The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View

The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View
The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View

Video: The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View

Video: The Harm And Danger Of Baptism - Alternative View
Video: Controversies and Biblical Clarity on Baptism 2024, June

Everyone wishes their children happiness. And everyone strives to raise their kids, first of all, healthy. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of parents are firmly convinced that children will grow up safely without "God's grace." But, unfortunately, there are also such parents who, contrary to common sense, expose their children to deliberate danger, allowing them to perform the religious rite of baptism. At the same time, many say that baptism is not a consequence of their beliefs and the ceremony was performed because grandfather and grandmother insisted on it. But can this be an excuse?

Observations have established that out of two hundred baptized children, 21 children fall ill immediately after baptism and in connection with baptism, that is, almost every tenth. Do the “docile” parents, who succumb to the religious onslaught of the older generation, know about this?

Baptism is often performed in unsanitary conditions. In one of the cathedrals, bacteriological studies of water from the font were carried out. After submersion of 3-5 children, one cubic centimeter of her contained 17.5 million different microbes (first sample). When analyzing the second sample of water from the same font (after immersion of 20-25 babies), the number of microbes in a cubic centimeter could not be counted - as in sewage, waste water.

And the churchmen call baptism "cleansing." As a result of this "cleansing" in polyclinics and hospitals of the city, children are treated with bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, acute inflammation of the intestines, eye, skin and other diseases. “That's the will of God!” To use the expression of those who baptize.

One day, children's doctors made a count. It turned out that of the babies who needed inpatient or outpatient treatment, two-thirds were baptized three to five days ago.

It is estimated that there are three times more pustular skin diseases among baptized children, and twice as many colds and intestinal diseases as among unbaptized children.


In various newspapers, in popular science books, many examples of the harmful consequences of baptism, tragic events are described.

Promotional video:

For the sake of performing an absurd ancient rite, a relic of distant antiquity, some parents carry a small, defenseless creature to the church and immerse it in cold, dirty water.

Performing the rite of baptism, churchmen preach a very “comforting” idea for believers that all sins are supposedly forgiven for a child, believers do not ask themselves what sins a child can have if he has not yet made a single conscious movement in his life. What could be cleaner than a baby? He is just beginning to live. The Church itself says: "Children's souls are angelic souls." One has only to think about it, and the meaninglessness of the rite of baptism will become obvious.


This ceremony has never been beneficial. In tsarist Russia, 269 out of a thousand newborns died before they reached a year; the “Miraculous Power” of baptism, alas, did not help.

It may be argued that unbaptized children get sick and die. Yes, unfortunately it happens. But not by their own will, not by their own, as they say, the hands of the parents of babies plunge into illness. On the contrary, they put a lot of effort into preventing diseases with proper care and education. And during baptism, the child's health is obviously endangered. A heartbreaking childish cry accompanies the baptismal ceremony, crying out for help. And I would like to urge parents: do not allow this barbaric rite to be performed, take care of the health of children.

We live in the 21st century, a century of significant social changes in the world, major scientific discoveries, tremendous technical achievements, and a decisive assault on space. The new, created by the hands, will and mind of people, invades our life and activity constantly and rapidly. And only religion does not seem to notice this. As before, its servants dogmatically repeat the dilapidated formulas about the supposedly eternal sinfulness of man, about the need for "otherworldly salvation", the subordination of all their thoughts and deeds to the service of the Almighty. In other words, the ministers of a religious cult distract people from real life, from the fact that they devote all their strength and knowledge to the creation of a new society.

After the rite of baptism, the ministers of religion inspire the believers, the newborn becomes a "slave of God" and is obliged to fulfill all the requirements of the clergy until his death. What is this, if not an attempt to spiritually enslave a person, ideologically enslave him.

The whole essence of baptism is alien to modern man, his worldview.

The man was born. What will he become? A skilled turner, scientist, poet, spaceship commander, ballerina or doctor? This is unknown. But it is clear that the future of a new citizen of Russia depends primarily on you, his parents. So educate your child as a correct, physically strong, spiritually healthy citizen.
