The Legacy Of The Atlantean Civilization - Alternative View

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The Legacy Of The Atlantean Civilization - Alternative View
The Legacy Of The Atlantean Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The Legacy Of The Atlantean Civilization - Alternative View

Video: The Legacy Of The Atlantean Civilization - Alternative View

Guardians of the cultural heritage of disappeared civilizations will open a secret vault in Egypt and show the existence of highly developed science and technology in the distant past. On their television screens, earthlings will see the stunning successes of a civilization that existed for many millennia before us. The conclusion from this revelation will be: "You can bring the same destruction as these ancient peoples." The inscription on the pyramids reads: "People will die from ignorance of the true world or from inability to use the forces of nature."

“Unfortunately, the present time perfectly corresponds to the last time of Atlantis,” says the book “Hierarchy” from the “Living Ethics” series, “the same false prophets, the same false savior, the same wars, the same betrayals and spiritual savagery. We are proud of the ruins of civilization, just as the Atlanteans knew how to soar over the planet in order to quickly deceive each other, the temples were also defiled, and science became the subject of speculation and discord. The same thing happened in construction, as if they did not try to build firmly. They also rebelled against the Hierarchy (Light) and were suffocated by their own egoism. They also violated the balance of underground forces and created a catastrophe by mutual efforts."

How did humanity come to such a limit?

Our ancestors - the Aryans - received their knowledge from the Atlanteans. E. I. Roerich wrote to his students: “Arya-warta means“the country of the Aryans”. This is the ancient name of northern India, where the first immigrants from Central Asia came and stayed after the death of Atlantis”.

E. P. Blavatsky writes that "the civilization of the Atlanteans was much higher than the civilization of the Egyptians." And their "degenerate descendants" - the people of Plato's Atlantis - "built the first pyramids in this country even before the advent of the" Eastern Ethiopians ", as Herodotus calls the Egyptians."

We borrowed a lot of good and progressive things from the Atlantean Race. But there was another aspect: we inherited aggression from the Atlanteans, the ability to prosper at the expense of others. In late Atlantis, high achievements began to be used for purely selfish purposes. Widely using magic, collective witchcraft rituals, they spent the life forces of the planet on their astral goals. To maintain the parasitic world they created, they needed to isolate themselves from the influence of the Supreme Principle of the Solar System. Specially created egregors filtered the energies coming to the Earth, not allowing high energies to pass through. This led to the isolation of the Earth from our star system, from the Cosmos and to a serious imbalance between the biosphere and the Noosphere. Energy chaos reigned! Atlanteans could magically blow up an entire island, cause volcanic eruptions and earthquakes,generating additional spontaneous imbalance.

Atlantologists often mention the Great Atlantean Crystal. What is this Crystal? Edgar Cayce reports that the Atlanteans discovered the secret of concentrating solar energy using a crystal with magnetic properties. The large stone was a cylindrical crystal with many facets. Its tip captured solar energy and concentrated it in the middle of the cylinder. In 1933, several small stones of a similar shape were found in Yucatan (Central America), but people did not understand their purpose.

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The Great Atlantean Power Crystal still rests at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Bermuda Triangle, and that is why so many ships and planes disappear there. The giant crystal - the highest achievement of the Atlantic civilization - was created when the Atlanteans were able to harness solar energy with the help of small crystals. The Cosmic Teachers helped them find a powerful quartz vein, which by its size could reflect all the rays of the Sun and the Moon. The Atlanteans were able to extract this block of quartz from the Earth, then work the edges with such precision and subtlety that they reflected every ray that hit it. Crystal was used both day and night.

After the first catastrophe (800,000 years ago), which overturned the planet's mathematics, the Atlanteans began to use the giant crystal for aggressive purposes. Their pride reached the point that they decided to conquer Asia, located on the opposite side of the globe. When the beams of the crystal were directed through the center of the Earth, an explosion of incredible power occurred and the continent of Atlantis sank.

The present civilization (the Fifth Root Race) is also parasitic and also consumes the life forces of the planet, only not for subtle purposes, but for purely physical ones. This is a civilization of pagmatists who recognize only gross material values. Today's society is a consumer society. Life is becoming more unnatural, soulless and mechanical. Black magic of rhythm, sound, light effects, video images works. The sophistication in video technology can reproduce a complete imitation of everything. The world becomes ghostly, illusory. People stop having real feelings. But among the gray masses of thoughtless inhabitants there were always other people who created immortal masterpieces of art, climbed mountain peaks, went to the fires for the sake of Truth. There were and are! This is another, real humanity of the Future!

