The System Of Ethical Classification Of Society! - Alternative View

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The System Of Ethical Classification Of Society! - Alternative View
The System Of Ethical Classification Of Society! - Alternative View

Video: The System Of Ethical Classification Of Society! - Alternative View

Video: The System Of Ethical Classification Of Society! - Alternative View
Video: Ethical Systems 2024, September

The system of ethical division of society

If you look at society as a whole in full and in particular, then it can be classified according to the following rating system.

Description and interpretation of concepts

+4 A saint is a person who, through his actions, shapes the growth of an individual and society as a whole to higher and noble levels of development.

+3 Personality is a self-actualizing personality, which is characterized by its harmonious development and integrity, it is distinguished as a personality with a capital letter, which is characterized by constant, harmonious and healthy realization of higher needs

+ 2 Individuality is a developing, self-determining, self-fulfilling personality, which is characterized by integrity and realization of higher needs.

+1 Social personality is a stereotyped, mass, traditional, scenario personality, which is inherent in the mask of her mask and role, as well as the level of average needs.

0 Individualis a deodaptant, a pre-social personality driven by his own ego and mainly lower needs.

- 1 A skeptic is an individual who questions everything, which as a result is a destroyer of the foundations and traditions of society, any foundations and due to its apparent harmlessness is in fact the fundamental destroyers of everything and everything.

- 2 A cynic is an individual who socially destroys everything around him due to his dismissive and contemptuous attitude towards anything, they are also fundamental destroyers of everything and everyone. But due to their contemptuous position and disdain, they, through social proof, influence society on a much larger scale than skeptics and thereby cause more significant damage.

- 3 Demagogueis a skillful liar who perverts everything and everyone in its path, is an essential fundamental destroyer of society, especially with massive access to it. They are capable of perverting the concepts of good and evil, permissible and unacceptable, recognized and unrecognized. They are more significant perverters of social foundations and morals and carry more tangible harm than a skeptic and a cynic.

- 4 Jesuit- this is a person whose activities are aimed at lowering the level of development of an individual and society to a lower level, their task is to prevent a person from becoming a person. They are direct ideological opponents of personalities at the Saint level. The Jesuit cultivates in society such a form of the surrounding public space, which in the mode of self-reproduction forms a society of skeptics, cynics, demagogues and does not allow the individual to rise from the level of the individual and the mass personality higher.


It is the saint that is the level that determines the people who form positive and positive trends in the development of society and its sustainability. Saints are people whose activities are aimed at the good of the whole society and humanity. They are the most important factors in the stability of society and its vitality. They are ideological opponents of the Jesuits.

It is a personality with a capital letter who is capable of changing the world in a good way, bringing good and his contribution to the common cause due to his work and personal qualities. The degree of influence on them through manipulation, coercion and forms of destructive control are not effective. The personality is the pivotal and point of rigidity in society, forming and supporting society in its steadily positive tone. The fewer individuals in a society, the more unhealthy this society is.

It is individuality that is the level to which a person has ascended, which causes hostility and discontent among the elite, since this level of a person is less susceptible to control and manipulation from the outside due to mass means of influence. Individuality is a person of a creative nature, as a rule, creative and well-developed, has the ability to influence the world much more significantly in a positive context than the levels of the individual and the mass personality. The fewer individuals in a society, the more unhealthy this society is.

It is the social personality, which is stereotyped and mass, scenario, that is the social level at which the elites educate the entire population of the earth, since it is this social personality that is the basis of their influence on the mass consciousness, who trust the “official” data, the media, authorities and are easily manipulated. It is this mass of people that is most beneficial for the formation of their convenient and beneficial form of government and policy.

It is the individual that is the basis from which society grows, all development begins from this zero level, since all children are individuals.

Underestimating the influence of skeptics, cynics, and even more so demagogues on society because of their imperceptible and, more precisely, because of their invisible harmlessness, is a deep mistake of society.

It is thanks to the influence of each individual skeptic with his absolute, pathological distrust and widespread doubt that separately kills the arguments and logic of events and circumstances of just life situations, tasks and processes, which, as a result, sows swampy soil under their feet and knocks out the supports from under their feet, they thereby kill faith the basis of a person's strength and his existence, thereby killing and burying deep his potential.

It is thanks to the influence of cynics with their ostentatious disdain and contempt, which, with its epotage imaginary unique point of view, forms an aversion to foundations, morals, events, facts, processes, situations and expressions, concepts, etc., that is, they kill the foundation of everything the strength of man and his existence, thereby killing and burying deep his potential.

It is thanks to the influence of demagogues, who can pervert any idea, character, foundation, concept, meaning, process, event, circumstance, and turning everything inside out, deceive millions of people and thereby bring misfortune, hunger and pestilence. Because, by their actions, demagogues kill a person's strength, his spirit, his faith, his will, his meanings, they kill and bury deeply human potential.

It is thanks to the influence of the Jesuits that the environment is formed, which forms negative and degrading social trends, where, influencing the masses and pursuing their policies, they restrain and limit, as well as kill and bury human potential deeply. The main task of the Jesuits is to form an environment that will "naturally" generate and increase the number of skeptics, cynics and demagogues, as well as restrain individuals and script personalities from their development.

