Demons Are Not A Myth. What Is It Really? How Do You Recognize Them? - Alternative View

Demons Are Not A Myth. What Is It Really? How Do You Recognize Them? - Alternative View
Demons Are Not A Myth. What Is It Really? How Do You Recognize Them? - Alternative View

Video: Demons Are Not A Myth. What Is It Really? How Do You Recognize Them? - Alternative View

Video: Demons Are Not A Myth. What Is It Really? How Do You Recognize Them? - Alternative View
Video: The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta 2024, September

Many people do not even suspect that we are not so cut off from the other world. In fact, all sorts of beings can visit us from there. Moreover, they are arranged somewhat differently. Although they are invisible, they live in the subtle world.

This is not just the fantasy of medieval religious fanatics. Even now, magicians and esotericists often talk about demon-possessed. In general, representatives of evil spirits are different. Some may have a more complex organization, or may be more primitive.

More primitive ones are creatures such as different entities, energy settlers and demons. And the higher ones are demons or the souls of evil people who cannot find peace for themselves after death. The former can, unfortunately, penetrate into the aura, and the most malicious feed on our energy.


And demons in general can live in us from birth or simply "come" to live from time to time. But as a rule, these are several “permanent” residents. Sorcerers and bioenergy specialists claim that each person usually has an average of 2-3 demons.


They usually represent any negative character traits (depression, selfishness, anger). Some say that there are, on the contrary, positive demons (gigginess, activity, etc.) But this is still an open question.

But they can also penetrate from the astral plane to us. Most often this happens when a person is already predisposed and has any negative character traits.

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In addition, this may be due to any wrong psychological attitudes. If a person has hammered something into his head and becomes obsessed, this is also a breeding ground for demons.

And we can also “catch” demons from others like a cold. But this is due to the extra pliability and gentleness of character. You need to have a core: to know what you want and what not, how you can and how you cannot.

That is, it is a matter of negative thinking, stubbornness or excessive gentleness of character.

Why are demons afraid of faith in God, the church and other religious things? Is it really so? Yes. Simply because a person is originally a pure divine being, a bright soul.


Have you noticed that fears, doubts, anger, resentment, sadness, condemnation only prevent you from going forward? Although these emotions are needed in small quantities. That's why they exist.

Sometimes they help, although it is not noticeable at first glance. But when there is a "bust", they begin to destroy our spiritual harmony and feed demons. Actually, and positive emotions can also destroy in excess.

For example, you won't be watching a funny TV show for a long time when you have to do something important? Or to communicate in a friendly manner with the person who betrayed you, insulted you, or something else?