Social And Geopolitical Roots Of Education Reform In Russia - Alternative View

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Social And Geopolitical Roots Of Education Reform In Russia - Alternative View
Social And Geopolitical Roots Of Education Reform In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Social And Geopolitical Roots Of Education Reform In Russia - Alternative View

Video: Social And Geopolitical Roots Of Education Reform In Russia - Alternative View
Video: Tsarist Russia Social development to 1914 2024, September

The sphere of education in recent years has become a real battlefield between supporters of its reform and their opponents. Opponents - professionals, parents, the public; supporters - mainly officials and the "research structures" serving their interests - are pushing for "reform" despite widespread protests. I am writing the word "reform" in quotation marks, because reform is something creative. What is being done with education in the Russian Federation is destruction, deliberately or out of stupidity, incompetence and unprofessionalism, but destruction. Hence the quotes.

One of the lines of opposition to the "reform" of education was and is criticism of the law on education, other normative acts, the identification of their weaknesses, inconsistencies, etc. A lot has already been done here and with great benefit. At the same time, another approach is also possible: consideration of a complex of "reformatory" schemes and documents - the Unified State Exam, the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - FSES), the Bologna system (hereinafter - BS) as a whole as a kind of social phenomenon in a wider social and geopolitical (geocultural) context, as well as in terms of information and cultural (psychohistorical) security of the country, which in the modern world is the most important component of national security. The importance of the social context is clear: any reforms, especially in education, are always associated with the interests of certain groups, institutions, and have social goals."The geopolitical context of educational reform" - such a formulation at first glance may cause surprise. However, today, when geopolitical confrontations are acquiring more and more pronounced informational character, when political destabilization is achieved through network-centric wars, i.e. informational and cultural impact on the consciousness and subconsciousness of groups and individuals (we could observe how this is done during the so-called "twitter revolutions" in Tunisia and Egypt), and the result of this impact largely depends on the education level of the target (the higher the education level, the more difficult it is to manipulate a person), the state of education becomes the most important factor in the geopolitical struggle. No less important than, say, the level of social polarization measured by such indicators,as the Gini index and the decile coefficient. I mean that if, for example, the education system contributes to the growth of polarization (up to the state of "two nations", as it was in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century or in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century), then it works to exacerbate social tension, and therefore, reduces the level of not only internal (sociosystem), but also external (geopolitical) security of society.

Taking into account what has been said in this article, at first, so to speak "for the seed", the consequences of the "reform" of education, carried out under the "wise" leadership of Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko, will be briefly described; then we will talk about the social dimension and the possible social outcomes of declining educational attainment; then we will briefly “go over” the structures that prepared the reform - for some reason, this issue, as a rule, remains in the shadows. The next point is the question of how the "reform" of education can affect the position of the Russian Federation in the international division of labor and how it relates to the proclaimed course of modernization. I will say right away: it contradicts this course and, moreover, undermines it. It is not surprising that, firstly, the money for education reform in the Russian Federation was allocated by the World Bank, which decided for some reason and for some reason (indeed,why?) to do good to Russia. Secondly, in the Russian Federation, like vultures, representatives of "cunning" Western structures reached out to carrion, behind whose scientific and nongovernmental fine-looking status are hidden large and sharp teeth of predators and, paraphrasing the title of the book and the type of activity of Anthony Perkins "Economic Killer", information killers. For some reason, in order to penetrate into Russia, this public chose the sphere of "reformed" education, those educational institutions that "with a bang" accept the reform. As Pyotr Vasilyevich Palievsky noted in his time, Bulgakov's Woland is powerless against the healthy, he only clings to what has rotted from the inside. It is clear that for the success of the network-centric war, the transformation of education into a network “populated” by easily manipulated “network people” is a win-win move in the world power struggle.resources and information. Therefore, education today is much more than education, it is the future, the battle for which has already begun, and failure in which means erasure from History. So - in order.

Consequences under investigation

If we talk about the consequences of the "reform", then the first is a significant drop in the level of education and training of students in secondary and higher schools as a result of the introduction of the USE and BS. As a person who has been teaching at a higher school for almost 40 years, I can testify that the students of the degree are a demonstration of cultural and educational barbarization and informational poverty. If in the last 25-30 years the cultural and educational level of school graduates has been declining gradually, then several years of training not only sharply, but catastrophically accelerated this process. It is difficult to come up with a better means of prospective debilitation and cultural and psychological primitivization of the younger generation than the exam.

The decline in the level of intelligence and erudition as a result of the reform has two more aspects that are extremely destructive for the development of mental and educational potential. We are talking about the derationalization of thought and consciousness and about the deformation of historical memory.

The decrease in the number of teaching hours in such subjects as mathematics and physics, the actual expulsion from the school curriculum of astronomy - all this not only narrows and impoverishes the student's picture of the world, but directly leads to derationalization of consciousness. Belief in the irrational, the magical, the magic is widely spread today; astrology, mysticism, occultism and other obscurantist forms flourish in lush color, cinema (no need to go far - the saga of Harry Potter) advertises to us the possibilities of magic, miracles. In such conditions, the reduction of hours in the natural sciences works for the triumphant march of obscurantism, for astrology to take the place of astronomy in consciousness, disorienting people and facilitating manipulation: a person who believes in miracles can easily soar any propaganda that does not have rational argumentation. One gets the impressionthat all these manipulations with the school curriculum, among other things, should prepare people to accept a new type of power - magical, based on a claim to magic, a miracle, which in reality turns into something like dancing on stage in the naked form of the heroes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn . But this is a double-edged sword.

