How Is The Sabbat Of Witches Going - Alternative View

How Is The Sabbat Of Witches Going - Alternative View
How Is The Sabbat Of Witches Going - Alternative View

Video: How Is The Sabbat Of Witches Going - Alternative View

Video: How Is The Sabbat Of Witches Going - Alternative View
Video: Sabbat of the Witch Review - Noisy Pixel 2024, October

Today, not many people believe in the occult, witches, sorcerers and their gatherings - the Sabbath. However, there are people who, by chance, witnessed such balls of Satan.

In addition, the games of evil have been described more than once in many literary works, among which the books of Mishlev, Stanislav de Guyat ("The Temple of Satan"), Mikhail Bulgakov ("The Master and Margarita") deserve special attention.

Interestingly, in the descriptions, all the episodes of the Sabbath contained in the various books mysteriously coincide, with the exception of only minor details. So how does this action take place?


Late at night in some place remote from villages and people, in the mountains, in a clearing, in a dense forest or in a distant field, various evil spirits gather: witches, sorcerers, ghouls, werewolves. The ball is ruled by Satan himself, who has turned into a goat. Between his horns, in the form of the Hebrew letter “shin,” a bluish flame is seen. All beings under his control respectfully call him Messire Leonard.

At the very beginning of the Sabbath, the main sorceress performs a special ritual, thereby calling upon the Spirit of Evil to come out to them. Crouching slightly, she casts a spell. Then he sets fire to a bundle of brushwood, which he holds in his left hand. Her right hand is lowered into an earthen vessel.

After reading the magic words "Aye-Saraye" three times, the mug is filled with bright light and a small creature, outwardly resembling a squirrel, jumps out. All those who have arrived for the Sabbath get up and greet Messire respectfully. In turn, just a few minutes after appearing in the form of an animal, it greatly increases in size and takes the form of a goat.

Then Satan gives gifts to his charges. Most often, they are powders and liquids necessary for sorcerers and witches to prepare various poisons and love drinks. Sometimes Messire brings with him black wheat grains. With their help, sorcerers who attended the ball and received a similar gift from the hands of the Messire can subsequently send crop failure, famine or an epidemic to the earth.

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In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to make sacrifices to Satan. As a rule, they are unbaptized babies. The main witch cooks them in large cauldrons. At the same time, witches also make various sacred objects. For their preparation, bones of toads, frogs, cats and rats are used.


After that, Messire gives the order to bring the queen of the ball. The servants of Satan had chosen her in advance from the common girls of some northern village. She is brought to the Sabbath by a flying ram, whose eyes emit a soft bluish light.

The naked girl is laid on a small dais, after which Satan copulates with the queen of the ball in front of everyone present. Sometimes the spirits of evil cover their bodies from prying eyes with the finest cloth.

After enjoying the girl's love, Satan announces the beginning of the Black Mass, which is a blasphemous parody of the sacred liturgy. The naked queen of the ball again lies down on the dais. Her belly serves as a kind of throne on which the blasphemous ritual will be performed. So, the Holy Scripture is placed on the belly of the girl. The main sorceress pours blood on him, after which the book is torn into many small pieces and distributed to those who have arrived at the ball. Those, in turn, must definitely put the resulting piece in their mouth and then, as a sign of contempt, quickly spit it out.

After the completion of the Black Mass, Satan orders his charges to have fun. Then a crazy feast and orgy begins. As a rule, it is in the midst of such a feast that those present eat the bodies of unbaptized babies boiled in boiling water, stolen from their mothers long before the ball. Then everyone stands in a circle and performs a mysterious ritual with witchcraft and spells. The ball ends with group copulation.

In this case, incest is especially encouraged. The people still believe that the most talented witches and sorcerers are born from the union of a mother with a son or a daughter with a father. The signal about the end of the ball is the cry of a huge fiery rooster, into which Satan himself turns. After that, everything disappears from the face of the earth, as if there had never been any ball in this place.

Currently, few people believe in the reality of such covens. Some scholars say that, most likely, the Sabbath is nothing more than a gathering of adherents of the satanic faith. There is a lot of evidence that during the rituals they use various ointments and drinks that have a narcotic effect.

As a result, after taking such drugs, Satanists experience unusual sensations: for some it seems that they are flying, for others - as if they are turning into animals. Typically, magic drinks and ointments are made from the following ingredients: aconite, mighty, nightshade, celery, soot, belladonna, and cat's brain. All ingredients are mixed and diluted with alcohol. Often, dried scorpions, snakes, hedgehogs and some parts of the fox's body are also added to such a drink.


A similar version of some scholars about the nature of the Sabbath has both supporters and opponents. The latter often ask the following question: why do people who have taken a narcotic drink experience almost the same sensations and why do they have the same hallucinations? Perhaps the version of other scientists is the most real and reliable? After all, it is quite possible that the Sabbath - the great ball of Satan - exists in reality, and is not the fruit of a human fantasy fueled by drugs.

The first reports of the Sabbath were received by the Russian authorities from the sorcerers and witches themselves after the torture carried out during the Inquisition. It was they who told that in order to get to the ball of Satan, you just need to pronounce the word "abracadabra", which is now known to every schoolchild. In addition, according to legends, after each uttering of this magic word, one sinner spirit is released from hell.

The word "abracadabra" is known not only in Russia. European magicians use it in a slightly modified form - avralan.

Scientists associate the origin of the European spell with the name of one of the Syrian idols, as well as with the name of the sun god - Avraksals.

According to sorcerers and witches, it is the word "abracadabra" that is key in some spells. With their help, the most terrible diseases are still cured. The famous physician of the 11th century, Seren Simonik, argued that the word acquired its magical power only after it was written along the contour of a rectangular or dissected triangle. Modern Russian sorcerers write this word in the form of two rectangular or four equal triangles connected together.

During the performance of the ritual dance, those present at the Sabbath sing songs. None of mere mortals are allowed to listen to them, much less memorize them. There is a legend about a Cossack who accidentally overheard the song-spell of witches. They say that after some time the ubiquitous sorceresses found and seized the Cossack, after which they tortured him for a long time before drowning in the river. But the brave Cossack managed to convey the lyrics of the song to his family and fellow villagers.

The witch's song-spell has survived to this day. It turned out to be completely impossible to comprehend its meaning. Here are some lines from it:

Kumara them, them, fuses, Bada eshkhono, lavasa, shibboda kumara.

A. A. A. -

LTD. -

I. I. I. -

E. E. E. -

W. W. W. -

E. E. E. -

La, la, sob, whether, whether.

Sob, lu, lu, sob, zhunzhan ….

Satan's Ball is held not only in Ukraine (on Bald Mountain), but also in Germany (on Brocken and Broxbury), Iceland (on Heckle), Sweden (on Blaakulla and on Öland), and Norway (on Linderhorn). The Sabbat is held once a year: on Walpurgis Night (on May 1) or on the night of Ivan Kupala (on June 25).