The description of the influence and the degree of influence of each individual level is worth it for someone more sophisticated to make it clearer and clearer, so that every reader who has become familiar with the methodology of society will be horrified and admired and change himself and his environment. After cultivating in the society of saints, personalities with a capital letter and individuals, we change this world for the better.


Methodology of life

Let's start with what is called the "Development Level".

Development levels:

Zero level: An ordinary person is a person who is not particularly interested in anything, fully adapted to the surrounding landscape.

First level: A student is a person who studies, his main task is to search for and acquire knowledge.

Second level: A sage is a person who applies the knowledge gained in practice, his main task is the level of action, the implementation of projects, the creation of processes and motion vectors. Sage scale is the level of personal and public small projects and organizations.

The third level: The Actor is a person who is mostly a successful sage, but the scale of this person's influence on the world rises to the average level of projects. The task of the arbiter is to "do things" that is, to solve problems of a larger scale.

Fourth level: An artisan is a person who is a successful arbiter, having achieved success in solving medium and larger-scale problems, this person in this case rises to the level of an expert. The artisan's task is to successfully solve several significant and large-scale problems.

If we look at the levels of development in the political plane and translate into our society, we will see the following picture.

This methodological social map is universal, it is applicable not only to the political analysis of society, but is a personal methodological tool. Using the methodology of life in relation to yourself and starting from it, you can see your personal level of development, both everyday and long-term, and based on this information, you may want to change something and you will have a new motivation.

This methodology of life will be useful based on the following statement:

- How can you conduct your policy? External activity.

Here it is necessary to understand that among the supporters of the COB, there are two categories of people:

1. An activist "SKOBA" is an active supporter of KOB, endowed with Conviction, an active person who expresses his aspiration to the world through his projects.

2. Passive "SCOBA" is a passive supporter of the BER, endowed with the conviction of the correctness of the BER, but showing only personal activity in using the BER only in his life.

And if you count, it becomes clear that there are not many supporters of the KOB, but there are fewer “SKOBA activists” in percentage form. Which is very sad.

After all, if you look at the political, educational activities, it becomes clear that there are very few popular channels and open channels specialized in COB. And the problem of SKOB Passism is in the foreground.

And here it is necessary to determine with the following principle.

Because, many supporters of BER have long been just Content Consumers and are in no hurry to enter the Creators. And for the sake of introducing certainty, one must get rid of the principle of the Consumer, in favor of the principle of the Creator, through one's creative activity, such as the active manifestation of one's policy, one's project of life arrangement.

Leave the SKOB Passists, into the SKOB Activists. - This is also a defining external benchmark.


Resolution of internal uncertainty

In order to get rid of internal uncertainty, you need to master, IBGE

And this is correct, since the idea of working on oneself is a defining internal benchmark. But the question of how to implement work on oneself is resolved through the practical methodology of IBJE.


(True Divine Life Ethics)

Why divine?

Because IBZHE implies a system of concepts and raises defining questions and answers them through a certain true system, revealing and defining the life ethics of which IBZHE is.

So why divine?

Because IBZHE defines that in every person there is a particle of the Creator and thanks to this particle we are all divine beings, children of God. Therefore, the True Divine Life Ethics.

The paradigm of a special vocabulary is its own vocabulary of life ethics: IBJE Dictionary:


What is Truth?

Truth has many faces and carries both practical and figurative meaning, we will describe all its diversity.

A practical definition of truth:

Let's describe a figurative definition of truth:

So how do we represent it? "The truth is in wine" Which of course is a lie, that this is a degrading idea. And the fact that this is the definition of a swamp, a quagmire thanks to which we will drown in our life by becoming alcoholics and falling to the very bottom of life.

So how, then, should truth be presented?

If “Truth in Wine” is a swamp, a quagmire, then we need some kind of support on which we can rely. The fact is that the truth - in its essence, should be for a person - a fulcrum. What a person can rely on and what to push off from in life.

If you, for example, take the mainstream definition and only agree with it. That truth is what you present it with, then in this case - if you hold on to such a definition, then you will never find the truth - if you literally hold on. You simply will not have it … That is, you do not have a fulcrum, but its absence - a swamp, a quagmire … And you will definitely drown, this is an axiom … Either you will not stick to a strict definition and will find "truth in wine". The result is known … Or else in something else bad … Therefore, I proceed from the following definition:

Figurative definition of truth:

How to make the definition of truth more intelligible and not widespread?

This means that Truth is a moral concept. Truth is morality. Thus creating many definitions, translating and creating them into a meta-language. Then the following is obtained.

Meta-synonym formula Truth:

What contributes to the creative realization of a person and his morality?

The main, main, core formula of IBJE META-Formula of Truth

This meta-formula works only within the framework of this life ethic, in fact, it is also a meta-synonym, but strictly expressed in the formula. META-Formula of truth.

To understand how it works - the meta-formula, in the meta-language of the meta-synonyms of this life ethic:

The meta-formula of truth and meta-synonyms is presented in the following way, through these interrelationships, a common meaning is sought, which is tied to Life ethics. Suppose if something is called good, then it is also called truth, health, positive according to the meta-formula.