Promotional video:

Equally damaging is the fact that history courses are essentially either removed from the curricula of all faculties, except history, or are significantly compressed. The consequence is the loss of historical vision, historical memory. As a result, students cannot name the dates of the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, Gagarin's flight into space, the Battle of Borodino. This year I first encountered a student who had never heard of the Battle of Borodino; "Borodinsky" he associates only with bread. It is clear that the deterioration (to put it mildly) of historical memory, especially with regard to Russian history, does not contribute to the formation of patriotism and civic consciousness; dehistorization of consciousness turns into denationalization.

Where the Unified State Exam finishes its activity, BS picks up the baton. I have repeatedly spoken negatively about BS (see the Internet), so I will not repeat myself, I will note the main thing. The introduction of a four-year bachelor's degree instead of five years of normal education turns higher education into something very reminiscent of a vocational school, grounding it, and if this practice is very bad for institutions, then it is catastrophic for universities, the university is being destroyed as a social and civilizational phenomenon. In terms of the educational BS with its “modular-competence-based approach”, in fact, it destroys the department as the basic unit of the organization of a higher educational institution / university; “Competences” - poorly connected applied information complexes or “skills” - replace real knowledge. Objectively, the BS divides universities in general and universities in particular into a privileged minority with their own diplomas, programs and rules, and an unprivileged majority; At the same time, educational standards are falling in both "zones", but in the second - to a much greater extent. Privilege and prestige translate into higher tuition fees, which further increase social differences and the gap in education.

Second. Once we were passionately convinced that the introduction of the USE would reduce the level of corruption in the educational sphere. In reality - and only the lazy does not write about this today and does not speak - everything turned out exactly the opposite. The Unified State Exam created the conditions and became the impetus for a significant increase in corruption in the field of education, which, again, cannot but affect the level of preparation of schoolchildren and students, on the one hand, and the professionalism of teachers, on the other. Thus, by increasing corruption in the field of education, in general social terms, the USE led to an increase in the level of corruption in society as a whole. It is clear that those who have administrative positions and money will benefit from corruption in general and in education in particular; that is, "reform" here, too, increases social inequality and social polarization, and hence - social tension. Better remedy than the exam,it is difficult to find in order to spread corruption from high school to secondary, significantly expand and deepen the area of corruption. In this regard, it can be said that in addition to a terrible blow to the quality of education and morality of many employed in this area, the implementation of the Unified State Exam has become one of the directions of the attack of corrupt officials on society.

Third. The Unified State Exam and, to an even greater extent, BS have sharply increased the level of bureaucratization in the educational sphere. So, with the introduction of the BS in universities, a large number of "specialists" appeared in the implementation of BS, checking its implementation as an "innovative form of education", etc. And the teachers have a new, time-consuming concern: bringing the usual scientific and pedagogical activities in line with the formal requirements of the BS, a concern that is permanent and has practically no relation to the substantive side of the matter. The teacher must worry more and more about the formal side of the matter, spend time on it - there is no time for the content. It is clear that far from the best, not the most professional and creative teachers are ready to cling to the formal side and concentrate on it. Thus,BS is beneficial to outright dullness. Well, I am silent about the fact that the BS creates heavenly conditions for education officials.

By changing the ratio between the formal and substantive aspects of the educational process in favor of the first, the BS not only contributes to the deterioration of the quality of education, not only wipes out business professionals into the background, worsening their position in comparison with the scribes and eyewitnesses (which is worth the only call to change the courses taught annually, introducing new ones - after all, it is known that a new course requires 3-4 years of running in; it is clear that such calls are the fruit of a mind game, either professionally unsuitable or simply crooks), but also changes the ratio of teacher and official in higher education in favor of the latter. Here - "two balls in the pocket": in the professional sphere - a decrease in the level of education and the strengthening of the position of personifiers of low-quality, formal (formalized) education; in the social - strengthening the position of the official. In other words,The BS as a union of "gray" in the specific conditions of the Russian Federation is becoming another means of development (in this case, for the education sector) of the general trend of increasing the number of officials and their power over professionals, which leads to deprofessionalization of both officials themselves and professionals in a particular field of activity.

Fourth. All this taken together contributes to the further growth of incompetence and unprofessionalism as a social phenomenon. Thus, “reform” not only ruins education, that is, a separate sphere of society (however, this “separately taken sphere” affects all the others and determines the future of the country), but also lowers the general social level of professionalism, hindering the professionalization of society, which is a necessary condition for the proclaimed modernization. It turns out that, both in private and in general, the "reform" of education does not just impede modernization, but blocks it, depriving the future of modernization and society. Maintaining a course on the ongoing "reform" of education and, at the same time, calls for modernization is nothing more than a manifestation of cognitive dissonance.

