Astral Entities - Alternative View

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Astral Entities - Alternative View
Astral Entities - Alternative View

Video: Astral Entities - Alternative View

Video: Astral Entities - Alternative View
Video: I've Been Astral Projecting for 10+ Years, Ask Me Anything! 2024, September

Essences of the Astral

About six billion incarnated people live on our planet. In the Subtle World in the disembodied state, there are probably many times more of them, because the disembodied state is usually longer than the embodied one. And all this huge mass lives and often interacts with each other.

It is known that in addition to the physical world, there are Subtle worlds that are invisible to physical sight, this is the Astral world and the Mental world (the World of thought). Both of these worlds all the time interact with the material world, but especially the Astral plane, because it comes close to the physical world and they intersect each other.

The Astral world has 7 spheres, each of the 7 spheres has 7 sub-spheres and each sub-sphere has 7 divisions, sub-planes. All spheres and all divisions are inhabited by invisible, for us, inhabitants, which have a significant impact on earthlings.

Who are they inhabitants of the Astral world?

First of all, these are disembodied - deceased people (as the unenlightened mistakenly believe). The disembodied continue their life in the Subtle World in the astral body, each, respectively, in that sphere or sub-sphere to which he corresponds in his earthly practices. The kinder and more spiritual a person is, and the purer and more virtuous were his thoughts and actions during his earthly life, the higher and more beautiful spheres await him on the Astral plane. If in the physical world a person lived immorally, committed bad deeds, did evil and caused harm to other people, he, during the transition to the Subtle World, is attracted by his dirty astral body with heavy vibrations to the lower layers of the Astral plane.

In addition to people, the astral bodies of animals live in the astral spheres, as well as animal and human elementals - this is a special line of evolution, elementaries or astral shells, which the human soul throws off during the transition to the Mental world. In addition, there are thought images, the product of human thoughts, and which practically cannot be destroyed. In the lower layers of the astral plane live gloomy, evil, negative thought images, the product of passions and human imperfections, they are also called larvae.

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The spirits of the elements also live there: the spirits of the Earth - the gnomes, the spirits of the water - the undines, the spirits of fire - the salamanders and the spirits of the ether - the sylphs. There are spirits of the forest and flora, and each plant has its own spirit. Therefore, we should love and protect nature, and then the spirits of the elements will help us.

Thus, the Subtle World, invisible to us, is inhabited by inhabitants who have various effects on our earthly life.

First of all, deceased, disembodied souls take an active part in life on Earth. Especially the inhabitants of the lower astral, because they are inhabited by the waste of mankind: they are former criminals, murderers, drug addicts, alcoholics, morally and morally corrupted people. In addition to those who died by their own death, there are victims of violent death, accidents and suicides. They cannot leave the earthly sphere until the time of their natural death comes. Both those and others, during the transition to the lower astral with passions and lusts not outlived, experience a tremendous craving and interest in earthly life and try to actively influence people.

Energy Vampirism

One of the most common effects is energetic vampirism. Many of the astral entities settle in a person's dwelling and during sleep take the energy of the sleeping person, as a result of such an impact, a person in the morning feels heaviness, weakness, he may have drops in blood pressure and a headache. For the same reasons, any diseases are aggravated at night. In addition, astral entities are able to literally sit on horseback, both on a sleeping and a waking person, as a result, a person begins to feel heaviness, suffocation, pain.

The influence of subtle essences on people often happens through internal contact, when people manifest some supernatural abilities: visions, voices are heard, etc. Usually, for the most part, people are not able to correctly assess what is happening to them, and they cannot accurately give an answer to the question: where does it come from - from Light or from darkness! The inability to recognize correctly leads to serious mistakes, and often, deceived, a person comes into direct contact with the dark entities of the lower astral sphere.

A person, as a rule, turns out to be an object of drawing of essences from the lowest, most difficult and approximate layers of the astral. And these rallies are not uncommon. Everything is presented with a lot of credibility.

Dark essences of the Subtle World do not feed on earthly food. They need a person's vital energy, prana. The one that from time to time people lose from fear, irritation, anger, sex, various experiences, these entities live due to energy parasitism. As you know, the greatest release of energy occurs at the moment when a person experiences fear.

