Bylo-Baby - Cursed Doll - Alternative View

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Bylo-Baby - Cursed Doll - Alternative View
Bylo-Baby - Cursed Doll - Alternative View

Video: Bylo-Baby - Cursed Doll - Alternative View

Video: Bylo-Baby - Cursed Doll - Alternative View
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Since ancient times, dolls have been the girls' favorite toy. Weakness, love for them remain for life and many women. But it was not always so. Children's play with dolls appeared relatively late, in the 15th century. And before that, dolls were mainly used in magic and were of great importance in performing various, mainly black, rituals aimed at causing evil

Therefore, it is not surprising that the representatives of the church were very suspicious and extremely hostile to the appearance of dolls in the homes of believers. But the girls' desire to join adult life as soon as possible, even through playing with dolls, turned out to be stronger. Gradually, dolls began to come into fashion. And this is not surprising, there have always been artists who put their souls into the created masterpieces. They were made more and more beautiful and human-like. But only not always the presented beauty brought the girl happiness, sometimes the opposite happened, sometimes misfortunes and even tragedies were associated with this gift. People began to notice that the doll, sometimes bringing happiness to the girl, at the same time took away her health.

She lay wrapped in a snow-white embroidered funeral towel. The package smelled like a cloying mixture of naphthalene, old musty perfume, pepper and some other spices. Two tiny feet in frayed silk shoes peeped out from under the towel. When she was turned around, she glared at me with narrowed eyes and did not look away for a minute. The "Cursed Doll" has arrived in Moscow from America.

Its history began in 1922 in the small American town of Key West, Florida. The doll was made by the master Charles Wincox, a member of the Golden Dawn occult order. The order was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by the "beast of the Apocalypse" Aleister Crowley; such famous and wealthy people as Bram Stoker, Howard Loughcraft, Ron Haggard belonged to the sect. Rumor has it that the designer of the sunken Titanic was also part of the Zarya. Each member of the order was fond of something special. Bram Stoker, for example, studied lycanthropy (werewolves). For a lot of money, he bought a sandalwood figurine of a wolf-man, which belonged to Vlad Tepes-Dracula. When Stoker died of a heart attack, he held the figurine in his hands.

So there was a legend about Charles Wincox that dolls made by his hands scare away the spirit of death, that a sick child, holding such a doll, could live a little longer. It was rumored that he makes his dolls in the images of dead children from the orphanage of St. Augustine. And that he sews the hair and pieces of clothing of these unfortunates into dolls.

When it turned out that Rosie McKney, the only daughter of very wealthy parents, was sick with anemia, they ordered a doll for Wincox. Charles made a luxurious young lady with a soft body, wax arms, legs and a head, dressed her in an embroidered dress made of Chinese silk. As befits a high society lady, the doll wore two skirts - an upper and a lower one - and pantaloons. She was damn good and just as dear to the McKney family, who would do anything to save their daughter. But a few days after receiving the gift, Rosie died in terrible agony, clutching a doll in her hands. She didn't even have time to give her new pet a name.

Rosie's parents blamed the puppet master for the child's death. But Wincox hid from the police and his further fate is unknown. They could not take the doll out of Rosie's hands, they were buried together. After some time, the police opened the grave to check the corpse for poisoning, but the toy was no longer in Rosie's hands.

She appeared again after 12 years. In 1934, Rosie's mother, Mary Vanessa McKney, discovered a similar doll in a junk shop and bought it. Soon thereafter, doctors diagnosed her with signs of mental illness. Then Rosie's father died - under very strange circumstances. Mother completely fell into madness, the estate fell into desolation. And in 1952, Mary Vanessa threw herself out of the window, clutching a damn doll to her chest. The neighbors found her when she was struggling in her death throes and kept repeating one single phrase: "Oh, Beilo-baby!" This is how the doll got its name. By the way, the Chaldeans in Babylon had a god of darkness and dawn at the same time, and his name was "Baal". In the Middle Ages, the name "Baal" ("Balu", "Bailu") was called a demon. And the Mexican shamans have the Bai-Loo demon, the keeper of nightmares and the eater of hair. Why the mother of the deceased Rosie chose such a name for the toy is unknown.

(By the way, Bai-Lo most likely simply translates as “baby doll.” And now they also release porcelain babies under the name Bai-Lo.. note by adm.)

