ministry of State Security dated December 26, 1951, he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for a period of 15 years. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR he was released ahead of schedule in 1955 and transferred to the authorities of the GDR."

Hitler was also identified from photographs. The FSB archive contains the originals of the photographs that were used for this. On the back of each (they all pass as material evidence) there are corresponding marks. The pictures are of sufficient quality, there are quite large ones, in A4 format. On one, besides Hitler, a limping Goebbels is visible - from this frame, Goebbels himself was identified and his crooked leg, which was always in an orthopedic shoe.

And yet Hitler's dentocard (information about the condition of his teeth) was one of the main evidence. But what would it mean without the testimony of the dentists? Dentist Ehman Fritz was questioned first. He declared: "In January 1945, Hitler's personal dentist, Professor Blaschke, handed me several X-rays of the Fuehrer's teeth in Berlin."

By the way, Blaschke himself was also questioned. His testimony completely matched those given by Ehman and the nurse. Blaschke was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in the camps, released early in 1953.

There was no doubt that the corpse belonged to Hitler at that moment. Otherwise, no one would have dared to report to Moscow, to the Kremlin.

Hitler was buried more than once

In the folder I find the very paper that tells how it was.

Sov. secret. May 31, 1945. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Comrade L. P. Beria

I am sending the acts of the forensic medical examination and identification of the bodies of Hitler and Goebbels alleged by us, as well as interrogation protocols and photographic documents.

The listed documents and photographs confirm the correctness of our assumptions about the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels. There is no doubt that the body of Hitler we are offering is genuine. This was established on the basis of the testimony of the dentist and the nurse who treated Hitler, who drew the location of the false teeth."

Beria's resolution: "Send to Stalin and Molotov."

From the point of view of the department and the country's leadership, an end was put on this issue. Neither Stalin nor anyone else doubted that Hitler was dead and that his remains lay here.

Immediately after that, Hitler was buried. And more than once.

And again, the original document is in support of this.

“3 Shock Army. Act. June 4, 1945

After the end of the forensic examination and carrying out all operational measures to identify them, the bodies were buried in the mountains. Bukh. In connection with the redeployment of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, the bodies were seized and transported first to the region of the mountains. Finov, and then - mountains. Rathenov, where they were finally buried. The corpses are in wooden boxes in a hole at a depth of 1.7 meters and are placed in the following order (from east to west) Hitler, Eva Brian, Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Krebs, Goebbels' children … from small trees the number is 111.

The place where Hitler was reburied by the SMERSH department. Planted on the surface of small trees - 111
The place where Hitler was reburied by the SMERSH department. Planted on the surface of small trees - 111

The place where Hitler was reburied by the SMERSH department. Planted on the surface of small trees - 111

Our troops have been redeployed, but how to leave the body of Hitler himself? In February 1946, a special commission headed by the head of the SMERSH department of the 3rd Shock Army, Colonel Miroshnichenko, decided to open the burial.

I am studying the corresponding act.

“The corpses are in a semi-rotten state and in this form were delivered to the mountains. Magdeburg in the location of the counterintelligence department "SMERSH", and again buried in a hole at a depth of 2 meters in the courtyard of house No. 36 on Westendstrasse, at the southern stone wall of the courtyard, from the garage of the house to the east - 25 meters. The buried pit with the corpses was leveled to the ground, the external view was brought to resemble the surrounding area."

The counterintelligence officers were not in a position to transport Hitler's corpse to a new city every time. In March 1970, the Archive plan appears. In a nutshell: it was ordered to put up a tent at the burial site, organize excavations, get boxes with corpses, take them to the area of Rotten Lake, where they burn them, and throw the ashes into the water. The cover legend is separately spelled out in the plan (even the military of the Soviet army should not have known about the event, only a narrow circle of high-ranking officers): there are valuable archival materials."

Among the documents I find an act of opening a pit and an act of burning. The last one is handwritten, dated April 5th. There it is reported that the remains were burned in the wasteland, they burned out, together with coal pounded into ash.

All that is left is the jaws of Hitler and Eva Braun, Goebbels' orthopedic shoe. They were seized in advance and stored as material evidence. At the same time, it was Hitler's jaws (a bridge of the upper jaw with 9 teeth and a burnt lower jaw with 15 teeth) that were considered the main and unconditional proof that this was him.

The Fuhrer's teeth are kept in a cigarette box

The Fuhrer's teeth are in a small box from the Guards cigarettes. The archive workers are allowed to open it and take them in hand. Only four fragments, in the largest I counted nine teeth.

I compare these teeth with the description given by the dentist and the nurse: “The lower jaw. Gold crown on its own root, gold bond, natural tooth with gold filling on the inside, gold pendant with porcelain veneer … Upper jaw. Richmond crown with natural root and porcelain veneer, golden bridge with nine intermediate links and four supports …"

“In 2002, a famous American dentist came to visit us,” says the historian of the special services Oleg Matveev. - Unexpectedly - he did not warn any of us in advance - he took out an X-ray. This was the one that Professor Blaschke kept. He checked it against the one with the jaw. The coincidence was complete. Therefore, it is now strange to hear from the American side that there are any doubts about Hitler's suicide and the authenticity of this jaw.

All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK columnist / photo: Eva Merkacheva
All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK columnist / photo: Eva Merkacheva

All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK columnist / photo: Eva Merkacheva

The FSB regularly receives requests for a DNA examination of the Fuhrer's jaw (no one was interested in Eva Braun's teeth, which, by the way, are in excellent condition). But who are they from? Some private companies, foundations, media. They wrote: here, they say, we have some DNA material, we propose to conduct an examination taking into account the capabilities of modern science and technology.

The last time in December last year, a journalist became interested in the jaw. She allegedly found the Fuhrer's relatives in America, took out saliva samples from one of them. But, first of all, how do we know that there are DNA samples from a relative? Relatives always tried to hide their affiliation with Hitler, changed their place of residence, etc. It is not particularly necessary to count on the fact that they will suddenly want to give DNA samples themselves.

Secondly, if any of the relatives decides to do this, there is an official procedure. I repeat, we do not need this - from the point of view of the FSB of Russia, there is no need for these examinations. Everything has been proven long ago, and we have no doubts.

As if in confirmation of this, the memoirs of Adolf Hitler's former bodyguard, Rochus Misch (who died in Berlin in 2013) were recently published. He describes how he discovered the still warm bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun. As the woman's legs were unnaturally stretched out, the shoes lay under the sofa. How Hitler's eyes were open, and his head bent slightly forward …

Scientists are convinced that a genetic examination of Hitler's jaw will yield nothing. As the one that was spent with the remains of the murdered royal family did not give. Anyway, there have been and will remain doubters. And it's not about imperfect technology, not a secret conspiracy. It's just that people are susceptible to myths. And the myth of the surviving Hitler is one of the most terrible and therefore attractive.

Eva Merkacheva