Curse Of Shamanic Burials - Alternative View

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Curse Of Shamanic Burials - Alternative View
Curse Of Shamanic Burials - Alternative View

Video: Curse Of Shamanic Burials - Alternative View

Video: Curse Of Shamanic Burials - Alternative View
Video: Icewind Dale 2 - #10 Горный перевал 2024, June

There has long been a belief that one should not touch the graves of sorcerers and shamans - this can bring great misfortune … Unfortunately, people do not always listen to "empty superstitions". And it often ends really badly. Especially many such stories refer to the years of Soviet power, when there was a struggle against obscurantism.

There has long been a belief that one should not touch the graves of sorcerers and shamans - this can bring great misfortune … Unfortunately, people do not always listen to "empty superstitions". And it often ends really badly. Especially many such stories refer to the years of Soviet power, when there was a struggle against obscurantism.

Ghost in the sky

Yakut shamans were often buried in the so-called arangas: they hung a deck on a pole, into which the shaman's corpse was placed along with the attributes of his magical craft …

The places of shamanic burials were considered sacred, they tried to bypass them as much as possible, and if they found themselves in these parts, they usually left some kind of offering - small coins, sweets and even cigarettes …

In Yakutia, there was a famous shaman with the Russian name Anna Pavlova. Many legends were told about her. She was buried, according to custom, in arangas. And over her grave, they laid an air route for helicopters.

After the third flight, the pilot who flew this route flatly refused to work there. Subsequently, it was possible to draw out of him that every time he sees in the sky the ghost of a shamaness. One of the comrades volunteered to replace him, saying that he did not believe in any "nonsense". "Yes, I spit on this old woman!" - he declared. On the first flight, his helicopter crashed … Although the pilot survived, the route was nevertheless changed and routed around the "enchanted place".

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Terrible revenge

At the end of the 60s, students of the Yakutsk University came to one village for an archaeological practice. When they decided to have a picnic on the shore of the nearest lake, they tried to dissuade them - after all, there was a shamanic arangas … But, of course, the young people did not listen to anyone or anything.

Eight people took part in the picnic, all of them Komsomol members. After drinking and having enough fun, we decided to look at the shaman's grave. Some people offered to open the arangas and look inside, but they were still afraid … But two students did not find anything better than to satisfy a small need near the grave …

A terrible storm began in the night. It seemed that the tent was about to tear apart. But this is not all: someone's footsteps were heard outside and a deep uterine voice was heard, demanding that those in the tent come out.

Two guys dared to leave the tent, walked around it, but found no stranger. When they returned, they found all their comrades dead, their faces frozen in an expression of horror …

At first, the death of the students was classified as a crime, and the two survivors were nearly charged with murder. However, later it turned out that the guys died of a heart attack. And the locals said that the dead shaman thus avenged the desecration of his last refuge …

Russian shaman

In the region of the Middle Kolyma, at the mouth of the Buor-Yuryakh, there was once an Alazey prison - one of the first Russian settlements in the Far North. It was founded in the 17th century by the Cossacks. By the end of the 18th century, they were partially assimilated with the indigenous people - the Yakuts and Yukaghirs. The village of Svatay is located a few kilometers from the prison - they say that the name comes from the Russian verb "to match". It was as if the Cossacks had come here for aboriginal wives … There were a lot of mixed marriages. In one of them, Fyokla Berezhnova was born. They say that she was beautiful and kind and possessed the gift of healing … The locals called her a shamaness and treated her with appropriate respect. However, the girl's life was tragically cut short at the age of 19. The father wanted to marry his daughter to a rich neighbor, but she liked the Yakut …

The beloved suggested that Thekla run away. They harnessed either deer or dogs to the sleigh, and rushed across the ice to the other side. On the way, the sled fell into a wormwood. No one could escape …

Despite the "shamanic" glory, Thekla was buried in the local cemetery near the chapel. In those places, fires often raged, many graves were damaged, but when they reached Berezhnova's grave, the flame always extinguished. This is what the locals testify.

In 1975, Thekla's grave was desecrated - the burial was dug up, and the body was thrown out of the coffin. Soon the police detained three shabashniki from Argakhtakh. Having heard the legend about Thekla, they decided that there must be gold in her grave.

When they opened the lid of the coffin, they saw that the beauty's face was practically not touched by decay - the corpse was perfectly preserved in the permafrost. True, no gold was found in the grave - only a copper cross on the girl's chest and some iron trinkets - maybe amulets.

The Sabbats drank hard and did not disdain to take off the deceased's clothes and take a picture with the naked corpse. These photographs were later included in the criminal case.

None of the defilers lived long after that. One of the criminals went crazy even before the trial, sitting in a pre-trial detention center. Although all three were sentenced only to suspended sentences, after a few years they all died under different but dire circumstances. And after that, the building of the prosecutor's office was burned down, where the case of the grave diggers was kept along with the shameful photographs. No one even doubted that it was the "Russian shaman" who took revenge on her offenders.