What Are Shamans Hiding? - Alternative View

What Are Shamans Hiding? - Alternative View
What Are Shamans Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Are Shamans Hiding? - Alternative View

Video: What Are Shamans Hiding? - Alternative View
Video: (UPDATES IN DESCRIPTION!) Hidden Artifact Appearances for Shamans (Hidden Potential) | WoW Guide 2024, September

Books are written about them, films are made, they are asked for help. But few people know that they have secret knowledge that will remain for many centuries. They are shamans.

In the middle of the 19th century, the famous Siberian explorer and ethnographer I. Kolobov visited the territory inhabited by Tuvan tribes, where the locals told him the legend about the Scroll of the times. According to the legend, in a reserved cave high in the mountains, in a crystal bowl, a certain sacred scroll is kept, to which only shamans - akems or half-spirits have access. Once every 12 years, the shaman, having received the blessing of higher powers, makes a ritual ascent to the cave, which lasts 12 days. During this ascent, the shaman is influenced by 12 good and evil spirits, who test how pure the shaman's thoughts are. Only upon reaching the cherished goal, the shaman can open the scroll and read the fate of every person on the planet, as well as all future and past events.

The legend of the sacred scroll has been known for a long time. There are even rumors that at one time Genghis Khan himself was interested in the mysterious document. Moreover, he even betrayed executions of many shamans and leaders of the Tuvan land because they refused to show him the way to the cave.

At the end of the last century, the scientist from Novosibirsk A. Bolotny became interested in the sacred scroll, who specially met with one of the shamans to learn more about the relic. According to the shaman, the scroll does exist, but at that time only 4 shamans of the highest degree of initiation had access to it. Some shamans even saw the scroll, but after that they took a vow of silence. According to the shaman, the scroll is an unusually beautiful silk ribbon on which the texts appear. An ordinary mortal cannot read them, since they are written in the sacred language of the gods, and the shaman who looks at the scroll does not actually read it, but hears what is written there. It is believed that the person who is able to read the sacred scroll will receive the blessing of higher powers, and in addition, a powerful magical power,able to bring immortality.

In addition to the Scroll of Times, the shamans have another artifact, which is also stubbornly hidden from the uninitiated. We are talking about the Golden Image. It is called differently: the golden idol, the golden woman. According to one of the most common legends, this artifact is nothing more than a statue of Juno, the ancient Roman goddess, who was taken to the East by pagan barbarians. According to another hypothesis, the Scandinavian golden statue got to the territory of western Russia, then to the Permian lands, and only then the shamans ferried it across the Ural ridge. And the locals themselves are sure that the golden idol was presented to them by the spirits of fire.

One of the legends of the northern peoples says that at a time when rivers, mountains and forests were under the ice, a crack appeared in the ground, from which a golden dragon flew out, giving birth to a sparkling baby. This child instantly turned into a golden idol. At the same time, the leaders of the tribes and the founders of shamanic clans were present, who were granted the right to protect the idol from outsiders. In addition, they were initiated into all the secrets of the idol.

History has preserved data that in 1552 one of the atamans named Ivan Bryazga almost seized a gold relic that the shamans brought to one of the pagan holidays. The Cossacks attacked the village, but found nothing.

Already in the post-war period, in 1946, it became known that the Golden Image was located several hundred kilometers from Krasnoyarsk, in a small village. A task force was sent in search, but it was not possible to get to the relic, the weather suddenly deteriorated, and it snowed in August. As a result, the operatives lost their way and returned back.

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According to rumors, the artifact is currently safely hidden on the Putorana plateau in one of the caves. Only two shaman-guardians know about this place, one is old, the other is young. After the death of the old shaman, the young must find a disciple who will leave the world of people and devote his life to serving the Golden Idol.

The shamans have another secret secret - this is information about the gates to the underworld, which are located on the border of Mongolia and Altai. In various legends, these gates are described in different ways: either as a narrow crevice that opens when certain words are uttered, then as an entrance to a bottomless cave. According to the Turkic legend, in Altai there is a whole lost dead city, in which there is an entrance to hell, it is guarded by restless souls and dragons.

According to Altai ministers of the pagan cult, the underworld is under the gloomy Gobi desert strewn with animal bones, which is blown by strong winds all year round. The elders of the Altai mountain villages pass on from generation to generation the legend of a certain shaman, Aydis. Allegedly, before the war, after long exhausting trials, the spirits indicated where the entrance to the world is forbidden for the living, and even allowed him to visit it. He returned a few weeks later, considerably aged and haggard. The only thing that the shaman said was that there was a lot of suffering, pain and tears in that world. Soon the young shaman went to the mountains and became a hermit. A few years before his death, he took a student for himself and passed on to him his knowledge of the afterlife.