Fifth. Here it is necessary to single out as a separate consequence what was mentioned above in passing - the strengthening of the social gap between different strata and groups as a result of "reforms". It would be more accurate to say this: the social gap acquires a powerful cultural and informational dimension, and since, as we are told, we have entered or are entering the information society, then this very dimension becomes decisive, main, system-forming or even class-forming. If information becomes a decisive factor in production, then access to it (possession of it, its distribution as a factor of production playing a system-forming role in the overall process of social production) becomes the main means and method of forming social groups, their place in the social “pyramid”. Access to this decisive factor, or rather the degree of access,provided by education, its quality and volume. The decline in the quality of education with a decrease in its volume (from the introduction of basic free and "additional" paid subjects in school and the reduction of hours for a number of subjects at school as redundant to the introduction of a bachelor's degree - an abortive form of higher education) turns the individual and entire groups into information poor, into easily manipulated, in short - to the bottom of the information society, practically depriving them of the prospects for improving their position, that is, pushing them out of social time. The decline in the quality of education with a decrease in its volume (from the introduction of basic free and "additional" paid subjects in school and the reduction of hours for a number of subjects at school as redundant to the introduction of a bachelor's degree - an abortive form of higher education) turns the individual and entire groups into information poor, into easily manipulated, in short - to the bottom of the information society, practically depriving them of the prospects for improving their position, that is, pushing them out of social time. The decline in the quality of education with a decrease in its volume (from the introduction of basic free and "additional" paid subjects in school and the reduction of hours for a number of subjects at school as redundant to the introduction of a bachelor's degree - an abortive form of higher education) turns the individual and entire groups into information poor, into easily manipulated, in short - to the bottom of the information society, practically depriving them of the prospects for improving their position, that is, pushing them out of social time.

We wanted the best, but how will it turn out?

In general, it must be said that the “production” of the lower strata of the “post-industrial” / “information” society started in the West in the 1970s, and developed in the 1980s simultaneously with the spread of the so-called “youth culture” (“rock, sex, drugs”), developed in special institutions commissioned by the top of the West, the movement of sexual minorities, the environmental movement (created with the money of the Rockefellers), the spread of fantasy (and the suppression of science fiction, which is very popular today in China), the weakening of the nation state, the offensive of the upper classes on the middle stratum and the top of the working class (Thatcherism and Reaganomics). That is, this is part of the package of neoliberal counter-revolution, which means nothing more than a global redistribution of factors of production and income in favor of the rich, that is, a reversal of the trend of the “glorious thirty” (J. Furastier) 1945-1975

Information is a factor of production, and simplification, a decline in culture (the "great friend" of Russia and especially the Russians Zbigniew Brzezinski calls this process "titration" and considers it as one of the types of psychohistorical weapons that allowed America to win its victories, including over the USSR / Russia) and, above all, education is nothing more than the alienation of these factors as the construction of a future society, the creation of its upper and lower classes, its “haves” and “havenots”. In recent years, we have seen this process in the Russian Federation, however, in Russian conditions, the creation of "information poor lower classes" is a dangerous thing: we do not have a well-fed Euro-America, we do not have such an outgrowth of social fat that can be eaten up for some time, like there, we have different traditions of social struggle, we have a different people, a different story.

But in our history there was once a conscious attempt to drastically lower educational standards, fool the population and thus make it more suggestible and obedient. I mean the activities in the field of education in the era of Alexander III (far from the worst Russian tsar, but go ahead, you bought into stupidity), first of all, the shift of the center of gravity in primary school to parish schools (derationalization of consciousness) and a circular from June 18, 1887 (the so-called "decree on the cook's children"). He was the Minister of Education Ivan Davydovich Delyanov, for his time a figure no less odious than A. A. Fursenko for ours, sharply limited access to education for representatives of the lower classes, i.e. low-income groups while maintaining access to education for those who, as one of the Gogol heroes said,"Cleaner-s" (analogous to the introduction in the Russian Federation of paid education in higher education and a plan for the introduction of paid disciplines in primary and secondary schools with a mandatory free minimum-minimum). This was done in order, I repeat, to turn the lower classes into an obedient manipulated herd and to avoid a European-style revolution. A European-style revolution was happily avoided. A Russian-style revolution, much more cruel and bloody, did not escape. Moreover, Delyanov's "reform" of education played a role in the approach of the revolution and in its bloody nature. A Russian-style revolution, much more cruel and bloody, did not escape. Moreover, Delyanov's "reform" of education played a role in the approach of the revolution and in its bloody nature. A Russian-style revolution, much more cruel and bloody, did not escape. Moreover, Delyanov's "reform" of education played a role in the approach of the revolution and in its bloody nature.