“All bright, unconvinced minds will be saved and taken away, as in the days of Atlantis, to safe places. Of course, every disturbance of the world carries with it great opportunities, therefore, although the time is terrible, it is nevertheless beautiful and constructive. It is only necessary to help in every way to lay the foundations of the future light construction, which is so close - closer than many believe, seeing destruction and decay all around,”writes E. I. Roerich.

In 1938 E. I. Repih, quoting the Cosmic Teachers, wrote:

“The present century resembles a certain time of Atlantis. Then they failed to find equilibrium, but if now they know about the same inconsistency, then some of the most living peoples can find the necessary correspondence. It will not be where the pendulum is dead, but where it swings extremely. They understand the significance of the common good. This formula has not yet been pronounced, but it is already ripening in the depths of consciousness. Service, above all, is not ritual, but service to humanity. For many centuries, the words of cooperation have been spoken. Often ideas outpaced material opportunities, but now people have found many useful adaptations, and the time comes when you need to remember the common good."

Only all together, helping each other, can we rise up to a new stage of development. We are all descendants of the Atlanteans, both physically and spiritually. Our genetic ancestors were Atlanteans, our spiritual monads were once embodied in them. And the memory of Atlantis is needed in order not to repeat its history. If we do not protect the Earth, then for hundreds of thousands of years as a result of cataclysms, chaos and wildness will reign. And the people of the Sixth Race - beautiful, tall, strong, sensitive, possessing abilities that are inaccessible to us - where should they incarnate? And will the smile of La Gioconda and Bach's toccata, Pushkin's poems and Tchaikovsky's symphonies, the landscapes of Roerich and Kuindzhi, the masterpieces of Indian architecture be irretrievably lost to the world? Will we be able to prevent this?

I think we will be able, but now only with the help of the Light Forces of the Solar System. There is every reason to believe that a revival of spirituality is taking place. This is, first of all, a manifestation of mass interest in High Knowledge, forbidden for many years, an appeal to religions, the search for a spiritual path and perfection.

Pyramids and great initiations of the ancients

Secrets of the pyramids

The colossal triangular structures of the Giza pyramid appear to fall from the sky like the rays of the sun. The Pyramid was the main Temple of the Invisible and Supreme Deity. It is not an observatory or a tomb, but the first structure serving as a repository of all secret truths that are the foundation of all arts and sciences.


Raymond Bernard, initiated into the secret teachings of the Rosicrucians, writes in his book The Invisible Empire: “In the Main Pyramid of Atlantis, the College of the Wise, the keepers of secret knowledge, sat. Much later, only one pyramid reproduced the Higher Pyramid of the Atlanteans, and that on a different scale is the pyramid of Cheops."

The Atlanteans knew the nature and power of some cosmic forces, especially terrestrial telluric currents. Harmonious control of these forces allowed them to ward off geological catastrophes. The pyramids have fulfilled this role, especially the Main Pyramid. And the whole Earth through it became an effective receiver of cosmic forces.

In the predictions of Edgar Cayce regarding Atlantis we read:

“It is in the pyramids of Egypt that the history of Atlantis is located. Copies of all documents of Atlantis about its history and civilization were brought to Egypt by the Atlanteans and hidden in the Hall of Chronicles - in a small pyramid located between the right paw of the Sphinx and the Nile River. It is located underground. The vault contains the bodies of immigrants from Atlantis. When this Hall is discovered, there will be tables, books left for descendants by the Atlanteans. There will also be found decorations for the altars of their temples, seals, surgical instruments, medicines, fabrics, musical instruments and much more.

Information is also found in the cornerstone of the base of the Sphinx's left forepaw and covers the entire history of humanity up to the year 1998 AD. Casey called the Cheops pyramid "The Pyramid of Understanding." She, according to him, was created using levitation, i.e. of universal Laws, which allow iron to vaporize in the air. In this pyramid is the Hall of Initiation, and the purpose of the pyramid is much higher than as a “burial place”. Inside the pyramid there are mathematical and astronomical calculations of when the Earth will complete its cycle, since the poles may be shifted. The emergence of the Messiah will bring about changes on Earth. In the pyramid, there are indications of what these will be. They are all encrypted.

Something has not yet been heard about the discovery of the Hall of Chronicles under the pyramids in Egypt …

On the Yucatan Peninsula in South America, another prophecy predicted, the temple of the goddess Ishtar will be discovered, where chronicles, tables, books of the Atlanteans are also kept. And so far nothing has been heard about this predicted find, obviously absolutely sensational. Or is it just not done yet? Or is it still ahead?

And here are the predictions about other archaeological finds, where the well-known theme of the Great Power Crystal is played out. Records of how to create such a Crystal are found in three locations: first, in sunken temples under sediment near the site now known as Bimini, off the coast of Florida; second, in the Hall of Chronicles in Egypt; thirdly, the records were brought to Yucatan by the Atlanteans. In the future, they will be discovered in the Yucatan and shipped to the State Museum in Pennsylvania, USA. Some of them will go to Washington and Chicago.