According to local beliefs, the underground spirits themselves choose the one to whom the secrets of the other world are passed on. For this, the initiate, after his own death, must accompany the souls of the dead to hell. A shaman who has joined the secret knowledge must keep the knowledge gained in a big secret, otherwise both his own soul and the souls of his descendant until the tenth generation will be restless and become eternal guards at the gates to the afterlife.

In addition to secret knowledge and artifacts, shamans have other secrets that cannot be revealed. Until now, for example, in Siberia, mystical, full of dramatic events are taking place.

So, for example, an engineer from Irkutsk A. Turchaninov never could have thought that something unusual and even terrible could happen to his relatives. His younger brother Dmitry in 1999 went on vacation to Lake Selenken, located high in the mountains. A thirty-year-old man, full of strength and health, a few weeks later returned a gray-haired old man, deprived of vitality, who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, which rapidly progressed. Before his death, he told his brother about what could have caused his illness. As soon as he arrived at the place of rest, it turned out that he had a falling out with one of the local residents, who promised to take cruel revenge. And once, when a tourist was sunbathing on the shore of the lake, he saw a rider. He was a Tuvan, overgrown with a thick black beard, in a black national costume trimmed with gold. He looked intently at Dmitry and at the same time was holding an earthen bowl in his hand. The rider, muttering something, approached the young man, scooped liquid from the bowl and splashed it on his face. In the next instant, the rider disappeared.

After a while Dmitry felt unwell, and every day his condition worsened. Upon returning home, he lived only ten days.

A year after the death of his brother, Turchaninov quite by chance met a resident of Irkutsk, who was studying the paranormal abilities of Siberian shamans. He said that among the shamans there is a certain caste who can be called killers. With the help of certain spells, they can bring any person to the grave. Such shamans are usually called "verbal killers". They are found not only in the Far East and Siberia, but also among Buddhist medicine men and sorcerers-Old Believers. Among those who fled for the Urals from the persecution of Tsar Peter Alekseevich, there was a legend about an Old Believer named Dyshlyak. This follower of the so-called true Russian faith committed slander against the tsar every day for a year. On that day, which was determined by the Old Believer sorcerer, the king died. And soon Dyshlyak himself died. In the place where he livedover time, a small village arose that existed until about the middle of the last century called Dyshlyakovka.

It should be noted that the phenomenon of verbal murder has never been studied scientifically. In Russia, this was considered to be the intrigues of the unclean; in the Soviet years, a logical explanation was found for such deaths - radioactive radiation, poisoning with poisons.

And only once, about the beginning of the 70s of the last century, a young scientist from the Novosibirsk Research Institute S. Kamov became interested in the phenomenon of verbal murder. And then only because his grandfather, who was a medicine man, possessed such an ability. As a teenager, the future scientist saw how his grandfather killed a furious dog with a word.

For ten years, the young scientist managed to collect a large number of such cases, conducted several hundred experiments, during which he took readings of electrical impulses of the central nervous system and nerve endings, as well as the activity of the brain of people and animals. Moreover, he conducted experiments on plants. Of the collected three hundred spells and slander, collected in local dialects, dialects and 15 languages, almost half had "lethal" power. After the first utterance, the plants wither within a few minutes.

The dogs that were used in the experiments developed malignant tumors almost immediately, which ended in death. Texts that were less powerful, caused disorders of the immune and nervous systems, caused the progression of chronic diseases. Kamov came to the conclusion that the strength of a slander or spell depends on the words that are encoded in the texts. So, in particular, in many conspiracies there are words that have a pronounced abusive meaning. Obscene words and expressions in modern language have a similar destructive power. The scientist's opinion is confirmed by studies that were carried out later, as well as statistical data, according to which in the so-called dysfunctional families, where obscene language is actively practiced, children lag behind in mental development.

By the time they reach adulthood, these children often develop severe mental disorders and chronic illnesses. And the whole point is that such words pierce the child's aura, causing great harm to the unborn generations.

After a thorough study of the mechanism for the formation of "killer" texts, Kamov independently created several similar spells that could cause irreparable harm to a person.

Ultimately, the Soviet special services became interested in Kamov's research. They offered the scientist cooperation, but he replied with a categorical refusal. As a result, the young scientist took a subscription that he would no longer continue to research this topic.

Thus, it is quite obvious that shamans possess some knowledge that is incomprehensible and inaccessible to ordinary people. And, perhaps, this is only the power of suggestion and hypnosis …