The bottom line is this: the "fool" in education, of course, makes people less developed, they do not know how to clearly formulate their interests and requirements, it is easier to fool them by hanging on their ears "noodles" of promises. But this is - for the time being, until the "roast cock" pecks, that is. until an awful social and economic situation arises, because you cannot ruin it with an educational "fool". But when it bites, the underdevelopment of the masses, their low education or simply lack of education begins to play a role opposite to that which the authors of the scheme "give the level of education below the plinth" count on. First, it is easier for people with little education to manipulate not only the ruling elite, but also the counter-elite, especially when it has financial support from abroad. This is exactly what happened in 1917,when international bankers and Russian revolutionaries threw the Russian masses onto the ruling stratum. Secondly, the less educated a person is, the less he is able to consciously be guided by national-patriotic ideals, and, consequently, to defend the homeland and the upper classes from an external enemy (for example, the behavior of a Russian peasant dressed in a military overcoat at the front in 1916-1917) … Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a defective moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair. Secondly, the less educated a person is, the less he is able to consciously be guided by national-patriotic ideals, and, consequently, to defend the homeland and the upper classes from an external enemy (for example, the behavior of a Russian peasant dressed in a military overcoat at the front in 1916-1917) … Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a flawed moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair. Secondly, the less educated a person is, the less he is able to consciously be guided by national-patriotic ideals, and, consequently, to defend the homeland and the upper classes from an external enemy (for example, the behavior of a Russian peasant dressed in a military overcoat at the front in 1916-1917) … Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a defective moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.the less he is able to consciously be guided by national-patriotic ideals, and, consequently, to defend the homeland and the upper classes from an external enemy (for example, the behavior of a Russian peasant dressed in a military overcoat at the front in 1916-1917). Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a defective moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.the less he is able to consciously be guided by national-patriotic ideals, and, consequently, to defend the homeland and the upper classes from an external enemy (for example, the behavior of a Russian peasant dressed in a military overcoat at the front in 1916-1917). Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a defective moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.wearing a military overcoat). Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a flawed moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.wearing a military overcoat). Thirdly, the less educated and cultured a person is, the more he is guided by instincts, often brutal (A. Blok: “wild passions are unleashed under the yoke of a flawed moon”), the more difficult it is to influence him with a word and the more likely that in “defective "conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.that in “flawed” conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.that in “flawed” conditions of a crisis or just a difficult situation, he will respond with a pitchfork to an attempt at rational argumentation of the authorities. And this is not to say that such an answer is historically completely unfair.

The pre-revolutionary leaders forgot (or perhaps did not know) the lines written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov back in 1830 (published in 1862):

It makes sense to learn these lines by heart to everyone who rules or is going to rule in Russia, which the Chinese do not accidentally call "ego" - "the state of surprises", "protraction and instant changes." Our crashes do happen instantly. So, in 1917, autocratic Russia fled, as Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov noted, in two days, at most three. And no one stood up (as in August 1991 for the USSR), in one word, "disappear, perish, birthday girl!" And the Wild Division from the mountains did not help. Nobody helped at all.

The bottom line is that the game of lowering education for social purposes, in particular, with the aim of enhancing the security of the upper classes and their manipulative capabilities, is short-sighted, dangerous and counterproductive. And the poorer the society and the worse the economic situation, the more dangerous and counterproductive - up to the socio-cultural suicidal nature of the cut-up tops, as happened in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, which in some respects, although not in all (primarily due to the Soviet legacy, and also due to a different world situation) relations are similar to the Russian Federation at the beginning of the XXI century, especially if you look at the gap between the rich and the poor. Is the rake a favorite artifact of our history?

I repeat: almost all of the above-mentioned consequences of the "reform" of education are already visible today, and over time, their harmful effect on education and society, on the country's future will only grow, most likely exponentially. The question arises: do those who push them understand the harmfulness of what they have done and are doing? If they do not understand, then these are complete idiots in the strict (Greek) sense of the word: in Greek, "idiot" is a person who lives without noticing the world around him. If they understand, then we need to call a spade a spade: we should talk about a conscious large-scale and long-term cultural, psychological, information sabotage, and in fact - a war against Russia, its people, first of all, the state-forming, Russians. And this is no longer idiocy, but guilt in a crime. Being civilized people,we choose the position of the presumption of innocence, i.e. in this context, we proceed from the version of "idiocy", i.e. people do not understand what they are doing, do not (pre) see the catastrophic consequences of their activities. True, if this is so, then why do they strive to implement their program in life on the sly, without discussion, secretly? What are they afraid of? The question of how the reform was prepared, how was the preparation going, for example, for the "implementation" of the law on education or the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard deserves special attention, since the answer to the question "how?" largely sheds light on the questions "why?", "for what purposes?" and - ultimately - to the main question: cuibono, i.e. in whose interests. So, what structures and under whose leadership were preparing the "reform"?do not (pre) see the catastrophic consequences of their activities. True, if this is so, then why do they strive to implement their program in life on the sly, without discussion, secretly? What are they afraid of? The question of how the reform was prepared, how was the preparation going, for example, for the "implementation" of the law on education or for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard deserves special attention, since the answer to the question "how?" largely sheds light on the questions "why?", "for what purposes?" and - ultimately - to the main question: cuibono, i.e. in whose interests. So, what structures and under whose leadership were preparing the "reform"?do not (pre) see the catastrophic consequences of their activities. True, if this is so, then why do they strive to implement their program in life on the sly, without discussion, secretly? What are they afraid of? The question of how the reform was prepared, how was the preparation going, for example, for the "implementation" of the law on education or for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard deserves special attention, since the answer to the question "how?" largely sheds light on the questions "why?", "for what purposes?" and - ultimately - to the main question: cuibono, i.e. in whose interests. So, what structures and under whose leadership were preparing the "reform"?for example, the "implementation" of the law on education or the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard deserves special attention, since the answer to the question "how?" largely sheds light on the questions "why?", "for what purposes?" and - ultimately - to the main question: cuibono, i.e. in whose interests. So, what structures and under whose leadership were preparing the "reform"?for example, the "implementation" of the law on education or the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard deserves special attention, since the answer to the question "how?" largely sheds light on the questions "why?", "for what purposes?" and - ultimately - to the main question: cuibono, i.e. in whose interests. So, what structures and under whose leadership were preparing the "reform"?