Mediums are unconscious contactees, that is, those who are able to hear voices from the invisible realms, greatly facilitate the task of the astral waste. Such an invisible person does not cost anything to frighten a person, because a person paralyzed by fear not only becomes a pessimist (frightened by gloomy forecasts), but also turns out to be energetically sucked out by invisible parasites.

Such invisible people can tell through a psychic, a healer about his health problems. Shocked by such "care" and the accuracy of the diagnosis, the victim finds himself in the "embrace" of dark entities.

There are other options in the arsenal of entities for especially gullible ones. For example, suggest a thought through a medium - a contactee that some of your loved ones are in danger in the near future. And you will feed the dark entity with the energy of your fear until you are convinced that everything is in order with your loved ones!


Contacts of this kind are far from harmless. The main danger lies in the fact that their scale is growing, and as a result, the appetite of the inhabitants of the lower astral. One of the main channels through which such contacts take place is engaging in spiritualism.

Spiritualism is a connection with the dead, contact with spirits, and they are often not very bright, pure and righteous. Here is how the psychic doctor described two cases from his practice, which especially struck her.

• “In 1991,” says a psychic doctor, “I was in Kiev and worked with patients. A woman approached me with a request to help her 18-year-old daughter Svetlana. Soon they brought her under my arms. And I saw a terrible picture: all her face, hands, body were covered with burgundy-blue circles and bites. The girl had a terrible tantrum. After a while, she told me a seemingly banal story.

Who among us in our youth on Christmas Day did not guess on a silver platter, evoking the spirit of Pushkin or Yesenin! So she, too, along with three girlfriends, began to guess. And the black spirit of a sadist came to her, which began to systematically torture her, forcing her to commit suicide. These tortures came every night, and Svetlana was already driven to complete despair and was on the verge of suicide. She lived through the nightmarish months of her life.

• The second case occurred in the city of Nalchik. 1992, January 19 - a congress of contactees was held. During the break, an elderly woman came up to me and asked to help her cut off the connection with the hooligan entity, which made her live in peace. This essence was expressed in terrible abuse, - spewed out whole streams of mat and verbal evil spirits, which led the woman into a state of shock. The entity demanded to stop all contact with her husband, did not allow expressing affection for children and grandchildren. And all this was the result of arrogance and frivolous attitude to the seance, ignorance of the laws of its action."

We need to understand that the Astral world is, as it were, an energy network in which both good and evil entities live, and there is no guarantee not to stumble upon a dark entity, and the result of our unjustified curiosity or unhealthy desire to have any connection with the supernatural world is suffering. pain, humiliation and even suicide. You should think carefully before guessing, engaging in spiritualism, trying to find out about your future. All this is fraught with very serious consequences, both for you and for your loved ones.

It happens that deceased loved ones take care of those to whom they are mentally attached on Earth, and there are often cases when people feel this, realize it. These are the Guardian Angels of most people, but in order to have a High Patron, you need to deserve it by your deeds and thoughts. But, in addition to invisible allies, it is often necessary to observe invisible enemies who cannot calm down and forgive their enemy who remains in earthly life. And they can take revenge, both in reality and in a dream.

• For example, a young man complained that he had unpleasant dreams, which he did not remember, but woke up with a feeling that he was humiliated, insulted and for the whole day he had a feeling of resentment, depression, depression. Because this was repeated every night, he began to develop an obvious depression. During the investigation of this case, it was found out that he was tormented in a dream by an enemy from a past incarnation, who has not yet been embodied in a new life and lives in the Astral world.


Let us dwell on such a phenomenon as obsession. Obsession - when a disembodied, deceased person enters the physical body of a living person and begins to control the will and thoughts of his victim. Suicides and victims of accidents often become possessors. they leave this world, full of strength and unresolved desires, but without a physical body in the physical world it is impossible to realize oneself. Therefore, they choose a suitable body for themselves in order to control it, while satisfying all their needs. For the same reason, former alcoholics, drug addicts, libertines and criminals often become obsessed. Not having overcome their bad addictions and vices during their earthly life, they experience torment in that world, unable to satisfy their addictions. In addition, many of them are accustomed to misbehaving and do not know how to do anything else.

