Milk Miracle: How In 1995 The Statues Of Hindu Gods Drank Milk - Alternative View

Milk Miracle: How In 1995 The Statues Of Hindu Gods Drank Milk - Alternative View
Milk Miracle: How In 1995 The Statues Of Hindu Gods Drank Milk - Alternative View

Video: Milk Miracle: How In 1995 The Statues Of Hindu Gods Drank Milk - Alternative View

Video: Milk Miracle: How In 1995 The Statues Of Hindu Gods Drank Milk - Alternative View
Video: Did Indian God Lord Ganesha actually drank Milk ?? 2024, September

Millions of people all over the world witnessed the Milk Miracle in 1995. It was filmed with thousands of professional and amateur cameras.

It all started with the fact that on September 21, 1995, at 2 am in one of the Ganesh temples in New Delhi, a call rang and a mysterious unknown male voice said: “Ganesh wants milk. Please give him a drink! The priest, just in case, immediately washed himself and offered the Deity milk, which immediately disappeared before his eyes.


The enthusiastic priest immediately called his friend, who also immediately offered milk to his deity, and it also disappeared. At four in the morning, all of New Delhi already knew that the Deities began to drink milk. One Delhi resident even lost a bag of milk from the refrigerator with a Ganesh statuette on it.

By the middle of the day, the whole country and half of the Indians of the planet knew about it. In all Hindu temples around the world - in Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Canada, Great Britain, USA, Burma, Thailand, Kenya, Sri Lanka in thousands and thousands of temples, the same thing happened: people brought milk in spoons to the mouth of the deity, and it disappeared right before their eyes. The media immediately recorded where else this miracle was noticed.

The excitement began in India. Many offices and shops were closed; trading on the Bombay Stock Exchange stopped. Schoolchildren ran away from school, employees left offices, workers abandoned their machines; the owners gave their servants a day off and hurried to the temples with them. All of India stopped: everyone was thrown into the temples to see this miracle for themselves and to water the Deities. Everyone was delighted.

They drank milk made of bronze, marble, silver statues of Krishna, Brahma, Shiva, Ganesh and Durga, Indra, Hanuman - all Indian deities, even statues of some Indian saints and the bull Shiva Nandi. Milk disappeared even if it was brought to the mouth of the deity painted on the calendar.

Promotional video:


Kilometer-long queues with cans, bottles, packages lined up at the temples. Sentimental and pious women dragged their unbelieving husbands to the temple and told them: “Look, see for yourself, make sure! I always told you that our religion is the best, but you didn’t believe!”.

The statues drank ordinary milk, long-term storage, homogenized, concentrated. The priests had to limit visitors - a teaspoon per person. The ministers of the temples sometimes supported the hands of people with spoons if they trembled with excitement while observing this miracle.


Even in London alone, it was observed by 10 thousand people. In Hong Kong, the gods did not drink anything for several hours, until an eight-year-old girl offered milk to a statue of Krishna.

After that, all the other deities also began to drink milk, which was presented to them by the believers. A small silver sculpture of Ganesha located in this temple drank 20 liters in a day. (two buckets) milk.

The Birla Temple in New Delhi alone was attended by 55,000 people that day. The deity in him drank 125 liters of milk, which all disappeared. In one day, all the milk was sold in Delhi and an additional 100 tons were urgently ordered. And this despite the fact that the price of a liter per day increased from six to 100 rupees.

Indian shops sold out all the elephant images in a day. Many temples remained open around the clock to receive the maximum number of believers. Some skeptics and journalists went to the temples with the intention to expose the deception, and went out to the depths of their hearts, having seen the miracle with their own eyes.

The whole country wrote about the Miracle with Milk. On the front pages of all, including the largest newspapers, sensational essays and photographs were published with the headlines: "To God along the milk path", "Miracle for believers and a mystery for atheists", "Millions feed" miracle from spoons ", " God prefers milk and rejects Coca-Cola "," Ganesha is tired of Laddu sweets, and he changes the menu!"

