There Are No Visits For Trifles - Alternative View

There Are No Visits For Trifles - Alternative View
There Are No Visits For Trifles - Alternative View

Video: There Are No Visits For Trifles - Alternative View

Video: There Are No Visits For Trifles - Alternative View
Video: LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring - Farewell Dear Bilbo 2024, October

The capacity of the mind to show curiosity knows no bounds. The natural need of a developing intelligent being is travel, a set of new experiences and research activities.

A huge number of research ships, sent by various civilizations for specific purposes, are moving through space. Crews are selected in accordance with the assigned tasks, they may include specialists in the field of physics of fine energy materials, astronomers-navigators, biochemists and geochemists, biogeographers and biologists, bioenergetics and psychoanalysts, specialists in solving social problems and contacts with other civilizations.

The number of expeditionary detachments can reach several tens or even hundreds of people. Among the members of the detachments, there is often interchangeability, that is, each of them owns two or three related specialties.

In addition, selection is made on the basis of psychological compatibility, since the psychological climate among the astronauts plays a very important role, which ultimately affects the results of the expedition, safety and coordination of actions.

For large multipurpose expeditions, a transgalactic ship with autonomous support is being prepared, serving as a vehicle and a support base at the same time. Such a ship is sent into the region of space to be studied, drifts and turns into a galactic base.

Later, small modules - laboratories - are separated from the ship and shuttle. The experimental period can last for several years. In the allotted time, one detachment is able, by means of intensive methods, to study in detail all the planets of the system of one star, to carry out any experiments or scientific experiments.

Usually SC (medium-developed civilizations) do not move very quickly in outer space - the speed is close to the speed of light or 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than the latter. They use rather bulky base ships, in which there are large reserves of energy and necessities of life, since they take many weeks and months or even years to fly to their final destination.

Computing centers (highly developed civilizations) have base ships that are not so large and more compact, which is associated with the huge potential energy intensity of life support systems and the ability to extract energy from any space environment under any conditions. Multipurpose ships are often used with multiple functions. These ships are capable of changing shape, size and purpose.

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Can civilizations come to Earth just like that, for no particular reason? Among highly developed civilizations, aimless flights to distant galaxies are not practiced. Visits to other planets for trivial matters are also excluded, although such a ship could get anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds.

Despite the diversity of animal and plant forms on Earth, the main goal of the VC expeditions is to study man and his potential. It must be admitted that we are interested in the EC rather not as a single civilization, but as carriers of developing consciousness and vivid examples of contradictory extremes in individual behavior.

However, the phenomena of harmonious cohabitation of people with the kingdoms of plants, animals and minerals (domestication, selection, and lithotherapy) still attract some extraterrestrial researchers, despite the numerous antagonistic costs of the technocratization of society. Computing centers are not interested in terrestrial technology, as well as terrestrial science (they consider science to be discrete-primitive).

Using the example of multiple visits of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations to Earth, one can trace with interest how extraterrestrial intelligence studies the nature of space and the nature of our planet in particular. It should be noted that the methods of study are sometimes used that are not quite usual by our standards.

I have identified two options for studying nature by extraterrestrial intelligence. In the first version, the integrity of the natural environment is violated - this is a rough way of studying. In the second version, the study is carried out without violating the integrity of the natural environment - a more sophisticated and highly organized way of studying.

Let us consider in more detail the first option for studying nature.

1. Volumetric soil sampling is usually carried out mechanically by technical means: special samplers cut ditches and trenches, holes and funnels in the surface layers of the soil, from where the loosened or monolithic mass is removed and transported in containers to the space base.

Taking a soil sample
Taking a soil sample

Taking a soil sample.

A material fence of matter is necessary for a versatile study of the properties of soils, for studying the state of the earth's surface at the border with air. The volume of one soil sample can reach more than 1200 m³.

Sometimes the sample is extracted in a slightly different way: a powerful energy impulse is sent from the suspended module to the ground, which leads to crushing of the rock right on the spot (while the debris does not fly anywhere), they rise and "sucked" into the container, after which they are sent by air along appointment. Typically, such sampling is carried out by mid-level technocratic civilizations (STs I), sometimes VTS I.

2. Point chemical testing is performed using a remote controlled module hovering over the study area. The apparatus resembles a mushroom hat or a dome. Luminous balls with a diameter of 30 centimeters of yellow, orange or red color are separated from it.