By settling into a person and controlling his weak will, they push him to do bad things. No crimes are committed without the influence of dark possessors.

Many of the mental illnesses are caused by obsession, and if the victims were helped in time to expel the obsessor from his body, then his psyche would not be destroyed. The manifestations of obsession are different, depending on the nature of the obsessor. This can be a state of apathy, depression, unwillingness to live, attempts at suicide or suicide, obsessive thoughts and ideas, aggression, anger, multiple personality disorder, nervous and mental exhaustion, voices, visions and many other manifestations.

Here are some examples of obsession from healing practice.

• The patient is a young man. About six months ago I cut my veins. Doctors saved him, and here again the unwillingness to live, the obsessive thought of suicide. On examination, she revealed that he had an obsession - a former alcoholic who committed suicide. After helping him, having eliminated the obsessive, he never again has thoughts of suicide, although 3 years have passed since then.

• A girl came to the reception with a photo of her friend and asked to help her as quickly as possible. the friend has not got out of bed for several days now and she is getting worse. The girl herself believes that she is dying. According to the photo, damage was found by the type of possession, i.e. the essence was introduced into her body using magic. After the necessary procedures to eliminate the possessor, the girl was returned the picture and she left. The next day, the victim herself came to the reception with her mother to thank for the help, and the mother reported what happened to her daughter while the psychic was working with photography.

The girl lay on the bed in a layer, without movement, almost showing no signs of life, and suddenly, jumping up abruptly, screamed in a wild voice, tore off her beads, threw herself somewhere in fear, but her mother, terribly frightened by her daughter's behavior, fell on her with her whole body holding her on the bed. This lasted no more than 3-5 minutes. (while the psychic expelled the possessor) and then everything stopped abruptly, the girl calmed down, went back to normal and got out of bed. Literally before the eyes of the mother, amazing changes took place: the girl returned to strength, energy, good mood. The possessor was terribly frightened, subjected to the banishment procedure, and this fear was transmitted to his victim.

• Another such case - the patient is a girl of 10-12 years old, her parents brought her. The girl has a feeling of depression and fear, and at the same time, aggression. It turned out that from time to time she wants to destroy and break everything. She had such a condition two days ago.

Because I was busy - says the psychic - I asked to leave me a photo of the girl, and go home myself, promising them that as soon as I was free, I would help her to eliminate the obsessive controlling the child's will. I myself did not know when I could take up photography, because there was a long queue for the appointment, so there was no agreement about the time of treatment. I had to take the photo home, and I was able to take it only at about 19 o'clock. I worked with photography for no more than 5 minutes. This is what happened to the girl during my photography work.

The whole family was at home, the girl was quietly doing something, when suddenly, suddenly jumping up, she began to shout something inarticulate in a man's bass, while rushing around the room, throwing and throwing everything that came under her hands. Her mother and father tried to restrain her, but could not cope with it, because she showed remarkable strength. Everything stopped as suddenly as it began. The girl suddenly calmed down, her mouth closed and she became the old Olya. In the body of a teenager, a rather aggressive man settled down, as in his own house. And, if not for the timely measures taken, the girl could quite successfully end up in a psychiatric hospital.

What attracts astral entities?

How to deal with such unasked guests from the Subtle World? What attracts them?

Because the inhabitants of the lower astral spheres are imperfect and vicious, they are attracted by negative human emotions, feelings, thoughts, actions. It is these heavy, kindred energies that they feed on: like attracts to like. And since they need such negative energy, they stimulate negative emotions and unseemly actions by their influence, instilling in a person anger, aggressiveness, irritability and even hatred towards others.

Very attractive to dark astral entities are bad smells that give products of putrefaction and decay. Therefore, you should not keep decomposing products in the house, allow the water in vases with flowers to stagnate in the aquarium. Entities are attracted to people's homes by alcohol, tobacco, drugs, quarrels and conflicts. They can easily enter apartments through pets. The strongest and most capable of them arrange poltergeists in apartments.

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