The last time in India it happened 500 years ago, when offerings in the form of milk, fruits, sweets, juices disappeared …


Religious scholars half-jokingly call Hinduism a "kitchen religion" because it places great emphasis on offering food to God.

Hindus, however, justify this by the fact that God is a person, and in order to establish a relationship with a person, the easiest way is to treat him with something or make some kind of gift. The main thing in a gift and a treat is not their material value, but the feeling, emotion that is inherent in them.

It is impossible for us to see and feel emotions, feelings, desires with the help of the body. Nevertheless, desires have a “smell,” and emotions have a “taste,” which God senses and sees with his spiritual feelings and which we also awaken in ourselves as we communicate with Him.

When food is offered to God, God leaves the material substance from which it is prepared and takes from there those feelings, emotions that are inherent in it and enjoys them. In response, he puts his energy of mercy and love for us into this food. Therefore, the food consecrated in this way is called by the Hindus "prasad" - "food charged with the grace of God," the acceptance of which greatly raises consciousness.

But the materialistic mind sometimes says, “Does God exist at all? Does he even look at all these our offerings, does he accept them? And in order to demonstrate that He really is, he sometimes takes away the whole offering - not only devotion and love, but even the material substance in which they are "packed".

In connection with this miracle, the religious leaders of Hinduism said so that it was shown to the younger generation to strengthen their faith. And at the same time they emphasized that what had happened clearly showed how much the Supreme and his assistants-demigods appreciate milk and, accordingly, the cow that gives it. This is a serious reason to think: will modern humanity be punished for cruelty to domestic animals?


Astrologers claim that this is a good sign and that miracles like this happen when a great saint comes into this world. As, for example, 500 years ago a great saint Sri Chaitanya appeared in India, who is considered the avatar-incarnation of Krishna for this era.

Western scientists - skeptics explained the nature of this miracle by the fact that, in their opinion, Indian deities are made of a porous stone that absorbs moisture. And the miracle is explained simply by the capillary effect. After it became clear that the milk was also absorbed by the deities made of metal, and many times in greater quantities than their volume, they put forward the assumption of mass hypnosis.

It was even suggested that there was a "hypnotic gas". But since it was filmed on many video cameras in various countries of the planet, it turns out that this hypnosis was really massive, on a planetary scale, and the video cameras also fell under the influence of this gas or hypnosis.

A committee was even set up to "expose this so-called milk miracle", which was even suspected of a massive conspiracy of Hindu priests or some religious political parties. However, the work of this "committee on disclosure" did not yield anything. As the saying goes, "even if a flying saucer descends in front of an atheist scientist who does not believe in aliens, he will find a thousand ways to explain to himself that this is an optical illusion!"

However, the Milk Miracle was repeated on August 21, 2006 in Uttar Pradesh, New Delhi, in northern India. At eight in the evening in the temples of Ganesha, the people again drew attention to the disappearance of milk, and the news that he was drinking milk again instantly spread with the speed of sound.

Crowds rushed into the temples again. Ganesh continued to drink milk for three hours, some even directly from their palms, and at 11 pm this phenomenon stopped. This news rocked the country again.

In 2013, one of the Cosmopoisk researchers, who studied the topic of Indian statues drinking milk, came to the following conclusion:

“The Indian phenomenon with statues of gods and milk does not yet have a sufficiently solid and undeniable scientific explanation. However, this does not mean at all that this miracle cannot have a completely material background and physics is not able to thoroughly understand the question of where the milk from the believers' spoons disappeared.

But whatever the conclusion of the scientists, it will not weaken the confidence of Hindus that they have witnessed a genuine miracle. For the rest, the events of the memorable September day became another evidence of the fact that there are still spheres of the unknown in the world, and, therefore, many surprises can be expected from the secrets of life."