A group of balls, moving in a line along given profiles, take a soil sample for chemical analysis every 5-8 meters. The balls go 0.3 meters into the ground, while flames and sparks fly up.

Geochemical sampling
Geochemical sampling

Geochemical sampling.

Small balls with a diameter of 6 centimeters are periodically separated from the working balls, which are also controlled remotely, and rush to the control apparatus. That is, during the geochemical study of the area, an express analysis is carried out, which is practiced by the Computing Center I.

3. Plasma soil melting is used in cases when it is necessary to pick up softened matter. Probably, in liquid form, matter is easier to study and separate into its constituent parts.

The operation is performed using remotely controlled energy balls with a diameter of more than 50 meters, hovering over the desired location. The balls taking the sample acquire a bright red glow, and the rarefied matter is pumped out along the energy “trunk” lowered into the ground.

After “sucking out” the molten matter, “wells” with a diameter of 1 meter and a depth of 10 meters (option - a diameter of 4 meters and a depth of 5 meters), cone-shaped depressions, holes-wells with a diameter of 60 centimeters remain. The edges of the workings are perfectly flat, smooth, as if melted by a laser beam. Such activities are carried out by both SC І and VTs І.

4. Taking natural samples of microfauna (microorganisms), soil, as well as taking samples of rocks, minerals, plant representatives and certain species of animals from the natural environment is carried out in a quite usual way. Plant specimens are taken from selected sites or according to a specific profile adopted by researchers. The animals are captured.

The most important sampling operation is performed by the humanoids themselves, but more often they are replaced by robots and biorobots in the case when the activity is associated with a risk to life (dangerous conditions of existence, the danger of being attacked by wild and semi-intelligent creatures). Natural samples are sent to museums, galactic zoodendraries and biological laboratories, where they are studied.

Similar methods of obtaining material materials are used, as you might guess, by underdeveloped and medium-sized civilizations, which are close in terms of development to humanity (NTs I and STs I). Recognizing that the removal of samples from the natural environment is considered a rude and rather primitive way of knowing nature, since connections are broken and the object is torn out of the natural environment, nevertheless, a similar manner of research (when you definitely want to touch, check for strength, evaluate taste and smell) is used most underdeveloped civilizations.

5. The anatomical study of animals, as it has already become clear, is also practiced by underdeveloped and medium-sized civilizations, since they have not yet invented another way to look inside the organism of creatures. With the help of cutting, piercing and other tools, researchers penetrate the body, taking it apart. Often, SCs use beam cutting tools such as small laser compressors.

For bioenergy experiments, individual important organs from mammals (cattle) can also be removed, blood with lymph, certain hormones and substances from the glands can be pumped out. This method, according to the VC, is a barbaric and inhuman way of studying nature (vivisection at the level of gross matter).

6. Medical examinations of people have become widespread in recent years. In ufology, they are called "rotational abductions," that is, abduction with return. Often, aliens abduct people under deep hypnosis, paralyzing the will and desires, sometimes people are forcibly escorted to the laboratory-ships, where they conduct their experiments.

It is known that people are examined and illuminated with radiation devices in the nude, samples of blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid are taken for analysis, samples of skin, hair, sperm, hormones or an egg are taken. With the help of special devices, the luminosity of the human biofield is determined. In case of insufficient luminosity, the place of "darkening" is determined, that is, the diseased organ. Sometimes researchers take samples of the biofield (do a small pumping of energy) from the area of the eyes and eyelids.

Selective medical examinations are carried out by supervising civilizations to identify dangerous changes in the human body under the influence of environmental pollution. Such people are released every time in full health and are no longer touched if there was no longer a desire to continue contact.

Some civilizations are conducting biogenetic experiments on a limited program in order to develop a new genotype of a humanoid (a hybrid of a human with an alien), adapted to new environments.

Gray-skinned dwarfs ("grace") from the Zeta star system of the constellation Grid are engaged in similar genetic engineering. They are allowed to be present only in certain regions of the Earth. They select young women for their experiments, produce an extramaculate conception on them, and then remove the fetus at three months of age from the mother's womb. According to the description of the victims, this is an unpleasant and painful procedure, heavy memories of which emerge even after the post-exposure hypnotic memory blocking set by the aliens.

