5 Crazy Nuclear Versions In The Simplest Things - Alternative View

5 Crazy Nuclear Versions In The Simplest Things - Alternative View
5 Crazy Nuclear Versions In The Simplest Things - Alternative View

Video: 5 Crazy Nuclear Versions In The Simplest Things - Alternative View

Video: 5 Crazy Nuclear Versions In The Simplest Things - Alternative View
Video: Что будет, если мы взорвем все атомные бомбы одновременно? 2024, September

The advent of nuclear energy has revolutionized the world. Scientists firmly believed in the possibility of a peaceful atom, not at all embarrassed that in any test, one way or another, only a weapon that was destructive in its power came out. Engineers tried to spread atomic energy everywhere, pushing a nuclear reactor into the most everyday things, reaching the point of insanity.

The huge bomber Convair B-36, as if in mockery, received the index "Peacemaker". During the Cold War, it was this aircraft, equipped with a nuclear reactor, that was the backbone of the US strategic nuclear forces. Fortunately, the Convair B-36 was never used for its intended purpose, but quite successfully served as a reconnaissance aircraft.

At the same time, the NATO leadership received information that the USSR plans to use nuclear weapons to conduct ground war. Not wanting to lose face, in 1954, Chrysler presented the project of the TV-1 tank - a combat beast weighing 70 tons, with a 105 mm cannon and 350 mm frontal armor. The nuclear reactor provided this monster with a cruising range of 6,500 kilometers. The matter did not go further than the prototype: it was expensive, and the crew members would have to be changed too often.

The car, powered by a small nuclear reactor, was introduced by Ford in 1958 and was named Nucleon. The reactor and the fuel capsule were located in the rear of the car, and the double walls of the car were supposed to be used to protect passengers and the driver. On one capsule with fuel, the car could travel about 8000 km. But the car was never put into production because it was found that the car's design could not have withstood as much lead as needed to protect passengers and the environment from radiation. In addition, the slightest accident involving a nuclear-powered car could lead to unpredictable consequences.

The Davy Crockett nuclear bazooka was in service with the United States until 1970. The weapon was created in 1949 with the aim of protecting European countries from the Soviet invasion. The gun was serviced by a crew of only three people: one carried the gun itself, the second a carriage, and the third a rocket. The bazooka could be installed on a regular jeep. But just like any other recoilless gun, its accuracy was very small, and, having shot towards the enemy, one could only guess what target the rocket hit.

The atomic cannon, nicknamed (Atomic Annie), was designed since 1951. And at that time it was the heaviest example of mobile artillery used by the US Army. The 280 mm M65 cannon weighed almost 78.5 tons in the stowed position. Ammunition was also matched by the giantess: 364-kilogram shells with the possibility of installing a nuclear warhead. In total, from 1951 to 1953, 20 guns of this type were manufactured. At the same time, the M65 was and remains the only artillery gun from which a shell with a real warhead was fired.

The shot was fired on May 25, 1953. A projectile with a capacity of 15 kilotons successfully flew into the horizon and detonated quite beautifully there.