Country Of Caucasian Dwarfs - Alternative View

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Country Of Caucasian Dwarfs - Alternative View
Country Of Caucasian Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Country Of Caucasian Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Country Of Caucasian Dwarfs - Alternative View
Video: Who are the Real Caucasians? 2024, September

I went through a small round hole and ended up in a small stone room. Earthen floor, walls are made of sandstone blocks. And silence … But some strange silence. It seemed that in this mysterious structure, erected several thousand years ago by representatives of an extinct civilization, someone, or something, continues to be invisibly present

More than two centuries have passed since Russian scientists became interested in the dolmens of the Caucasus. More than seven thousand dolmens stretch out in a 40-kilometer strip along the western slope of the Caucasus, descending to the Black Sea. True, there are now only about 150 of them. Expeditions, both organized by the Academy of Sciences and amateur, in which ufologists usually participated, tried to understand who and why made titanic efforts in order to create structures out of multi-ton blocks that resemble a large doghouse. But it was not possible to get a clear answer.

It is impossible for a person of normal height to live in dolmens. Therefore, the Adyghe people - local residents - consider them to be the homes of dwarfs who once lived in the surrounding mountains. And these structures are also called "houses of eternity". The fact is that, according to legend, the dwarfs did not leave, but went underground and lived there in caves. Sometimes they rise to the surface, and then incomprehensible things happen in the dolmens. Mysterious fires are lit over small stone houses, sometimes sounds resembling thunder are heard. Therefore, the Adyghe people never settle near dolmens and try to stay away from them.

Bicent sea people

Official science is in no hurry to explain the reason for the appearance of dolmens. The easiest way would be to declare them the tombs of the local nobility. Indeed, in some of them the burials of the Adyghe princes were found. But after the radiocarbon method was used in archeology to determine the age of a particular find, it turned out that all burials are much older than the dolmens themselves. And the age of the latter ranges from 5 to 10 thousand years.

All scientists who studied the West Caucasian dolmens were amazed at the enormous effort that, of course, was required to create these small stone structures. Sandstone blocks weighing up to several tens of tons were transported in an incomprehensible way over the mountains several kilometers from the quarry to the place of the dolmen construction. The slabs were laid so carefully that it was impossible to insert a knife blade into the cracks between them.

This is what the locals say about the dolmen builders. In time immemorial, the people of Bicenta, dwarfs, who came from the sea, lived here. These people had unique abilities. They could look down trees, move rocks, talk to each other across hundreds of kilometers. The dwarfs lived in deep caves. At the same time, mighty, but blunt giants-hunters lived in the mountain valleys. Once the dwarfs saw how the giants, while resting, amused themselves with the game, throwing round stone blocks. It was then that the dwarfs decided to use such an amazing physical strength of the giants for their own purposes and inspired them with the idea of building houses-dolmens from huge blocks that are too heavy for ordinary people.

Communication sessions

Another amazing property of dolmens has recently been discovered. Their clusters coincide with large faults along which energy rises from the depths of the Earth to the surface. It seems that it is it that the dolmens catch. People with extrasensory abilities, getting into the mysterious buildings, feel her presence. The energy of the Earth enhances their abilities. It is in these places that spontaneous "communication sessions" sometimes take place with people far from here. Especially often such sessions are successful in the so-called House of Love - a dolmen, located on the Janet River.

The Adygs try to bypass the dolmens. They believe that anyone who goes to the dolmens "unprepared", "uncalled" and with impure thoughts will be severely punished by higher powers.

Bearers of higher knowledge

But recently, a number of visitors were drawn to the dolmens of Gelendzhik. The founder of the public ecological organization "Ringing Cedars of Russia" Anastasia put forward an interesting theory explaining the strange phenomena that sometimes occur near dolmens. In her opinion, a dolmen is a living being. It was built by people endowed with the highest knowledge. The civilization of these people perished, and they decided to pass on their knowledge to their descendants. Feeling the imminent death, the man erected a "burial house" - a dolmen. He went into it still alive and closed the stone plug from the inside. When this person died, his mental energy was absorbed by the slabs of the building.

Today anyone can enter into direct communication with the bearers of higher knowledge, for this it is enough to press their ear against the stone wall of the building. Thus, Anastasia thinks, there is an opportunity to receive “the power of the primordial sources of knowledge”, which have been lost during the last spiritless centuries.


According to those who have visited the dolmens, the opportunity to join the higher knowledge depends on the mood with which a person goes to it. Better to come there alone. You will sit, think and find the answers to your questions. When an excursion comes, this happens less often. People have different thoughts, the energy is different - everything mixes up, and often people do not get any effect from contact with the dolmen.

Each dolmen has its own purpose. The impact he has is directly dependent on the lifestyle and thoughts of the person addressing him.

There are also cases of healing of the sick. But dolmens do not heal, positive changes occur due to the fact that the inner state of a person, the structure of his thoughts, changes.

doubting Thomas

It also happens that the answer to his question is received by a person who considers the stories about dolmens to be fictions and prejudices. For example, what the Muscovite A. Potapov experienced in those places last summer. Trains did not run because of the mudflow, which had washed out the railway tracks. In order not to suffer at the station, he decided to pass the time and go on an excursion to the dolmen in the village of Ashu.

The guide warned that the local population visits the "dwarf houses" only to ask or ask about something very important. Potapov, grinning, immediately closed his eyes, put his hands on the warm slabs of the stone structure and mentally asked the question: "When will we finally leave for Moscow?" Immediately a voice sounded in his head: "Tomorrow, at three in the afternoon." And so it happened. “I still cannot believe that this is true…” Potapov told his neighbors in the compartment.

One of the expeditions, returning from the Caucasus, brought with it "material" evidence of the anomalous phenomena taking place there. Systematic photographing of dolmens gave an unexpected result. In some of them, an impartial device recorded luminous balls, ribbons, zigzags that were not visible to the naked eye. These images confirm the hypothesis that the "houses of eternity" built over the faults are a kind of resonators that convert the energy of the Earth's interior into high-frequency oscillations of physical fields.

In order not to spoil the landscape

"Houses of dwarfs", according to ufologists, built by the mysterious sea people, served for various purposes. Including for the creation of an information system for terrestrial, and maybe space communications, weather control and even for teleportation.

As for the primitive appearance of these structures, one of the dolmen researchers, Igor Boechin, said very accurately: “We do not know anything about the tastes and style preferences of their hypothetical builders. Perhaps they simply did not want to spoil the landscape with foreign constructions."


Secrets of the 20th century