In addition, to make it easier to find the experimental people and to be able to continuously monitor them, special implants the size of a pea or grain on an organic basis are implanted into the body of each abductant so that there is no rejection by the body. They are implanted under the skin, usually on an arm or leg, and rarely in the brain through the sinuses using long needles. These unpleasant technologies were invented and implemented in humans by gray-skinned dwarfs from the Zeta Grid system.

None of the aliens is practically interested in pure human anatomy, since everything is already known. The death of people after the experiments has not been registered. But there have been cases of traumatic death of people due to energy radiation emanating from closely located luminous objects, but this refers, rather, to accidents than to intentional influences.

People died in such cases from radiation burns, heart failure, or subsequent cancer. And that's all - due to non-observance of safety rules and complete illiteracy of people in matters of contacts with UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.

Do all aliens have good intentions when visiting Earth? Most of them belong to Light and Neutral forces. However, there are civilizations of an egoistic nature that look at our planet with their own intentions in order to steal something, for example, they will not refuse to have the same body as a person for their biorobots. By highly developed civilizations, such attempts to abduct a person for the sake of the body are severely suppressed and punished.

7. Psychological tests and "pure experiments" are more sophisticated methods of studying a person, nevertheless, associated with a mild invasion of the psychosphere of the individual being studied. Psychological tests consist in the demonstration of the so-called "sparing poltergeist", when objects move telekinetically and remotely in the apartment, turn on the light, TV, plumbing, various sounds are heard as if from nowhere, various objects are thrown into the most unexpected places or simply hide.

In these situations, a person's mental response to abnormal phenomena is studied. Damage to things, mental trauma are not allowed. Along the way, the receptivity of energy flows and the possibility of energy-informational interactions with human consciousness can be studied. Such experiments are carried out remotely, less often - during the personal presence of representatives of VTS I or VTS II, who are in an invisible state (roughly speaking, in parallel spaces).

The so-called psychological experiments are usually organized by EC II (semi-energetic civilizations). The subject person is placed in a completely empty cabin of the apparatus. The ship takes off and makes some short-lived flights (up to 1 or 3 days). During isolation, the “fermentation” of the human mind in an unknown extreme environment, the logical train of thought, the motivation of actions, the ability of a person to enter the information field of the ship and telepathic abilities, the reaction to the presence of the mind of a different thinking and other energy are studied. The potential predisposition of a person to contacts is assessed.

Now let's turn to the second option for studying nature and consider more sophisticated methods of studying it by extraterrestrial intelligence, which occur without violating the integrity of the natural environment.

1. Visual observation is used quite often, although not always. This is a relatively simple method that does not require additional funds, but requires the personal presence of representatives of civilizations. Through windows or transparent permeable walls of the apparatus, researchers observe human activity.

However, here, in certain situations, one cannot do without backup. So, for example, when living humanoids may be in danger - aggressive people with their army, very dirty and contaminated environmental conditions - then biorobots are sent on the ships or, even simpler, remote observation is carried out via telemonitors installed on unmanned aerial vehicles.

Very often, in order not to frighten people, CCs are present nearby invisibly, being in parallel dimensions. Their presence can be recorded only by radars and some cinema and photographic equipment, radio devices. Animals also begin to behave unusual in their presence - they get scared, hide, etc. This method is practiced by civilizations of various levels of development.

2. Areal scanning is carried out by various types of scattered radiation emanating from the entire surface of the aircraft in different directions into the environment. The device itself hangs motionless in one place, smoothly floats above the ground. There is a "pulsation" of the luminous shell of the ship, a change in the color of the glow, light flashes, the intensity of the radiation changes, sometimes increasing, then attenuating. This method is mainly used by VC II (less often VC I).

Reflected scanning beams provide complete information about the movement of objects in the field of view, about the configuration of objects and their properties, about the terrain, and the composition of the soil. The scanning radiation is reflected and also partially absorbed by the medium, the reflected rays are received by the body of the device in the scanner operation mode. Further, the converted radiation enters the sensors and is then evaluated as a carrier of new information.

Scanning beams often excite a cool glow of fluorescent and luminescent nature from the surrounding objects - landscapes begin to exude a matte glow without shadows. Therefore, after removing the scanning radiation, a static pale white, dull bluish glow of the area or irradiated objects is often observed.

3. Beam local sounding is carried out by a narrowly focused probe beam of different thickness and length (diameter - 1-10 m, length - n × 100 m), usually moderately white (sometimes bluish), which is emitted from the aircraft. Compressors that deliver energy in the form of a thin beam are usually located on the bottom of the craft or in its side (bow and stern).

