Mysterious Magonia: A Magical Land Near Us - Alternative View

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Mysterious Magonia: A Magical Land Near Us - Alternative View
Mysterious Magonia: A Magical Land Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Magonia: A Magical Land Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Magonia: A Magical Land Near Us - Alternative View
Video: 13 inexplicable videos that just scare. Mysterious creatures caught on camera. 2024, September

Mahonia is not just a country. This is a whole world, endless and wonderful, similar to the ancient abode of the gods. There are no diseases, no grief, no old age, and even time moves according to its own special laws. The inhabitants of Magonia see each of us, know everything about us, can suddenly appear in reality and also suddenly disappear. How do we know all this?

Other space

The fact is that sometimes a "window" opens into this mysterious country … at different times, in different places of our planet. Then some lucky ones observe unusual cities, mysterious creatures, fabulous nature. There are also "doors" to mysterious worlds through which people suddenly find themselves in another space and time. It happens that a person disappears behind her forever. Those who return cannot recall the details of their journey. For example, a resident of St. Petersburg, Svetlana, ended up in Magonia with her son when she was in a hurry to the cinema. “A lot of balls suddenly appeared in front of us: they hung in the air, forming something like a model of a crystal lattice,” Svetlana recalls. - The balls were translucent: pink, 16 centimeters in diameter, and blue - about seven centimeters. When we walked about five meters, they disappeared. And a free path appeared before us. " Svetlana felt that the strange journey took no more than two minutes. But when the woman and her son approached the cinema, it turned out that the show had already ended … So they had been wandering among the balls for more than two hours!

Strange phenomenon

I watched a window into Magonia and a whole scientific expedition. In 1889, at a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society, the head of the detachment of military topographers V. I. Nikolsky reported on surveys in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul. He reported on a strange phenomenon observed by almost all members of the expedition. On a cloudy day over the lake, half a kilometer from the shore, a rectangle, illuminated from the inside, appeared, bordered along the perimeter by a black frame. Inside it was a strange landscape of an unknown eastern city. The phenomenon was observed for about 10 minutes, and then it seemed to "turn off". Analysis of the known cases of observation of "windows" in Magonia shows that 70% of such messages come from areas with active geological faults. This is an area of the city of Zhiguli in the Samara region, Crimea, Altai, a cruciform fault zone near the Tom River,as well as the well-known Molebka in the Perm region.

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Mistress of the Ural Mountains

By the way, in the Urals you can hear stories about the inhabitants of Magonia - “divine people”. “Divya people,” the epics say, “go out into the world through the caves. Their culture is the greatest, and the light in the mountains is no worse than the sun. “Divya people” are small in stature, very beautiful, with melodious voices. But only a select few can hear them. " Any entrance to the secret underground cities always had its own Guardians, who protected it from the uninitiated and strangers. Here is a real story about one of these guardians - the Tulym Virgin (the Tulym stone is the highest mountain in the Northern Urals). There is Mount Isherim in the Krasnovishersky District, in the north of the Perm Territory. At its foot, at the mouth of the Olkhovka River, numerous geological expeditions worked in the 70s of the last century. The head of one such party, Leonid Pavlovich Nelzin, said,that one night a woman of about forty suddenly appeared in his tent with a canopy laced from the inside. The woman sat on the edge of Nelzin's sleeping bag and silently looked at him. The man even stopped breathing from fear, especially when he saw that the guard dog was sleeping nearby and did not feel the presence of others. The maiden also disappeared through the laced canopy. And in the morning it turned out that she had also visited other tents, frightening all the geologists of the party. Mansi, local residents, call the Tulym maiden "Mistress". They say that it is real to meet her in the forest. Only after this does a person stray for a long time, cannot find his way home.that the guard dog sleeps nearby and does not sense the presence of others. The maiden also disappeared through the laced canopy. And in the morning it turned out that she had also visited other tents, frightening all the geologists of the party. Mansi, local residents, call the Tulym maiden "Mistress". They say that it is real to meet her in the forest. Only after this does a person stray for a long time, cannot find his way home.that the guard dog sleeps nearby and does not sense the presence of others. The maiden also disappeared through the laced canopy. And in the morning it turned out that she had also visited other tents, frightening all the geologists of the party. Mansi, local residents, call the Tulym maiden "Mistress". They say that it is real to meet her in the forest. Only after this does a person stray for a long time, cannot find his way home.

Seven out of a hundred

The mythical people - the white-eyed Chudi - are spoken of in legends spread in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda provinces. Chud was endowed with supernatural abilities: heroic size, great strength and witchcraft capabilities. The Pomors are sure that "the Chud has disappeared to Novaya Zemlya and now it is in inaccessible places". “There” - does this mean in the mysterious Magonia?

Also in Russia for centuries lived the legend of Belovodye - the country of freedom and happiness in Altai. In the 18th century, there were even special "guidebooks" that allegorically described the way to this mysterious world.

The legend tells about the monk Sergius, sent by Prince Vladimir in search of Belovodye. When he returned, he said that only 7 people in 100 years can get into this underground country. Six of them will receive unusual knowledge, and the seventh will remain in that world forever and will never grow old.

Secrets of the caves

So who are these mysterious underground creatures, the inhabitants of Magonia? Where did they come from on Earth, or rather in its bowels? These questions are increasingly faced today by scientists and simply curious people. Perhaps that is why the number of visitors to the caves has so markedly increased in recent decades. Indeed, many are sure: there are whole networks of tunnels and huge populated cities underground. So, in South America there are amazing intricate caves - chinkanas. Quite a few adventurers tried to get there in search of treasures. As a result, those few who got back out of the underground tunnels said that in the depths of the earth they met strange creatures that looked like both man and snake. Similar people-snakes are mentioned in the legends of Tibet and the Himalayas. Other underground tunnels are known - under the great pyramids in Egypt. The winner of the international chess tournament S. Tivyakov took a picture in the underground gallery under the Khafre pyramid. “I managed to shoot an asuri - a creature from a parallel world,” the chess player said.

In the summer of 2002, a group of five speleologists surveyed one of the Crimean caves. Engineer Sukhotin, remaining in the intermediate camp at a depth of 300 meters, was going to have a snack. He lit a candle, laid out the groceries, and then headed for the waterfall in the far corner of the cave. Having taken some water, the man turned around: near the abandoned products, five or six strange creatures resembling toy monkeys gathered in a circle. By clinking the bowler hat, the caver frightened away the guests. The first thought was: "The glitches have begun." However, later it turned out that all products, except canned food in cans, disappeared …

Researcher Vladimir Vasiliev, examining the Chakhklivid mountain, managed to photograph a funny smiling creature at the foot of the mountain. Local residents call these mysterious inhabitants of stone caves - chahkli.

There are eyewitness accounts of encounters with gnomes, elves, flying people, werewolves and other inhabitants of Magonia. Hardly anyone today is ready to confirm or deny these messages with one hundred percent certainty. But there is hope that someday the paths to the great Magonia will open to humanity! And the ancient knowledge, carefully preserved by its inhabitants, will become available to people. But will we be able to properly dispose of them?

Author: N. Subbotina. “Interesting newspaper. Incredible No. 12