"Reform" of education - authors

Let's go back to the end of 2010 - the beginning of 2011, when there was a discussion about the Federal State Educational Standard and about the new federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation." Both documents were criticized: by lawyers - for inconsistency with the features of the codified act, for the lack of a state guarantee of the right to compulsory education; teachers and parents - for many, many essential flaws that ruin education. The FSES was praised only by the rector of the State University - Higher School of Economics, Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, who referred to the authority of Alexander Oganovich Chubaryan and Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov (speech on the Russia-24 TV channel).

Developed the Federal State Educational Standard, established in 2006, the Institute for Strategic Research in Education (ISIS) of the Russian Academy of Education (RAO); director of IISO - Mikhail Lazarevich Pustylnik, candidate of chemical sciences; scientific advisor - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education Alexander Mikhailovich Kondakov. This person, who, while working in the Ministry of Education and Science, led the life safety and civil defense unit, in 2006 was elected a corresponding member of RAO. One of the main tasks of the reform, Mr. Kondakov sees in integrating the Russian education system into the global one (for this, the Russian system must first be destroyed? - I ask); Mr. Kondakov is convinced that there is nothing wrong with a brain drain, and the Internet itself is a source of knowledge, which he openly talks about. But about thatthat the World Bank allocated a loan for the structural reform of the Russian Federation, he does not want to say. And he wants, of course, to defend the "reform", which he did at the State Duma meeting on February 9 in 2011 in tandem with Isak Davydovich Frumin. Mr. Frumin - Scientific Director of the Institute for the Development of Education of the State University - Higher School of Economics and concurrently coordinator of the International Programs of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); Apparently, the MBRD is very worried about Russian education, probably, its leadership “hurts the soul and aches for all of us.”) This institute was also involved in the development of the Federal State Educational Standard. The Director of the Institute is Irina Vsevolodovna Abankina, known for her works (for example, “The Culture of Desertion”), which assert the need to merge “costly” rural schools and libraries into “integrated social institutions” in large settlements. I call it simply: the elimination of culture and education in the countryside, and if we add medicine, then life in general.

It is also necessary to mention one more structure that is active in the field of reforming our education. This is the Federal Institute for the Development of Education (FIRO); the first general director - Evgeny Shlyomovich Gontmakher (now - the deputy director of the IMEMO RAS); deputy. director - Leibovich Alexander Naumovich, who often introduced himself as the general director of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; ex-chairman of the Liberal Club Evgeny Fedorovich Saburov was appointed the scientific director of FIRO.

The history of the creation of FIRO is interesting. It happened on June 29, 2005: according to Order No. 184, on the basis of five central research institutes (higher education, general education, development of vocational education, problems of development of secondary vocational education, national problems of education), one was created - FIRO. Those. buildings, equipment, and other material values were confiscated from five research institutes and transferred to a new research institute created by a wave of a magic wand.

Recently, FIRO was marked by the proposal of another innovation - the replacement of textbooks in the lower grades with electronic readers. The experiment will take place in several regions of the Russian Federation. Doctors are sounding the alarm: it is not known how all this will affect the health (eyes, nervous system) of children. Doctors talk about the need for preliminary, at least six months, research. But all this is not a decree for the "neutons" from FIRO; it looks like children's health is an abstraction for them; reality - the funds allocated for the experiment.

The list of institutions that prepared the reform can be continued, but the essence is already clear. In addition, the real direction in which the education reform is moving our society can be judged from an interview with A. A. Fursenko "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (2010), or rather even, in one phrase, surprisingly frank.

Why the Soviet education system is bad: A. A.

Fursenko and her hidden ciphers

The minister said: the main flaw of the Soviet school was that it sought to educate a person-creator, while the task of the Russian school is to prepare a qualified consumer who can use what others have created.

So, the upbringing of creativity, a person-creator is a vice. No one has yet thought of such a wording, and in this regard, Mr. Fursenko's phrase should be entered into the Guinness Book. This is one side. The other side is how you want to throw mud at the USSR, turn everything upside down, find flaws in everything, even in the creative nature of the education system. But in this context, this is not the most important and most important thing, but something else. Attention: the minister says, we will prepare consumers who are able to use the results of the activities (i.e. creativity, creation) of others. Since the school of the Russian Federation does not prepare creators-creators, it means that the objects of consumption for qualified consumers of the Russian Federation will be created outside the Russian Federation, abroad, so to speak, in the “kingdom of creative vice”. And this means that people in the Russian Federation will have what they throw from abroad,and it is unlikely that they will throw the best, rather - "on you, God, that we do not want." As it happens with the countries of the Third World, B whose fate Fursenko and the team of "reformers" of education, as it follows from the interview and from all "reform" activities in the field of education, are preparing for the Russian Federation. But after all, "for so" from the Overseas will not give anything, even something that is not particularly good, there even for the "cap" they will tear off four gold pieces. This means that we must offer something in return. And what to offer if we ourselves do not create anything, but live in conditions of total qualified consumerism? In this case, you can only give something that was either created in the Soviet era (a lot has already been given), or, in general, that which is not created by labor, but is a gift of nature - raw materials, minerals, forest, finally, space, territory that can be used differently:and as an ecological zone for the settlement of "rich buratins" with their "malvins", and as a garbage dump - a warehouse of nuclear waste, at worst and at the extreme, as a "geopolitical currency".