Many types of VC (VC I, VC II) and some SC І use such rays. The beam has clear boundaries and a sharply cut end, it is able to "extend" and "move" telescopically, that is, grow right before our eyes, bend, split into many rays. The beam has a pressing effect on a person and is able to press him to the ground.

A narrowly directed beam can be used as a probe to study individual objects of interest, measure the distance to the ground, determine the dimensions of objects, as well as the physicochemical properties of matter. Undoubtedly, information about the object of study to which the beam was directed passes along the beam.

Release of probe beams
Release of probe beams

Release of probe beams.

Sometimes a pulsating flow of energy flows along the beam channel is observed, which is obviously associated with the transmission or reception of information. In power mode (yellow glow), the beams are capable of performing the functions of an elevator-conveyor and other functions. In the ufological literature, such rays are described as "hard light" rays.

4. Fiber-guided telemetry is used quite rarely, mainly by representatives of SC I, less often CC I, which is associated with significant energy consumption and communication problems. Researchers collect the necessary information with the help of a remotely controlled light-guide stream, which is extended to the very object of study and ends like a screen.

The stream has a square, circular cross section and stretches for many millions and billions of kilometers in interplanetary space. The quality of the transmitted image is affected by numerous interference, stellar wind, the planet's magnetosphere, and so on. The movable light guide is often bent.

5. Point information study (point sensing) is a very perfect way to track and study objects. It is used by many VTS I, VTS II and even VTS III and is produced by means of contact information points or transcommunication probes. These clump points are usually invisible visually, are recorded only in the IR and UV ranges of radiation in the form of dark or light contrasting spherical, elliptical specks ranging in size from 1.0 to 20 centimeters, with light halos. Sometimes they were observed visually as yellow glowing balls the size of a walnut or a tennis ball.

The energy points are very mobile and remotely controlled, they are able to infinitely penetrate into any part of space and into any subject of research. They allow the Higher Mind to study the subject from the inside without opening it. As it turns out, the power points represent the most effective and optimal system for studying the surrounding world, chosen by the EC. During the passage of the point through the human body or during penetration into the brain, a person experiences tingling, burning, heat sensations, vibrations, sometimes cold, less often painful and other negative sensations.

The control distance of the power points is limited to several kilometers (sometimes hundreds), since an increase in the distance leads to a deterioration in the accuracy of manipulating the probe and a decrease in the quality of information transmission. Point study is very convenient for civilizations that prefer to keep the secret of their presence and do not want to manifest themselves in any way for the sake of maintaining general tranquility.

One of the types of spot information learning is the launch of mini-probes with remote control. Small probes are released from the main aircraft to perform specific tasks, they can also accompany the ship in the form of an escort. The shape of the probes is spherical, less often lenticular. The balls, as a rule, have a diameter not exceeding 1 meter (usually 0.2-0.6 meters), are controlled from the main ship at a distance of up to several hundred and thousands of kilometers and are capable of performing complex maneuvers (bend around the relief, mountains, penetrate hard-to-reach places).

The balls are visible energy clots of controlled matter of a compact form (energy probes), sometimes they are parts of the ship's hull and metal aggregates (sub-technogenic systems) that have an orange, reddish, white glow, less often a glow of a different color in working condition.

Ball probe manipulation
Ball probe manipulation

Ball probe manipulation.

These probes carry out scientific research, reconnaissance and control-tracking work. They are especially indispensable for a detailed (thorough) study of the landscape or any structures. In addition, they are used when the landing and display of humanoids is undesirable - in large cities with an excess of eyewitnesses. Reconnaissance probes are also used in especially unfavorable or dangerous conditions (near strategic weapons bases, storage facilities of toxic substances, in conditions of a military conflict).

In addition to exploration purposes, energy probes also perform other functions - they serve as compact transmitters of energy or information between civilizations. The advantage of this tracking method is that without the involvement of additional forces, the continuity of observation of especially important objects (nuclear power plants, nuclear missile bases, nuclear fuel storage) is ensured - the power probes constantly run and hang near objects. Many VTS I and VTS II use similar methods of work, this is not typical for SC I.

6. Astral travel is one of the most promising ways to explore the world around you, although it has its weak points. This method is practiced by many VTS I, STs I, VTS II and even VTS III. Underdeveloped civilizations rarely use it, as if spontaneously.