A curse hung over the McKney house for a long time, until 1969 in America there was a "boom in the occult." The house was turned into a museum. But … the builders, who set up the alarm, flatly refused to enter the room where the Beilo-baby was exhibited. The insurance agent, making an inventory of the property, left "her" room, fell down the stairs and broke his leg. The watchman's dogs twisted their tails and ran away. Twice unknown persons tried to burn the doll, but it barely burned. In 1995, Beilo Baby disappeared (possibly stolen or sold) from a museum in Key West. The owner of the museum promised 1000 dollars to the person who found her, posted ads about the loss on the Internet. The doll was found in New York - the American journalist Anthony Price bought it from a group of Satanists called The Number of the Beast. Further versions of her future fate are bifurcated.

According to one of them, Price in 2003. donated Beilo-baby to the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, which is considered the think tank of American neoconservatives. The legendary doll was brought to visit the Moscow Rotary Club on Halloween 2005. She stayed in Moscow for 3 days, and the entire top of the Rotary Club during this time managed to enjoy one of the main occult myths of our century.

According to the second version, immediately after the purchase, Anthony Price presented the doll to the Museum of Horror, Witchcraft and Superstition, which opened in 1998 in Moscow. The same one, which once coexisted with the restaurant "Mephisto Castle". The days of favorable interest in such things in Russia quickly passed. Now you will not find this museum in search engines. But on the other hand, according to rumors, the real Beilo-baby is still with the lover of mysticism Vlad Tauneshu. The doll lives near Moscow and is gaining "strength". Domestic cats, also living in the country, feel this and are already shying away from Beilo-baby.

A little history of dolls

The first description of humanoid dolls is in Egyptian mythology. After the god Khnum created the first man and woman from clay, the human race began to multiply.

In the XII century, priests made wax resemblances of a sick person and pierced the unhealthy place with a silver needle. Much has changed since then, and piercing dolls with needles has become the exclusive privilege of sorcerers.

Until now, in Africa, they do magic in a similar way: they make clay figurines of a person, stick glass, branches into them and put their heads in the stream against the stream. When the water erodes the clay to the end, misfortune happens to the person. There are known English dolls, whose arms, legs and head are made of porcelain, and the body looks like a box. Notes with spells are placed inside the box.

It is customary for us to give our old dolls. “The doll Masha, the doll Dasha… It's just that the children have grown older…” In China and Japan, for example, the toys from which you grew up are burned. It is believed that when you give your toys, shoes, clothes to another, you are giving away part of your energy.

And this terrible story happened at the end of 1996, all in the same America. A very extravagant witch named La Toya Vie (similar to the heroine Whoopi Goldberg from the movie "Ghost") wandered around the streets of New York. She wondered - sometimes for food, sometimes just like that. She muttered something to herself. And it had to happen that she took a dislike to one nosy ten-year-old girl. I must say, she took a dislike to the cause: she brought her in every possible way, teased her and showed L Toya her tongue. The witch began to hunt down the girl, the street rude girl got scared and complained to her parents. They filed a lawsuit, and the most humane court in the world forbade La Toya to approach the girl's family. Then our witch realized that her protection was in her hands. A week after the trial, I caught this fidgety accelerator and stuck a doll into her hands. Then, humming to herself, she left.

The girl liked the doll, and the parents liked it too. But … At first the child stopped sleeping at night. Then he refused to enter his own room at all. The family members started having headaches. A few days later, a nauseating smell spread throughout the apartment. Fearfully? It turned out that the witch sewed a piece of raw meat into the doll's body. It began to rot - hence the smell.

Beilo-baby, who arrived in Moscow, underwent examination. Inside it was found human hair and rags with traces of blood, possibly human. X-rays showed that there was a note in the doll's head. Most likely, the name of the master is written on it, but it is possible that it contains some kind of spell. Beilo-baby's eyes (porcelain pupils are covered with glass) are crumbs of earth. Is it connected with the funeral? Or did they get into the eyes of the doll when she was leaving the grave of her first little mistress?..

How can “dead” dolls influence people's lives? According to some parapsychological researchers, the dolls are not quite dead and not quite alive. There are 3 most accepted hypotheses explaining the dangers of communicating with dolls.

People, being in a state of trance, emotional uplift, intuitive faith in what is happening, are able to "revive" the image.

Take a closer look at the girls' harmless romp with dolls. They sincerely believe that the dolls are alive and try to unconsciously give them life. For them, a doll is not a toy, but a living being.

