What Are "Drop Stones" And Where Did They Come From - Alternative View

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What Are "Drop Stones" And Where Did They Come From - Alternative View
What Are "Drop Stones" And Where Did They Come From - Alternative View

Video: What Are "Drop Stones" And Where Did They Come From - Alternative View

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In 1938, the story of the Drop stones and Bayan Khara Ula discs begins. Dr. Chi Pu Tei set out on an expedition to the spurs of the Baian-Kara-Ula ridge on the border with Tibet, where one of the peaks has a series of interconnected caves. In one of these caves, the expedition of Dr. Chi Pu Tei discovered a place of ancient burials, in fact a whole cemetery - niches-caves were carved into the rocky rock, in each of which strange mummified bodies rested. The total number of burials is impressive - there were 716 such caves-crypts.


The very phenomenon of burials in caves in China was commonplace, but archaeologists drew attention to the strange appearance of mummified bodies - they were all very small in stature, about 115 centimeters, and had anthropological differences from the Tibetans who inhabited this region of China. There was even an assumption that mountain monkeys of an unknown species were buried in the cemetery. However, the author of the hypothesis could not explain how the monkeys could perform burial.

The information about mummies that has come down to us is somewhat contradictory - some sources call the growth of the dead in burials up to 150 centimeters, while the fragility of their bodies and the presence of a disproportionately large head are noted.

Stone discs

The most interesting fact for us may be the fact that at the feet of each mummy was a stone disc with a hole in the center. The thickness of the discs reached two, and in diameter - thirty centimeters. Deep double grooves were drawn from this hole in a spiral towards the edge of the disc, inside of which were strange characters resembling hieroglyphs. Scientists have determined that they are dealing with some kind of stone book. Some sources say that the discs had completely inexplicable qualities - with the help of instruments it was possible to establish that they produce strange vibrations.


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At the end of the expedition, the archaeologists took several discs with them in order to conduct further research and, if possible, decipher the mysterious records on the stones. The stone discs were later called "Drop stones" or "Drop discs".

Records on disks were of the greatest interest - their decryption could provide answers to many questions that arose. This is exactly what Peking University professor Tsum Um Nui has done. The deciphering of the mysterious records took about twenty years. Finally, after such a long time, he managed to cope with the difficult task and decipher the mysterious symbols.


In 1962, the scientist was going to publish the result of his work, but the publication of the results of the decryption was banned by order of the Beijing Academy of Sciences. The sensationalism of the records was that they talked about the visit of the Earth by alien aliens. During this visit, their ship was wrecked in the Himalayas and they were forced to stay on our planet. On the discs, we are talking about the Dropa or Kham tribes, that is how they were called. Most likely, we are talking about the aliens who remained to live in Tibet. According to another version, the aliens established friendly relations with the local Kham tribe and helped each other survive. According to the description, the aliens were really small in stature, had scanty body hair, and the main feature was their blue eyes, which are not found among the inhabitants of Asia.


After such a sensational statement, no one believed the scientist. He could not prove his case and emigrated to Japan, where in 1964 he died under unexplained circumstances. According to some reports, the results of his research were published in a monograph entitled "Carved letters about spaceships, which, according to records on disks, landed 12,000 years ago." However, unfortunately, it was not possible to find even traces of this publication.

Disappearance of artifacts

It would seem that a way out of the situation could be a new study of the mysterious disks and decryption of the recordings on them using modern methods. However, the difficulty of the task lies in the fact that the so-called Drop discs disappeared during the cultural revolution in China. After the turbulent events of the 60s, when the Red Guards with uncommon enthusiasm destroyed institutes and museums, not a single disc, unfortunately, survived. The expedition's report, which indicated the exact coordinates of the unusual burial, also disappeared. Only newspaper reports remained, which were of a general and often sensational nature. It is not accepted to take a word in science, therefore experts have long considered this story a myth. Moreover, it is not clear where in the war-torn country the funds were found for an expedition to uninhabited areas and, in fact, why.


However, the skepticism of researchers was once again dispelled by the Austrian scientist Peter Crassus, who specializes in the study of stories related to space aliens. In his book When the Yellow Gods Came, he described the history of Drop's mysterious disks. During a conference on the problems of ufology, he was approached by a man who introduced himself as Ernst Wegerer. He said that while traveling to China in 1974 with his wife, in the Banpo Museum in Xi'an, he saw two stone discs with holes in the middle. He also noticed spiral grooves that encircled the surface of the discs.

The director of the museum allowed the visitor to photograph these exhibits, but when asked about their origin, she could only say that these are religious objects made of clay. Ernst Wegerer managed to get permission to hold the discs in his hands. He noted that they are very weighty and have a greenish-gray tint, and the material is similar to marble.


The photographs taken in the museum turned out to be practically the only ones during the entire study of Drop's disks. Peter Krass was extremely interested in what he heard, and at the first opportunity, which came in March 1994, together with his friend Hartwig Hausdorff, he went to China to visit the Banpo Museum. However, they were in for a big disappointment - there was no trace of the mysterious discs in the museum, the head of the museum herself had not worked since the mid-seventies, and the museum staff had no information about her fate.


Having come such a long way to achieve their goal, the scientists decided not to retreat and still ask the museum staff about the availability of discs in the museum's exposition in the 70s. Their efforts were not in vain, and after much persuasion, one of the employees showed an old Chinese book, which contained a drawing. They saw an image of a disc with a hole in the center, from which double grooves with inscriptions diverged, like a gramophone record.