Thus, A. A. Fursenko, in his interview, formulated a program for such an education (I wanted to write: “creating such an education,” but my hand did not rise - for this purpose it is not necessary to create, it is enough to destroy what is - “to the ground” and without any “then”, then - silence), which forever secures the status of a raw material power and a reserve zone for Russia "for those who are cleaner," but developed technologies, which are the product of creativity, will be consumed from where they are created - from abroad, from the West, which is The approach to education of the Russian Federation, of course, is quite satisfactory, since it forever deletes Russia and Russians from the list of potential competitors. The consumer is not a competitor to the creator, consumers have no chance of catching up with the creator (all the more so, if “not catching up” is fixed by a certain education system),the consumer society has no future. Actually, the current "reform" of education, even if its "designers" set exceptionally lofty goals (admittedly, lofty goals do not fit well with the consumer mindset), objectively is a shot into our future, into our sovereignty, into our civilization, because sooner or later consumers, no matter how high their qualifications are to eat, sniff, digest, etc. they will lose it all, they will take it all away from them.they will lose it all, they will take it all away from them.they will lose it all, they will take it all away from them.

Stop! But what about the proclaimed modernization course? Great future? Something is wrong here. Or, in his interviews, Mr. Minister makes a voluntary admission that he is conducting sabotage and subversive work aimed at disrupting the modernization "plans of the party and government": modernization is a creative impulse and only creators can carry it out. Or, out of an excess of intelligence, Mr. Minister blurts out the real goals and plans for the conservation of raw materials in the Russian Federation, but then it turns out that all the talk about modernization, as Galich sang, “this, red-haired, everything to the public,” is a cover-up action for some basic operation. That is, either the first or the second. If someone points out a third possible interpretation of Mr. Fursenko's phrase, I would be very grateful, but a third is given?

Education, preserving the raw material ("consumer" in terms of developed technologies) status of the Russian Federation in the international division of labor, naturally suits the West - no one needs competitors, they did not destroy the USSR for that. Thus, the interest of certain groups and departments within the country to produce a new entity (similar to a neoplasm) is matched by the interest of the current owners of the world market, who in October 1995, through the mouth of President Clinton, uttered the famous phrase: “We will allow Russia to exist. But we will not let it be a great power. " Is there a new scheme that we know from the times of the Gorbachevism, from perestroika, a scheme that destroyed the USSR - namely, a block of interests of a part of the top of the world capitalist class and certain groups within the USSR? It seems that in today's Russia there are also groups,which the disintegration of the country would allow to hide the traces of financial and economic crimes - similarly, the ruins of the USSR hid the traces and evidence of “privatization before privatization”. Of course, certain groups in the West are well aware of this, the structures that realize their interests - both hierarchical and even more often networked - strive to find vulnerable, rotten and corrupt zones in the fabric of post-Soviet society. The media and the education sector enjoy special attention from them, and it is through these channels that they strive to penetrate our society.rotten and corrupt zones in the fabric of post-Soviet society. The media and the education sector enjoy special attention from them, and it is through these channels that they strive to penetrate our society.rotten and corrupt zones in the fabric of post-Soviet society. The media and the education sector enjoy special attention from them, and it is through these channels that they strive to penetrate our society.

The activities of these structures reflect well-defined interests, goals, the main one of which is to prevent the restoration of Russia's economic competitiveness, which took place (in the person of the USSR) even in the perestroika 1980s, which was so feared in the West (Thatcher openly admitted in 1991.) and because of which they mainly destroyed the USSR, saving the West, the USA from economic and, consequently, social disaster.

Churchill once said about the war with Germany: we are fighting not with Hitler, but with the spirit of Schiller - so that he will never be reborn. The "friends" of Russia could and can say the same - they are not fighting a specific regime, they are fighting the spirit of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin so that it does not revive. They act in a variety of ways and in different spheres: financial, economic, informational, cultural, extolling and supporting that which violates and destroys the traditions of national culture, openly mocks them (examples of recent years are the staged at the Bolshoi Theater "Eugene Onegin" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila "). In this context, we are still interested in the information and educational sphere, the threats of its use by certain structures. We will introduce the reader to one of them.