This belief led to the fact that under the influence of the child, the doll in play, according to Evgeny Golovin, to some extent really becomes a "living" being. Children, playing with a doll, completely unconsciously perform a certain sacred act, in which part of the child's bioenergetics turns into a soulless image.

Here is what Golovin tells about the properties of a “creature” that has settled in a doll, mannequin, statue: “A mannequin in a shop window - what could be more innocent? But this is not a mannequin at all, it is a living, sinister creature. The creator of the mannequin did not know how to revive him, and did not understand what came out of his hands. But he did business with love,”and through this“love”a part of his life passed into the doll, into the mannequin, which naturally endowed these images with life.

In our world, everything happens unconsciously, spontaneously. Such a "creature" turned out to be vampiric, requiring personal care. Cases are officially recorded when the "creature" suddenly disappeared at night and appeared at dawn. It's incomprehensible, it's fabulous, but it's a fact. And this just suggests that playing with dolls is becoming a threatening reality. When a person's energy transfers to objects created by him, then from a magical point of view it is clear that objects begin to live a special life.

Incomprehensible, mystical things happen to dolls. They happen to people who are far from mysticism.

Students of the Yaroslavl Theater Institute told stories about their relationship with puppets, which literally "freeze the blood in their veins."

One of the graduates calls his relationship with dolls a ritual: “To master a doll, you need to give up your best qualities, which we consider to be the best … The puppeteer will only take place when he completely abandons everything. It's like a double dimension. So I felt it at one time: it was not I who guided the doll, but the doll guided me. She even guided my thoughts. I cannot explain it. But when all this works out, the doll comes to life … I don't understand how."

And one more property of dolls is pointed out by students: "The most interesting thing happens when a person makes a doll, and it looks like him, and she is his particle."

Communication between a person and a doll is not always like a creative process, sometimes it resembles mysticism. Students made dolls for the setting of the den. Olya got an unusual doll: “Death had to be done. And I made it at home. I took a white cloth, put it on a wire, made a mask. And then a wild depression began: I cried, cried. My grandmother looked at me and did not understand what was the matter. And then for some reason I say to her: "Burn Death." She somehow understood and burned the death doll in the bucket. I felt how she burned the doll. Everything went away from me: hysteria, sobs, convulsions that hit me."

Communication with dolls did not pass without leaving a trace for the students. They had a question about the role of the creator as a "priest" through which the higher power enclosed in the doll is expressed: "The question arises about the inner life of creation and, in connection with this, about the revival of creation, its exit from the power of the creator and revenge."

There is another way of transforming a doll into an "energy vampire" who lives by continuous energy supply from the people around him. American paranormal researcher Joanne Pillier believes that we are surrounded by small "entities". They consume mental energy, which a person spends during his joyful or, conversely, sad experiences. The easiest way to get it from children. For this, the "entities" try to get closer to them. They live in toys and dolls. It is to them that children experience the most pronounced attraction, which contributes to the flow of energy to "entities". And such a flow of energy often costs the child dearly, causing illness, often leading to death.

Dolls killing people sometimes come to us from the East. Malicious entities are forcibly enclosed in them. There are several reasons for this "conclusion".

According to the Buddhist religion, the world is filled with many evil spirits - singdomo. These creatures are busy with only one thing. They abduct the "breath" of people and animals and bring them to the Ugs Khang temple. It is located at Samye monastery on the banks of the sacred Brahmaputra river. A person who has his "breath" stolen falls ill and dies. Holy lamas fight against malevolent spirits. They catch breath-eating spirits and enclose them in clay figurines.

"Souvenirs" are bought by tourists. And together with the figurine, the breath eater, bringing death, enters the house.

There is another way of enclosing the spirit in a figurine. Even before the Buddhist religion came to Tibet, there was a rather sinister Bon cult. One of the many dark rituals performed by Bon priests is the ritual slaughter of enemies. So that the spirit of the deceased cannot take revenge, he is infused into a specially made figure for this. Then it is “sold” to visiting tourists so that they can take the spirit of the enemy away from their homeland. It is not hard to guess that the spirit transferred in this way does not cherish love for its new masters. He rampages, trying to find his way home, and brings down his anger on people, causing them disease.

Ufologists, mystics, representatives of various religions explain in different ways the reasons for the mortal danger posed by toy men, in which children love to play. But in one thing they are united - dolls are perceived by most people as "dead" objects. In reality, they not only live, but also determine the life of their owner.