Only by observing such a relationship that meets these requirements - forms the general meaning, the core - IBZHE. If it does not meet the formula … Suppose you have found how you assume the truth - check it with the formula, but it does not meet the parameters - positive, health, good - then it is definitely not true, but false truth is a lie …

This is how the whole system is formed - of meanings and levels of IBGE

This formula does not mean that you have all found the truth. No - the formula. Like math. That is, it is more a formula than a truth. This must be understood and distinguished.

And this formula is - the main, the main - the core. That is, it is possible to further derive from it both other formulas and other values. But, all formulas must be strictly equal and be in agreement with the main - the main formula.

Only strictly within the framework of such definitions - such work, such consent, is the ethics of life integral and healthy.

Thus, through the meta-language and meta-dictionary, meta-synonyms, the True Divine Life Ethics of a person works.

What is Development?

If you do not find the definition and meaning of the word - Development, then you will not be able to develop without understanding what it is. Do not misunderstand me … - How to develop? Where? How?

Therefore, ethics, in this case theoretical and practical ethics, forms the answers to these questions and their subsequent application in practice.

Development is a search for truth. (Search and purchase)

Development as a search for truth, says about the following, that firstly it is a search, and therefore a search and acquisition, and also speaks of the versatility of truth. That is, truth is not a single word or definition, but a multifaceted essence.

You know, one should constantly proceed from the fact that: "- Development is always a search for truth.." And stay away from those who say that they have already found the truth. Context and meaning are in the endless search for truth and its manifestations. Which does not contradict this described ethics.

What does the combination of these two definitions of Truth and Development mean in IBZH?

If a, Then we will see the following logic of IBGE and its aspiration:

Of course, I will not declare that this Life ethics and practical methodology is the best, everyone has the right to self-determine with this ethics or not, this is the right of everyone's free and personal choice.

I just wanted to show that IBZHE is both a Life ethics and a practical methodology, and if you accept it, then it is also an internal benchmark, a kind of compass showing the way.

And of course - the most defining thing is personal inner work on oneself, developing an idea.


As a result, I will say that for everyone to choose and follow the instructions of this article or not, this is everyone's choice in this and the beauty of our world, everyone chooses their own path. And everyone can choose whether to take these external and internal benchmarks into their own hands or not.

As the author of this article, I do not pretend to be true and reserve the right to errors and delusions.

Methodology of morality

My next methodological discovery is the identification and description of the definitions of good and evil, morality and their system of definition in society.

According to my conviction and conviction, the main reason for the cultivation of representatives with other types of mental structure in society is a clear, but widespread and streamlined definition of good and evil in our society. See for yourself, all of us from childhood are brought up morally and ethically according to our culture where the concepts of good and evil are defining. And now we are not given a clear, clear, concrete and most importantly understandable and defining the essence of the phenomenon of the definition of good and evil. Only blurry, widespread and streamlined. Here are some examples:

And now a clear and specific definition..

And in the continuation of this, evil is cultivated and promoted in society, being covered by vague definitions of our present. And also in culture there is an ideological line on the blurring of evil - as evil, it is made something like a natural and necessary manifestation of our life - which, of course, is a lie.

With the emergence in society of clear, precise, defining concepts of good and evil throughout society. People will become clearly aware of when they are doing good and when they are doing evil. And he will consciously choose his position on this. After all, people are enveloped in evil and do not even realize it. Although their moral principles still do not tolerate evil. But being not clearly defined concepts, they do not distinguish between these phenomena.

Let's say there are two more small concepts that define us.

Small concepts:

1. Concept - Personal success

2. Concept - Overall success

What is morality?

The most general, extremely generalized definition of morality will be as follows:

In order for you to understand me, you must realize the following … First of all, you must understand what is written above - I am not suggesting to completely abandon personal interest, I just want you to expand and use it. People live in the following system.

I ask you to consider everything in the system: "Personal Interest" and "General Interest".

In a system where, Indeed, in this system, about the second place, the "concept - General success" is usually forgotten and overlooked, in fact the system looks like this:

In the same coordinate system, initially defending the “Common Interest”, we first of all care about the “Personal Interest” because we form a more fertile society, a more just society of people who are “not ready to go over their heads”, but “are ready to help each other”. So in this coordinate system, we primarily defend implicitly "Personal interest". Only when we realize the importance of these coordinate systems and when we begin to implement it, then only in this case, with our radical morality, will we change the world for the better.

Introducing such categories of thinking to the world, people will change their approaches and understand that protecting common interests is not a blessing, but a necessity.


An alternative to the concept of crowd- "elitism" is the Concept of Public Safety (KOB), and supporters of the KOB are called (SKOBs). Well, if you are a SKOBBY then first, first of all, you need to convey to people a common unifying idea.

Build the Earth as a temple of the Kingdom of God. Having proclaimed the word of the Father!

And secondly, tell them the definitions of good and evil, so that they have already changed their morality to a system of small concepts:


And remember:

A unifying idea

PS This article is not written by agents of influence, but is simply my form and measure of understanding the ongoing processes as I see them.