Alternative Medicine - Alternative View

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Alternative Medicine - Alternative View
Alternative Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Alternative Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Alternative Medicine - Alternative View
Video: Complementary and Alternative Medicine - What You Need To Know 2024, September

Along with traditional medicine, which uses the usual medicines and technologies, there is also non-traditional medicine. It is not recognized by doctors, but it includes many methods, including healing and exposure with the help of bioenergetics.

What are healing methods based on?

A healer is a person who can heal patients without the use of medications or surgical methods. He works with the help of some kind of bioenergy, which he directs through the efforts of his will. As a result of this effect, it is allegedly possible to get rid of even incurable ailments. Official medicine considers such methods to be quackery, but there are many cases when people really recovered, even in the most hopeless cases.

Psychics explain such miracles by the fact that a person is not just a material shell visible to the eye. It also consists of invisible energy fields that surround it like a cocoon. These fields contain all information about a person, and in addition, they interact with the energies of the surrounding world, which also affect them. During a treatment session, the psychic works precisely with these fields, influencing them with his own energy and achieving their full recovery.

Some healers also work with photography. In this case, it is believed that the image of a person carries a certain information matrix through which one can directly influence him. This can also explain the fact that sometimes even photographs of healers give amazing results.

An interesting experiment was carried out in the 90s at the Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Psychiatry and Neurology in the city of Kharkov. There, several rats were irradiated with a lethal dose of radiation, and then a picture of a famous psychic was placed with them. After some time, the condition of the animals returned to normal. The results were no less surprising when working with bacteria. The psychic himself explained this wonderful effect by the fact that the photograph carries a certain imprint of energy fields, information that is also capable of having a beneficial effect.

In fact, the technique of influencing a person through his image has existed from time immemorial. It can be assumed that such techniques would have outlived their usefulness long ago if they did not give an effective result. This means that the possibility of curing ailments by working with human bioenergetics really exists.

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Another effective method of magical influence on a person is based on working with things with which he has ever been in contact. For this purpose, as a rule, the hair, nails of a person, or his things are used. Such methods are explained by the fact that objects that have ever been in contact with each other have a constant connection with each other.

Such a remote impact technique, despite its fantastic nature, can be explained from the point of view of exact science. So, at the beginning of the last century, the EPR effect was discovered, which consists in the fact that subatomic particles, ever in contact, can exert mutual influence on each other. Moreover, this effect can be observed even at gigantic distances. After some time, physicists proved that this effect can work not only in the microcosm, but also in the macrocosm. Thus, the possibility of magical remote influence on a person through his thing may have a scientific basis.

Gift of Healing Truth or Deception

Today, many newspapers and magazines are filled with ads of all kinds of psychics and magicians who offer their services. At the same time, the range of their capabilities is great - they promise to cure any ailment, attract good luck and much more. In fact, among such magicians there may be many deceivers who want to make money on gullible people. Therefore, an extremely distrustful attitude has developed towards such an activity as healing. However, despite this, this phenomenon actually exists, although it is extremely rare. People with such opportunities are unique, the secret of which has not yet been solved.

Scientists suggest that distance healing without medication is mainly based on suggestion and self-hypnosis, when people are cured after visiting a psychic. Nevertheless, the world around us is very complex, and is fraught with many mysteries. It is likely that the phenomenon of healing is really based on the impact on some subtle energy fields surrounding a person. Modern devices are not yet able to record them, but this does not mean that they do not exist. Perhaps, in the future, scientists will be able to create devices that will not only record the biofields surrounding a person, but also treat various diseases by acting on them. Today, this is only available to some people with special abilities.