And one more thing: the Atlanteans possessed forces that, in combination with the forces of electricity and expanding gases, could cause explosions of colossal power … Records of systems producing such energy will be found near Bimini. Well, sunken temples and walls in these places have already been found.

Sphinx of Egypt

Another object of the Giza plateau is no less interesting. This is the Sphinx of Egypt, known from photographs around the world, and everyone can easily recognize this crippled image. The only thing that the world does not know is why and when the Sphinx was carved out of a giant block of dense limestone, and who transformed the lonely rock into a statue of such gigantic dimensions?


King Thutmose of Egypt freed the Sphinx from the oppressive sand. But little remains of the former beauty of the Sphinx. Time spared the Sphinx, but evil human hands turned out to be more ruthless. This once handsome face is disfigured beyond recognition. The nose was repulsed by fanatical Muslims who conquered Egypt in the 7th century so that the followers of the prophet Mohammed would not fall into idolatry. The beard, a symbol of divine power, was repulsed by Napoleon's soldiers who conquered Egypt in 1798. They chose the face of the Sphinx as a target for cannon fire. Now the Sphinx beard is in the British Museum. The absence of a beard has disturbed the balance of this entire structure, carved from a single rock, and partly from separate stones, and it is crumbling.

On the body of the Sphinx, in the shoulder region, holes still gape like scars. It was Colonel Govard Wise who pierced it with long iron drills with cutters at the ends, in order to check whether it really consists of a solid rock or there is a void inside the Sphinx. He went 9 m deep into the body and was disappointed not to find emptiness there. But at that time, three quarters of this sculpture was still buried under huge masses of sand.

And when the monuments of the elders were not guarded as strictly as now, from the mouth of the Sphinx and the remains of the nose, a piece "for memory" was smashed all over the world by its admirers. As a result, his kind and "blissful" smile turned into a half-sad, half-visible.

Some of the travelers could not resist the temptation to immortalize themselves by carving their insignificant names on the body of the Sphinx. The paint that covered the Sphinx was destroyed by the elements. But his greatness remained.

Ureus, which rises above the head of the Sphinx, is not only a sign of royal power, but above all a symbol of the power that is given to man over himself. The supposed ureus on the head of the Sphinx was considered the finger of a huge sundial. It was also believed that He, together with the Pyramid, was used to determine the time, seasons and precession.

For almost 200,000 years he has been standing in the same place, and his unblinking eyes with different feelings look at the worlds of people passing by. Dressed in different personalities, the same spirits walk past, some speeding up their path forward, and some turning it back …

To many, the Sphinx seems to be a dark symbol of Truth, which a person can never find. For some, he is a "silent idol". But "those who have ears" at all times heard him well.

The Sphinx is the main statue of this Earth. He was dedicated to the Sun, because the physical light is the shadow of God and the substance of this crude material world closest to God. His eyes look once at the very point on the eastern horizon, from where God Ra - the God of the Sun - begins his daily journey.

“Know yourself, and you will know the whole world,” says the ancient wisdom drawn over the Temple of Initiation. The Sphinx of Egypt can help in this knowledge. Listen, O man, to his whisper, and you will hear: “You are. You are eternal. You are immortal. You are free. Nothing can destroy you. You are the true cause and witness of the changes and all transformations of consciousness. Know yourself, O man!"

The famous American occult philosopher Manly Hall writes:

“There was the following theory:“The Sphinx of Giza served as the entrance to the sacred underground chamber, in which Initiations to the secret teachings took place. The entrance, now cluttered with sand and debris, can still be found between the front paws of the recumbent colossus. In the past, the entrance was closed by a bronze gate, the secret springs of which were known only to magicians. The reverence of the people and the religious fear guarded the gate better than an armed guard could have done. In the midst of the Sphinx were galleries leading to the underground part of the Great Pyramid. These galleries were so intricately intertwined that anyone who tried to enter the Pyramid without an accompanying person would inevitably return to the starting point after long wanderings."

The above described bronze door has never been found, and there is no evidence that it existed at all. The past centuries have left noticeable traces on the colossus, and therefore it is quite possible that the existing entrance is now hopelessly closed.

The Sphinx is a symbol of the great cycle of our current Manvantara. In the Sphinx, of course, it is not difficult to recognize the sign of the Zodiac - Leo, and in the human face - the symbol of the Hierarchy and the spirits at the head of others. The pyramids are a symbol of the six Logoi. Measurements of the pyramid moves can even give the dates of many important events of our time.