Vultures of the blogosphere

In 1997, the Berkman Center for the Internetand Society was established at Harvard University in the United States. Founders - Charles Nesson and Jonathan Citrein. Yohai Benkler, UrsGasser, William Fisher, Benjamin Edelman, Rebecca McKinnon, Ethan Zuckerman worked actively at the Center or under its auspices. The latter two deserve attention both as employees of the Berkman Center and as founders of Globalvoices (2006), an organization that performs very specific tasks and is associated with very specific structures. McKinnon, among other things, established the "Corps of Bloggers", was engaged in technical support of Tibetan and Chinese dissident sites (whose ears stick out here, needless to explain). Ethan Zuckerman is famous for himself,and as the husband of Rachel Barenblatt, associated with Globalvoices, a student of the Kabbalist Zalman Miner-Shalomi, a feminist, supporter of same-sex marriage (I wonder why she married Zuckerman?), who has the rank of rabbi in the Miner-Shalomi Renewal Movement.

It should be noted that the staff of the Center are also affiliated with other non-governmental organizations. The latter, through these connections, are transformed into a kind of megastructure with many tentacles, into a set of completely heterogeneous components, so heterogeneous that they recall from Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky:

The staff of the Berkman Center are engaged in socio-cultural problems of the Internet, social networks, the phenomenon of the blogosphere and the so-called "cognitive sciences". It is through the "reformed" education, education, from which "unnecessary knowledge" is removed, which contributes to derationalization, dehistorization and primitivization of consciousness.

In recent years, the Center has worked on two projects: “Civil law in the field of information” (support for those involved in online media, protection of freedom of speech on the Internet) and “Internet and Democracy”. The main object of research and practical actions of the latest project, implemented under the leadership of Bruce Etling, was the Middle East - the Arab countries and Iran. The project received a $ 1.5 million grant from the Middle East Initiative partnership.

In fact, we now know this partnership well: Iraq / Saddam Hussein, Libya / Gaddafi - then everywhere: "we are flying to you."

The project participants studied the impact of the Internet and especially the blogosphere on the society and state of a particular country. Etling and Co's “main direction of attack” is conservatism, which, according to the “designers”, should be drawn into the blogosphere and thus forced to play “by the rules of progress”; The blogosphere should replace the traditional systems of social connections and information transfer (family, state) with network systems and thus can transform any regime without revolution, especially if the blogosphere is developed quite widely and includes broad strata of young people, using the education system as a network. By the way, Etling and Co. explain the failure of the coup d'état, timed to coincide with the elections in Iran, by "insufficient development of the blogosphere."

The "quiet Americans" have failed. In Iran, they did not complete it, but in the Arab countries, in Tunisia and Egypt, they succeeded more, having mobilized (remember the strategy of involving conservatives in the blogosphere) bloggers oriented towards the Muslim Brotherhood. The Berkmanites are saying bluntly that bloggers and digital communities should become collective leaders of flash mobs and smart mobs. If we take into account that many events of recent years (in Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Israel, the United States) started as flash mobs, then it becomes clear that we are talking about organizing subversive activities by means of “fifth columns” created in the blogosphere, an attempt to suppress which Western media (more precisely not the media, but SMRAD - mass advertising, agitation and disinformation) are hysterically declared tyranny, etc. Here's what's interesting:from analyzing the Arabic and Farsi-language blogosphere, the Berkmanites smoothly and without undue noise moved to the study of the Russian-language blogosphere and intensified their penetration into Russia, and education was chosen as the sphere of penetration.

On May 13 and 17, 2010, according to the website of the St. Petersburg branch of the State University - Higher School of Economics (hereinafter referred to as SU-HSE), two meetings of representatives of this institution and the Berkman Center took place in this institution. One is in Moscow, the other is in the St. Petersburg branch. At the meetings of the "tower" and "berkmanishki" projects on the blogosphere ("Mapping the Russianblogosphere") and the media ("Mediacloud") were presented. In October 2010, the Institute for Peace at the Rand Corporation, which serves the US Army and Intelligence Service, hosted a presentation of Mapping the Russianblogosphere, a project discussed five months earlier in Moscow. As the unforgettable Tvardovsky would say about such speed, “you can work well, very well, old man”.

Someone will wonder why it was at SU-HSEpal that Berkman members were chosen in the development of their activities in the Russian Federation? One can only speculate. The Berkman Center presents itself as a fighter for human rights (on the Internet), acts from a liberal position. SU-HSE openly positions itself as a liberal university, from its representatives we hear that the humanitarian educational cycle should contribute to the development of a liberal worldview. But how our "liberals" cursed the communists for the ideology of education. Well, let’s forgive illnesses - they themselves came out of the communists, but not only for this reason I am putting the word “liberals” in quotation marks for the Russian Federation. The main thing is that post-Soviet "liberalism" is just an ideological cover for robbery, banditry and criminal fraud, by the way, including in higher education,moreover, in universities of very eminent and prestigious. But, apparently, it was "liberalism" that allowed the crook to evade responsibility, changing one university to another.

Let's return, however, to our guesses about the reasons for the choice of the Berkmanists. What can be apart from ideology and values? I do not know. However, the importance of these factors should not be overestimated at all, Immanuel Wallerstein is right: “values become very elastic when it comes to power and profit”. Much more important are the reasons for choosing not a specific university by the vultures of the blogosphere, but the sphere of penetration - education. The appearance in Moscow of Ettlingai Kº, farcically reminiscent of the appearance of Woland and his company, indicates, first, the direction of the “activity” of the information war mercenaries following Iran and the Arab countries; second, the locusstandi and fieldofemployment of this "activity".

