The Witch Revealed The Secrets Of Love Magic - Alternative View

The Witch Revealed The Secrets Of Love Magic - Alternative View
The Witch Revealed The Secrets Of Love Magic - Alternative View

Video: The Witch Revealed The Secrets Of Love Magic - Alternative View

Video: The Witch Revealed The Secrets Of Love Magic - Alternative View
Video: Witchcraft Secret Manual 2024, June

An American woman who calls herself a three-hundred-year-old witch has revealed the secrets of love magic. This is reported by the Daily Mail. Amanda Yates Garcia, who lives in California, dubs herself the "Oracle of Los Angeles". A woman takes $ 100 (about 6.6 thousand rubles) for an hour of fortune telling or a healing session. She also speaks to clients about love, success and protection from the evil eye. For a love spell, she often asks clients to bring a photograph of their beloved or a gift received from him. Garcia said last year that she had cast a spell on US President Donald Trump to "stop hurting other people."

Garcia assures that witches have not used mythical ingredients like frog eyes for a long time, and gave advice on how to bewitch a new lover at home. The woman advises her clients to take a bath with white flowers and gardenia oil every day from the new moon. Keeping rose quartz and black tourmaline nearby is very important, she said. “After water procedures, you should drain the water, but do not leave the bathroom until the bath is completely empty,” the witch emphasizes. Then you need to write on paper: "By the forces of my inner goddess, I attract new love to myself, the one who appreciates …", and then list six of my best qualities.

On a full moon, according to Garcia's advice, burn the paper on a pink candle filled with gardenia oil. It must completely burn out in the presence of the person performing the ritual. To complete the ritual, it is worth taking the ash, mixing it with wax and placing it in the ground near the plant near the front door. Garcia assures that in this way you can attract a person to the house who will appreciate the best qualities of the petitioner, but he does not guarantee that this will work.