A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View

A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View
A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Wisconsin Said That He Saw Two Flying Pterodactyls - Alternative View
Video: LIVING PTEROSAUR Caught on Camera? - real or fake 2024, September

A Wisconsin resident named Kevin revealed his story in an audio podcast on the paranormal site Ground Zero Radio.

“On October 4, 2011, I was returning home from guests. I live in northern Wisconsin. At that moment it was late at night, about 2.30 and I was driving alone along an empty road.

Next to the road is a section with a grove of maple trees and a large gas pipeline. And there is a ditch in the same place and so I unsuccessfully swerved and drove into this ditch. As I drove out of it, my bright headlights picked out two objects in the sky, flying from west to east.

And these were two of the most real pterodactyls!


It couldn't be anything else, and when I saw it, I immediately thought that I could never tell anyone about it, no one would believe me. And in my head flashed "Wow, I'd better stay overnight, I haven't slept for too long."

It was October 4th and there was a bright moon in the sky, so I got a very good look at their two silhouettes. I don't remember if there was a full moon, but the moon was shining very strongly. In addition, my headlights also illuminated them, until I finally got back on the road.

Besides surprise, I also felt fear. These creatures flew low, about 50 feet (15 meters) below tree level, but they flew very fast, cruising speed.

Promotional video:

(At this point, the host of the podcast Clive Lewis asked Kevin how he understood that these were pterodactyls, and not just large birds).

I immediately saw on their heads elongated long formations sticking out at an angle of 45 degrees. And they had a wingspan of about 40 feet (12 meters). The largest birds in our area are cranes, but they do not have such growths on their heads and their wingspan is much smaller. We have swans on Lake Superior, but they also do not fit what I saw.

For a long time I did not tell anyone about what I saw, people would have thought that I was crazy. After all, I saw these pterodactyls alone, only my dog was with me in the car, but unfortunately she does not speak (laughs).

But since then I cannot get this picture out of my head, all the time I scroll through their fast flight in the light of the moon and the headlights of my car. And all the time I am convinced that I saw exactly what I saw."