A rational being separates from its dense body an astral or mental shell (energy double), which is directed to the necessary area of outer space, to any planet. At the same time, there are no dense material barriers for the shell, in this it does not differ from the energy point, however, the shell has all the feelings and all the knowledge inherent in the human owner, since it is, as it were, a small part of it.

The impressions and sensations received, new information are absorbed by this double, and then transmitted through a connecting channel to the human brain and are immediately evaluated in accordance with thinking. Valuable information is deposited in the deep layers of the subconscious.

Astral travel has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are complete independence and high penetrating power, good adaptability, and the disadvantage is the likelihood of losing the shell when passing through dangerous zones in outer space.

These dangerous places include the so-called "black holes" (channels of energy exchange between the spaces of the universe), neutron (black) stars, quasars (superstars of the Universe), self-closing spirals of time, energy traps, anomalous violations of space and time. Despite this, astral travel is popular with developed communities. Usually, all distant and risky flights of astral counterparts are controlled from above to prevent gross violations and prevent the loss of the shell.

7. Microfocus transcendental "immersion" in matter - is recognized as a very refined and accessible way of knowing nature only for the VC. It consists in the following: first, the researcher enters a special state called "meditative trance", the body seems to be asleep, the consciousness is awake. Some people are able to achieve this state without taking a horizontal position and without relaxing their bodies, their eyes may be open.

Penetration of the ray of reason into the crystal lattice of matter
Penetration of the ray of reason into the crystal lattice of matter

Penetration of the ray of reason into the crystal lattice of matter.

Then the energy of the mind is involved - an energy double is sent, which is sent into the studied subject. Reducing in size to microns, it penetrates into the crystal lattice of matter, examines the structure from the inside with any resolution. A spiritual entity is able to study an object both at a distance, by lengthening the beam, and during personal immersion in the object. In the latter case, the possibilities of volumetric perception increase.

Traveling through the depths of matter, the mind transfers into itself all information - a summarized impression of an object, which includes admiration, measurement and comparison. At the same time, the mind studies matter intuitively, using its primary knowledge of proto-matter. In addition, being in a special transcendental state, the mind is able to fully consider the entire process continuously in space and time - enlightenment occurs.

This method of cognition is used by very highly developed civilizations of the extrasensory bias of development. Interestingly, in order to record the knowledge gained, they do not need to record information on paper, on metal disks or crystals, since the mind allocates a drop of its knowledge to a general information bank. This is the most perfect way of knowing, practically free of errors and all kinds of distortions, since the mind transmitting knowledge becomes absolutely free from stereotypes and terms, it does not use external consciousness, but is directly connected with intuition and owns higher spiritual energies.

8. Meditative levitation is also a very unusual way of research, which consists in shooting information about an object of interest through the information field of a given area. This method is usually used by VTS II and VTS III. A slow flight of dull white, pale yellow balls (energy capsules) is observed at a low altitude - from 100 meters to 1 kilometer.

A representative of civilization who is in a state of meditative trance can be inside the aircraft in a disembodied form (in the form of an energy cocoon). It tunes in to the external environment as a receiver - it catches all events, all changes and evaluates all types of radiation that have occurred and are occurring in a limited volume of space. The researcher's mind, as it were, covers the territory with a comprehensive look.

Levitation over the terrain
Levitation over the terrain

Levitation over the terrain.

It is enough for highly intelligent creatures once to levitate on the terrain, as everything becomes clear to them to the smallest detail. A three-dimensional view allows you to study any phenomenon in many ways: simultaneously and immediately, the process of continuous changes in other dimensions is assessed, the consequences of events can be assessed as an extrapolation into the future.

One of the types of this method is shooting information using special crystals installed on the territory of the investigated area. Crystals begin to glow and absorb the information of interest. Then the biorobots take these saturated crystals onto the ship and move them to the information center, where all information is removed from them.

In conclusion, I would like to note that we still do not possess those methods of cognition of nature that are used by the VC - the immersion of the consciousness of the mind in the subject of cognition and continuous consideration of the subject in space and time (energetic penetration and recognition of the root causes). For this it is necessary to develop oneself spiritually and energetically to a certain level, after which any egoistic aspirations disappear, and a person is truly responsible for his actions.

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov, "Extraterrestrial civilizations"