It is clear that the more primitive education, the easier it is to turn it into a network and, as such, connect it to one of the global networks or to all of them at once (Twitter, Facebook, etc.). It is also clear for what purposes and with what result, because all these networks are controlled by the Americans and, in fact, are ready-made weapons of network-centric wars. Only a strong, state-patriotic (and not globally cosmopolitan) education can become a barrier or even a counter-weapon in network-centric wars, effectively suppressing the enclaves of "fifth columns" in education being created.

All of the above is especially important for Russia, since our country, as follows from the statements of Lyon Panetta, the head of the US Department of Defense (formerly director of the CIA), along with Iran, Belarus, China, India and Brazil, is on the target-nations list. those. “Target states”. Regarding these potential target states, among other things, "revolutions" are planned using the latest communication and information-psychological (psycho-historical) technologies, i.e. these countries are the object of possible network-centric wars, the main blows in which are delivered by networks, network structures precisely on the cognitive (in the broad sense of the word) sphere, i.e. on the consciousness and subconsciousness of the individual and groups.

For successful use, this area must be prepared, first of all - to simplify consciousness, primitivize, and, if possible, eliminate beliefs, erase historical memory as much as possible, relativize values, especially traditional, national-historical ones. Homoretis (networked person) - must have, as recorded in the instructions of the International Republican Institute (International Republican Institute) already in 1994, a worldview set out in just one phrase, a social position set out in three words that must act punchly, like hashtags, and pop out in the mind automatically when a certain audio or visual signal appears in the network, a certain phrase like “rob the loot”, “down with the dictatorship”, etc. In other words, we are dealing with a real zombie, and a network of structures,behind this could qualify as a totalitarian secto network. A de-rationalized consciousness freed from "superfluous knowledge", a dehistorized consciousness radically facilitates the solution of the problems of network-centric wars. To paraphrase "a chatterbox is a godsend for a spy," we can say: "Homoretis" is a godsend for "networkers" and their masters in the fight against target states. In this regard, we can say that education, cut off by design or by simplicity, which, as you know, is worse than theft, weakens the national security of Russia, and for one thing - psychohistorical and civilizational security.“Homoretis” is a godsend for “networkers” and their masters in the fight against target states. In this regard, we can say that education, cut off by design or by simplicity, which, as you know, is worse than theft, weakens the national security of Russia, and for one thing - psychohistorical and civilizational security.“Homoretis” is a godsend for “networkers” and their masters in the fight against target states. In this regard, we can say that education, cut off by design or by simplicity, which, as you know, is worse than theft, weakens the national security of Russia, and for one thing - psychohistorical and civilizational security.

Boomerang effect

Soviet education had to be reformed. But reforming does not mean destroying, reducing the educational opportunities of a significant part of the population and weakening the country's position in international competition. I would like to emphasize that the current "reform" of education is striking not only at the bottom, but also at the top, returning like a boomerang to those who launched it. The competitiveness of a country and, consequently, the security of the ruling stratum is determined, among other things, by the level of education of the population. A country with a low level of education, and therefore its top, the ruling stratum, are doomed. And although Brzezinski noticed that if your elite keeps money in our banks, then it is already our (ie Western or Western) elite, in reality not everything is as simple as it seems to Long Zbig. Not everyone, and even less so in their current capacity, will find a place in the West,much safer at home. Of course, if it is safe, if there is someone to effectively protect it and carry out effective competition on world markets, and for this you need to be able not only and not so much to consume as to create. It turns out that the destruction of education is not only a betrayal in relation to the future of the country, its people, but also in relation to those who rule this nation. I'm not even talking about such a factor of destabilization as social discontent, including discontent caused by the "reform" of education and its results. The social injustice of the current "reform" of education is obvious, it is built into this reform, is one of its engines. And in this regard, the "reform" works to increase discontent and social tension - all the more so that the government does not react, for example,to mass protests of the public and professionals against the USE, does not respond to public demands to remove the Minister of Education from his post.

How to avoid the boomerang effect? I think for a start in this regard, the "reformers" of education should repent. Tear the vest on your chest, bow and say something like “I'm sorry, Russian people. The demon beguiled. The overseas heads of the Basurmane have messed with us. They did not do it out of malice, from clouding and stupidity. " And - the sword does not cut the guilty head. And as a concrete proposal, which the deformers of education themselves should make in atonement for their sins, there should be the following: the broadest possible discussion of the law on education, first of all, by professionals, specialists, and not by "managers for everything", a discussion, which should be followed by a radical revision of the law about education in the interests of society as a whole, the country, our future. And this is only the first step towards correcting the course of defeating education.

Well, if not, if the started continues, it means that our "reformers" of education are moving along a dangerous road. And as the bard sang, "and at the end of that road there is a block with axes." And it's good if in a figurative, not literal sense. However, as Blessed Augustine used to say, there is no punishment without guilt. And may it be rewarded to those who persist in the untruth - according to the law, of course. Only by law.

Andrey Ilyich Fursov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Center for Russian Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences (Munich, Germany)