They found not the disks themselves, but their image, but this alone suggests that there really were disks in this museum. The version about the truthfulness of the existence of disc-shaped stone artifacts with inscriptions was again confirmed, but the traces of their search have been lost, at first glance, irretrievably.

Unfortunately, most likely, all the information available on this mysterious and strange event, like the discs themselves, is strictly classified and is kept in a closed storage. China, like all countries, is engaged in the study of alien visits, information on which is not available to a wide range of people.

Version with scientists from the USSR

According to one of the versions, in the 1960s, Dropa's stones were told in the famous Soviet magazine Sputnik. After this significant event, the stones received worldwide publicity and attention. In the 60s and 70s, the history of the stones was reprinted by many newspapers around the world and gradually it began to acquire various details. In particular, journalists reported on the legends of ancient China, which speak of a people who once lived in the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains, which consisted of small people who came from the sky. Oddly enough, people of short stature actually lived in this area.


Later, information surfaced that the disks were transferred to Soviet scientists, who continued to study them. The location of the disks themselves is currently unknown, as there is no exact information about the scientists of the USSR who studied these disks.

The mystery remains

The very word "Dropa" (dropa, sometimes drop-ka) actually exists. According to the Gould-Parkinson transliteration system, this word translated from the Tibetan language means "lonely", "isolated", "inhabitant of the pasture." This word is used by some groups of nomadic inhabitants of the Tibetan plateau, but their appearance today has nothing to do with the appearance of the alleged aliens from space.


At the end of 1995, the Associated Press reported that a hitherto unknown tribe, numbering about 120 people, was discovered in the Chinese province of Sichuan (bordering Tibet). The most noticeable feature of the members of this tribe is their extremely small stature. It does not exceed 1 meter 15 centimeters. Perhaps these are the descendants of those very "dzopa" or "boor". However, in 1997, Chinese ethnologists declared that the reason for the unusual appearance of the “descendants” was the effect of an increased concentration of mercury in the water of local sources.

In 2000, the Russian News Bureau, citing RIA Novosti, reported that a strange phenomenon had been discovered in China: the inhabitants of one of the Chinese villages all have very small stature - only about one hundred and fifteen centimeters.

The opinion of professional ufologists

The names "Dropa" and "Ham" are extremely dubious. "Kham" is the name of the eastern province of Tibet, and its inhabitants call themselves Khamba ("people of the ham"). The Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains border this province. However, the hamba are not dwarfs at all, they are of normal growth and do not in any way resemble the creatures described. The word "Dropa" is just a distorted Tibetan "Drok-Pa" ("Highlander"). So you can call any tribe or people (like our expression "faces of Caucasian nationality" instead of "Ossetians", "Chechens", etc.).

In China, stone discs called "bi discs" are known and they have been passed off as "drop discs" more than once. This works especially well with large discs that were not worn, but used for ritual purposes. The most famous story was published by Peter Crassa, Daniken's biographer. Engineer Ernst Wegerer visited China in 1974 and, visiting the city of Xi'an, photographed two discs with holes in the Banpo Museum. The director of the museum told them that these were "objects of cult significance." So, in fact, it was: Vegerer took pictures of objects that are now identified by experts as classic u-bi.

Bi disks. In the red frame - a snapshot of Ernst Wegerer
Bi disks. In the red frame - a snapshot of Ernst Wegerer

Bi disks. In the red frame - a snapshot of Ernst Wegerer

Another photograph of the "Drop disc", this time with images of humanoids and flying saucers, was published in Caryl Robin-Evans's book "The Sun Gods in Exile" ("Sungods in exile. Secrets of the Dzopa of Tibet", 1978). It didn't take long to guess - it turned out that "Robin-Evans" did not exist, and the book was written by a certain David Gamon. He has publicly admitted that this is a satirical fantasy, and the "disc" is simply forged to "play a trick on those who too easily take such stories on faith, with little or no factual basis." In a letter to the author, Gamon confirmed: “Of course, this is fantastic, and it contains very thick hints that this is so, even on the first page. So it is foolish for those who bought it to complain. " All this did not prevent the photo from spreading over the Internet. There is also a color version of the "disc"colored in photoshop.

Fake Drop disc from Robin-Evans book
Fake Drop disc from Robin-Evans book

Fake Drop disc from Robin-Evans book

The last surge of interest in the "Drop discs" came in the winter of 1995, when the German newspaper "Bild" published an article "Das Dorf der Zwerge - Umweltgifte schuld?" ("The Village of Dwarfs: Is Environmental Pollution to Blame?" November 9, 1995). It said that there is an entire village in Sichuan province where there is not a single inhabitant taller than 120 cm, and that the area is closed to the public by the Chinese authorities. The dwarfs were immediately compared with the history of "Drop". By 2000, the story reached the Russian press.

Then it turned out that the village of dwarfs (Kunming commune) is not any pathology, but simply a place where midgets from all over China come, tired of ridicule and bullying. The commune was founded by teacher Cheng Mingjing, who wanted a normal life for people who were constantly oppressed in society. People taller than 126 cm are not accepted in the commune. It used to be really closed from onlookers, but then its residents realized that tourism is a great way to make money. Now the "kingdom of the gnomes" is included in tourist routes, and its inhabitants give colorful performances twice a day.

You can read more about this in the article "Disks Drop". According to ufologists, these days only those who do not want to face facts can believe in the "Drop discs" and this story should be deleted from the arsenal of lovers of paleocontact and aliens from outer space.

Materials from the sites tainy.net, tdoctrina.ru and kosmopoisk.ru were used
